Karma of early deaths in the family


Death is a transition, a transition to another world, to another life. Each nation has its own understanding of death, has its own traditions of veneration. Early deaths in the family are a heavy burden for the whole family. Are they karmic? Let's figure it out.

Karma of early deaths in the family - how to recognize it?

Scientists studying the issue of death often face the phenomenon of repeated deaths in the family. These are the deaths in which relatives die at the same age, of the same gender. For example, boys from the age of one to seven may die in a family, or men, if such phenomena are traced in each new generation, then we can talk about karmic dependence.

Karma of the genus is a rather complex phenomenon, it has been debated for many decades and yet, it’s worthwhile to figure it out.

If you use the data and scientific studies of eastern countries, it can be established that the kind of karma arises after some negative event in the family, the negative act of one of the members of the family, which leads to a series of troubles that fall on the shoulders of the blood relatives of the person who committed the offense.

According to ancient Eastern beliefs, the karma of a kind can only be redeemed, it cannot be got rid of it.

It is believed that early deaths in the family are a kind of curse of the family, because older relatives survive the young ones. Moreover, all living blood relatives are considered to be representatives of the genus, without exception.

So, if children die one after another in a family - this is a misconduct committed by one of the relatives, for example, abortion, murder, suicide. As a result of this misconduct, the balance of energy in the family is violated, it is believed that the family owed, did not pay for its sins. That is why small children can die.

If we take the scale of the family, rather than the kind, then everything is much more complicated, because each family is a mixture of the energies of several tens of genera and it is very difficult to determine which of them is causing trouble. But, before trying to change the situation, it is necessary to precisely determine what exactly the karma of early deaths in the family came into force. How to define it? What is characteristic of her?

  • Accidental deaths of children;
  • The same frequency of deaths;
  • A similar scenario for family deaths;
  • Prophetic dreams that relatives dream of before death.

Family accidents are a separate topic for discussion, but it is worth noting that if they are repeated and children and adolescents die as a result, it is about karmic practice.

If the deaths of children and adolescents in the family occur with the same frequency (once a year, two years, etc.), then we are also talking about karmic practice.

If all deaths have the same cause (oncology, murder, suicide), then this family karma will be very difficult to change. What is worth paying special attention to? The prophetic dreams that may accompany such deaths. Often, one of the family members, or several at the same frequency, may have warning dreams. In them, the main characters may be those who soon face death. Often such dreams are perceived simply as a bad omen and do not pay much attention to them.

They are remembered only when grief has already happened. But, if you pay attention to them and their details in advance - it is quite possible that a sad outcome can be avoided. What are you talking about? About deaths from accidents and suicides.

Suicide karma is considered the most difficult and difficult for the family. Usually, if one suicide has occurred in a family, then several more may happen.

What to do in this situation? How to avoid, anticipate the karma of early deaths in the family?

Karma of early deaths in the family - how to avoid?

To stop the series of early deaths in the family, many senior representatives of the genus are trying to figure out the causes of this dependence. Even if they identify the culprit of all problems, this will not guarantee that the karmic knot will untie.

It is important to comprehensively approach the issue, because several families are connected in a family, and each of them may have unworked karmic debts. So, if there were frequent cases of abortions in the family and now dead children are born, or babies die - it is worth working out this issue.

The best way is the repentance of women who have had abortions, and all women of the genus. So, in the Christian tradition, it is customary to order prayers for the repose of such children, and for the health of those who were just born in the family. Members of the family who have committed karmic misconduct must take all the blame for them, so as not to continue karmic practice, so that death will stop.

But this is not always possible and not always enough. Sometimes there are situations when mothers begin to hide their children, even try to isolate them from the outside world so that they do not die at an early age, but still the children die. A serious illness eats them, or they commit suicide, an accident occurs.

It is believed that early karmic deaths can be stopped if you start taking care of other people's children, giving love and affection to those who need it.

Now many people are engaged in charity work, many are adopting children, trying to help those who need them. And there is some opportunity to work out the karma of the family. At the same time, it does not matter which of the family members will be engaged in a good deed, who will be engaged in charity. Troubles can leave all family members.

But, if misconduct will continue to continue, then the problems of the clan and family, their karmic practices can be aggravated.

So, for example, early deaths may not be sudden, but long-term, as a result of complex diseases. Or, not only young family members, but their older relatives will die, the so-called string of deaths will begin. And here it will be very difficult to change the situation, here it will be necessary to resort to more drastic measures, to make a lot more effort.


Watch the video: Law of Karma. Past Life. Destiny. Why Bad Things Happen To Good People. Part 5 (July 2024).