Medical signs: what and why


Signs are in every profession. But most of them are those whose work is associated with minute risk, constant stress, regular stress. It is human nature to observe and analyze, to compare, while the psyche undergoing shaking requires rest. In this symbiosis, signs are born. Some of them are comic and cause only a smile, while others make you nervous, expect the worst to happen.

Let's talk about the signs that are common to all medical workers: we will analyze the most famous, try to find out the reason for their appearance, shed light on the meaning hidden in them.

The presented beliefs are widely distributed among all representatives of the medical caste and are the most logical in terms of origin and explanation.

Do not treat relatives

Applies to all dear people. It prohibits the treatment of serious diseases. It is believed that no matter how hard the doctor tries, such treatment will not bring the desired result. This is due to the natural fear for the life of a loved one, when the cost of error is too high. A mistake is very easy.

Put together the feelings of the doctor (doctors are at least cold and logical creatures, nevertheless, nothing human is alien to them), who knows about the illness of a dear person, fear of doing something wrong, throwing in choosing the best treatment method, weighing all the pros and cons of prescribing or other drug. In such a situation, it’s difficult to keep a cold mind. Therefore, the probability of harm is much greater than with the treatment of an external patient - it does not work to maintain a professional internal balance.

Ungrateful business - treat a physician

No, not in the financial aspect (although the salaries of health workers are far from the highest, here I guarantee), but in terms of the likelihood of recovery.

Many doctors, due to regular professional workloads, do not pay enough attention to their health - once or, knowing the clinical manifestations of the disease, try to recover on their own.

Often when diagnosing oneself, diagnostic errors occur due to under-examination or, in advanced cases, the understanding that treatment will not bring proper results.

Do not forget about the presence of bad habits - the brain requires discharge, which often results in smoking or drinking alcohol, extreme hobbies.

It is always difficult to treat a physician psychologically. Indeed, in his place, most likely, will be the doctor himself.

Therefore, paramedics get to colleagues in a difficult condition. Here the expression is brightly applicable: "Shining to others, I burn myself."

Teachers and teachers are problem patients by default

Affects the representatives of this profession to stress and nervous overload. As you know, all diseases due to nerves (joke). This results in excessive health care, or vice versa - a frivolous attitude towards it.

As practice shows, people in this profession are less resistant to pain and other manifestations of diseases, so their treatment is time-consuming, lengthy.

They also tend to seek help for trifling diseases, and require "the most" effective therapy.

The change began with a severe patient - wait for the flow of patients

Probably due to the psychological attitude to a large amount of work. Thus, the doctor prepares in advance for a difficult shift. The probability of signs is doubtful. Proven in practice.

Work on Friday night or weekend - get ready for a hard shift

Everything is simple here: these days people rest far from culturally - they drink, overeat, fight. And after a good rest, people urgently (often not unreasonably) need medical attention.

Especially late at night or in the early morning hours, when the doctor, as luck would have it, sleeps.

Do not change duty

Doctors do this in exceptional cases. It is believed that the doctor who replaced the doctor will get a difficult, restless shift. Probably, the reason lies in remorse before a colleague. He could have many plans for this day, and at once you crossed them all out. Guilt wakes up.

Doctors always try to help each other and are unlikely to refuse help to a friend. After all, sooner or later you will need to exchange duty. Checked - omen works in 30-40% of cases.

Do not try to brighten up leisure with something pleasant

Game, book, movie, etc. not the best companions on duty. It is believed that in this case the shift will be full of work. The belief is especially applicable for young doctors.

Most likely it will not be accepted, but a veiled admonition from senior colleagues.

It is better to spend free time reading medical literature or improving your skills than spending it on entertainment.

Doctors with extensive knowledge and experience may not be afraid to while away their favorite hobby, but faith in superstition rarely disappears with age.

Fear of gratitude

Medical workers do not like phrases such as: "You saved my life," "You pulled me out of the next world," etc. This is due to the experience of memories of the treatment of such a patient. After all, he was most likely heavy, required serious efforts, cost many nerves. Doctors, despite all the unpleasant words addressed to them, worry about the patients. Especially young, they can be disappointed in medicine after a patient’s loss or worse in themselves.

It happens that there is shame behind sonorous thanks for the fact that the patient turned to the doctor. This especially affects people who are trying to solve everything on their own, ashamed to ask for help from the outside. These patients, although they are filled with verbal thanks and assurances, may not have the warmest feelings for the health care provider.

Not all diseases and pathologies can be completely cured; they are prone to reappearance, transition to a chronic course, followed by exacerbation. And medicine, at times, can only eliminate symptoms, but not the disease itself.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that it is required to find the culprit. Often, the doctor becomes this "guilty".

All dogs begin to hang on him, write complaints or worse.

Taught by the doctor’s bitter experience, they are distrustful of big words. Better to just say, "Thank you."

There will be much more medical signs - each direction has its own. We have acquainted you only with a small part of a huge supply of superstitions.


Watch the video: Stroke Signs, Symptoms Treatment. Dr. Reza Jahan - UCLA Health (July 2024).