Ksenia Sobchak spoke about the difficult relationship with Maxim Vitorgan


Rumors about the possible separation of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan have been walking on the network for several weeks now. Neither side commented on this matter until yesterday. But the tabloids of the largest publications were full of headlines "Fight Maxim Vitorgan and Konstantin Bogomolov", "Ksenia Sobchak was spotted in the company of Konstantin Bogomolov."

In the fall of 2018, Ksenia increasingly began to appear at social events with her longtime acquaintance, theater director, Konstantin Bogomolov. At first, none of the acquaintances of the former presidential candidate in our country, Sobchak, suspected a breakdown in relations between the couple Ksenia and Maxim. The girl has long been in strong friendly relations with the theater-goer. But after some time it was noticed that with Bogomolov she appears in public more often than with her legal spouse. Later, mutual friends confirmed that the couple had an affair. Recall that in 2018, Konstantin Bogomolov filed for official divorce from his star wife Darya Moroz. Reasons for divorce were not disclosed.

The next confirmation of the discord in the relationship between the Vitorgan-Sobchak couple was the fight of rivals for the heart of Ksenia. It happened at the back of one of the metropolitan institutions and fell into the lens of a CCTV camera. The video shows how an enraged spouse Sobchak weighs a few slaps on the opponent, after which the battered Bogomolov retreats. Later it became known that Xenia still arrived at the cafe, but not to calm the jealous feelings of her beloved husband, but to comfort his rival. She took it and took it to another restaurant. The next day, the director published a post on Instagram, where he talked about the injuries inflicted - a fracture of the nose and displacement of the bones of the skull. However, he limited himself to this and did not write a statement to the police.

Some online publications considered the production fight, which was played for the mercenary purposes of all the persons involved. This could affect the ratings of the talk show "Sobchak does not believe in tears" on the Muz-TV channel, as well as increase the popularity of her men.

Yesterday, the next issue of the Exclusive program was released with Dmitry Borisov on the first channel with Ksenia as an invited guest. She refused to comment on a possible divorce from Vitorgan, saying she was not ready to talk about it. Nevertheless, Sobchak admitted that their couple had a difficult period, but in any case, Maxim will forever remain the father of her son, whom she respects very much. Unfortunately, a more detailed answer from Ksenia was not achieved.

FEMALE OPINION: As the famous proverb says, "No smoke without fire." It is unlikely that rumors of adultery Xenia appeared out of the blue. In addition, she shared her thoughts on the topic of betrayal, which only confirms our guesses: “After all, how is it: if a man is cheating, then he is all such a dashing lover and macho. And if a woman, then it means we call her the last words” .


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