Feng Shui Health Area Design


The Feng Shui doctrine, the interest in which has not subsided for almost a thousand years, allows you to take decisively care about all areas of life, including one of the main components of the intangible concept of happiness - health. And in accordance with Feng Shui, you should start with your own home, about the creation and activation of the Health zone in which we will talk.

 Most Feng Shui practitioners call the optimal location of the Health sector (zone) in the eastern side of the dwelling, in extreme cases, with a slight bias to the southeast or northeast. However, there is also a theory that the sector is in the center of the house - as in the place where the flows of positive Chi energy converge.

Be that as it may - for the correct definition of it and other sectors, it is recommended to use the Bagua grid (octagon), which is correlated with the plan of the apartment.

And it is important to note that the design of any Feng Shui sector does not involve any complex work. The house will certainly be comfortable and cozy, stylishly decorated. The rules of Feng Shui are numerous and amazingly flexible regarding the creation of interior design. Of course, there are very desirable recommendations, for example, about the color palette and materials for each sector. But in principle, whether to be guided by them, or to choose just a couple of elements from Feng Shui is a matter of personal taste and a desire to more or less intensively change your life with this teaching.

It is also worth noting that it is not necessary to assign the entire premises to the sector, it can only be in its part, literally a few square meters - this is quite enough for the beneficial effect.

The main element of the sector is Earth. Destructive - Metal. Opinions were divided again at the expense of other elements. In particular, Fire is often called unfavorable, and the Tree - only if the Health zone is adjacent to any sector in which the Tree is dysfunctional. Water is negative for the Health zone when it is shifted to the south side of the home. The number of sectors is five.

But with the windows in it everything is clear:

  • favorable view of open space, park, pond / river / sea, children's playground;
  • it is not good if the corners of the nearest houses, garbage containers, a factory, a hospital or medical clinic, a cemetery are visible outside the window.

To neutralize negative energy, you can:

  • hang a mirror above the window (but it should not be opposite the door to the room);
  • choose checkered curtains;
  • use not curtains, but blinds;
  • decorate the windowsill with potted plants.

Energy (positive) in the Health sector should circulate freely, so the situation in it should not be too close, and it should be possible to approach furniture items such as chairs, armchairs, a sofa, a bed, a table from any direction.

The color palette of the sector consists of shades of blue, blue and green (including mint, sea, olive and grayish-azure), sand and terracotta shades, all tones of natural wood, yellow and black. Caution requires orange and red; pink and white are undesirable. Purple can be used to indicate the boundaries of a sector with other Feng Shui zones.

Solid colors are preferable to drawings, but among the latter it is better to choose the plant world, images of objects, but animal prints should be abandoned.

Materials are desirable natural - linen, cotton, silk, wool, as well as wood, stone. Glass surfaces are very good - energetically they are associated with the water surface. If a crystal chandelier becomes the main lamp, then its pendants will attract energy, clean it and scatter around.

 The best embodiment of Water will, of course, be an aquarium (and this topic is so difficult that it’s better to study special material about arranging it in Feng Shui).

You can put an elegant fountain. Hang a picture with a seascape.

The paintings, by the way, should be in wooden frames, it is possible with artificial gilding.

To activate the sector, potted plants are also suitable - from popular flowers to luxurious interior decoration - decorative bonsai tree. Bamboo is also suitable - a symbol of longevity and durability. About whether cut flowers are acceptable - opinions differ and most likely, this is undesirable (and it is absolutely impossible to keep dried flowers here).

Symbols of the Health sector also include:

  • cranes and herons - storages of vital energy;
  • lotuses - do not allow stresses to affect physical health. And flowers from crystals are especially valuable in this regard;
  • deer - the more branched, luxurious his horns, the higher the chances of conceiving a baby and a successful pregnancy;
  • turtle - preferably large and only one per zone (this symbol does not tolerate "competition");
  • hare - strengthens the immune system;
  • peaches - for rejuvenation.

It is believed that these symbols are more powerful if they are present in the form of gizmos, for example, decorative figurines, than in the form of images in paintings.

According to Feng Shui, in the Health sector it is highly undesirable:

  1. Metal products. And if small details are still acceptable, then large structures, for example, a solid high-tech table should not be set.
  2. Open shelves and shelves above human growth.
  3. Ceiling beams (and this can be found, for example, in the style of the interior of the Country).
  4. Fireplaces, decorative candles and lamps imitating candlesticks, lanterns, fire.

Finally, it is important to note that orderly issues are particularly relevant for the Health sector. It is unacceptable to store unnecessary things here, make a mess, store broken and old items (but this does not apply to antiques).

It should always be clean (according to Feng Shui, by the way, dust accumulating in the corners of rooms is considered especially dangerous). A room with this sector must be regularly ventilated - this contributes to the renewal and circulation of positive energies.

You can’t allow bad smells here, so sachets with ground coffee, citrus skins, lavender can be very useful.

For wet cleaning, a little rose oil can be added to clean water.


Watch the video: 2019 Feng Shui Tips and Cures (July 2024).