How to curb your appetite? Are there any effective remedies?


Excessive appetite, as a rule, is one of the most insurmountable obstacles in the process of losing weight. That is why losing weight turns into a real torture, when every new attack of hunger adversely affects the mental state and self-esteem, gradually undermining the determination to go to the end. In order to control such sensations, it is necessary to properly draw up a diet and adhere to an accurate meal schedule.

The daily menu should include products that can boost metabolism, as well as ensure an even supply of energy to the body and protect against hunger attacks. In some cases, it makes sense to use special pills that reduce appetite. So what is it? Why does it arise? How to effectively control it?

It is worth knowing that appetite, first of all, refers to psychological needs.

It can be triggered by a wide variety of sensory, cognitive, social and emotional stimuli. For example, in most large stores it always smells good. And why? Because such an atmosphere stimulates impulsive purchases and additional expenses.

Appetite makes it difficult to think logically and soberly assess the causes and consequences of their actions.

Do not confuse it with a feeling of hunger, which, in its essence, is a physiological reaction. In other words, the desire to purchase and eat cheesecakes or chocolate does not indicate that a person is hungry or his body needs certain foods.

Excessive appetite - this is exactly the condition that just manifests itself in the unbridled desire to absorb a significantly larger amount of various foods than the body needs and constantly snack. There are several reasons for this.

Scientists believe that the most dangerous is the dependence on the use of various sweets and confectionery products containing excessive amounts of simple sugars.

Such products are unable to satisfy hunger for a long time, and only provoke sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Another reason for too much appetite and sudden attacks of hunger can be a violation of diet. Excessively long intervals between meals or refusal, for example, from breakfast, provoke the need for overeating at lunch or dinner.

In addition, certain ailments and conditions, such as thyroid problems, depression, or diabetes mellitus, can affect the appetite.

How to reduce appetite?

To curb your appetite, you need to include in your daily diet foods that can restrain it. First of all, this eggscontaining not only valuable protein and choline, but also rich in phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, E B12. Protein in this case helps to achieve a feeling of satiety and for a long time to protect yourself from attacks of hunger.

A sufficient amount of it in the diet helps prevent the use of unhealthy snacks throughout the day and makes it possible to hold out until noon without unnecessary snacking. Tryptophan-rich cottage cheese is also recommended. It is this amino acid that is necessary in the synthesis of serotonin, which has a relaxing and calming effect on the body.

In turn, whole grain bread and pasta, oatmeal and brown rice contain a considerable amount of complex carbohydrates, which are slowly digested and are able to relieve hunger attacks for a long time.

Complex carbohydrates, like protein, are rich in energy. In addition, whole grain foods have a lot of water-soluble fiber that can fill the stomach and provide a feeling of fullness. The same can be said about the pectins contained in some vegetables and fruits - especially apples.

Walnuts and almonds not only help to fight hunger attacks, but also contribute to the diet in the form of valuable fats and amino acids.

But fresh ginger, in turn, will have a warming effect, reduce appetite and normalize the digestion process. In addition to all this, nutritionists recommend regularly drinking the necessary amount of water, which not only fills the stomach, but also restores the digestive system. Quite often, it turns out that people mistake thirst for hunger and, instead of providing their body with a new portion of liquid, they are frantically looking for some kind of snack.

Drug support and dietary supplements

Appetite tablets are best used only after consulting a specialist. Like any pharmaceuticals, they have a number of restrictions on the use and contraindications.

Typically, such products contain extracts obtained from some exotic plants and chromium. This substance, in turn, is able to normalize lipid metabolism in the body and beneficially affect the carbohydrate balance, as a result of which there is a noticeable decrease in appetite and craving for sweet foods. That is why drugs containing chromium are very often recommended during weight loss and problems with excessive appetite.


Watch the video: How to Stop Food Cravings Quickly (July 2024).