The path to a man’s heart depends on his zodiac sign


Throughout the thousand-year history of mankind, men believed that women were subject to some kind of magic, with the help of which they so enchant ... Without arguing that women really have a mystery, it’s worth to clarify that clever treatment of the opposite sex is often based on them knowledge ... in astrology.

After all, stars can more clearly than the crystal ball and Tarot describe the essence of each zodiac sign. Possessing such treasures, quite naturally, it will be possible to win the heart of anyone.



He wants to see next to an attractive woman, well-groomed and stylish. But also Aries understands - the chosen one is not a work of art or a toy. In order for everything to be serious, it must be kind, with broad views and an interest in creativity ... Let it be to the heart of Aries to live their own life in which love is a natural part, but not the whole point. You can not claim his freedom and views. And it is important to mention his weakness - he is a fan of home cooking. With great-grandmother’s recipe, he will agree to a lot of tea and cake ...


He is called one of the most sedate and domestic signs of the Zodiac, but in love Taurus is a complete surprise. He needs a passion that discharges everyday life with a sweet thunderstorm. He likes to tease and catch elusive prey. He will be pleased to fulfill the whims of the chosen one and surpass the rivals. But if a difficult time in life happens, the games should be canceled and Taurus should be given warm support and sympathy. It’s also the most smell-sensitive sign - so knowing your favorite scents, you can really captivate it with the help of perfumes.



In relations, this man is the leader and commander. Accepting this is not easy ... But in order to be with him, a woman must learn to manipulate the chosen one through advice and compromises, rather than demands and equality from A to Z. At the same time, Gemini manifests himself as a sensitive, caring partner. And he loses his head if he can be useful in some way ... So something can very well “break down at home” or require his wise consultation.



This sign blossoms and at the same time weakens in relationships. For the beloved, he will turn mountains - only let a strong woman lead him. Indeed, in a pair there will always be areas in which one is more knowledgeable, and the second, for the common good, is for the leader ... Cancer from those who are in their place - and at supersonic speed, into a common happy future! His heart will open like a gate in Eldorado if soon the woman boldly starts talking about how they would set the table together for the New Year and how to name the first-born.


a lion

He is capable of love. But she is hidden in the depths of his soul like an uncut diamond. Patience and patience again - these are the main qualities of his companion. It is important for Leo that she was more beautiful than anyone in the world, he will be proud of her and protect ... like a porcelain figurine. You can’t rush him with declarations of love. A woman should simply be near, follow his mood and the turns of life, like a satellite beyond the planet. And one day (not too late) Leo voluntarily give her his freedom and destiny.



The main enemy of this man is boredom. It is clear that without cliches in a relationship there is no way — a candy-bouquet period, adaptation, when they began to live together, mini-crises ... The main thing is to find the little things that will decorate days and relationships, will not allow them to remain predictable. For example, you can suddenly declare a week of vegetarian cuisine at home, or record it and yourself for skydiving, or suddenly dye yourself in a pink blond and talk to Virgo in Latin for one day ... In short, the “crazier” the surprise, the brighter and more juicy the moneybox will replenish impressions of the chosen one, the better.



He is looking for a "safe haven" and is sure that happiness is in the traditional distribution of roles. A woman who is set up for a career and all kinds of privacy - he will leave her, even if he is terribly bitter ... But the one who is determined to keep the hearth will be able to command them. And it is important to note - Libra respects the chosen one as a person. It’s just important for him to shift life on her shoulders and to know that he has the best house in the world. So in the tools to conquer his heart, you can record the ability to cook deliciously and the desire for a home lifestyle. And this sign is often not foreign to literature. Perhaps a book club for two will be formed ... Or the woman will become a loyal critic and editor of his work.



Immersed in cares (personal enrichment, search for a philosopher's stone, saving the mountains of the moon), this sign needs a faithful assistant and personal psychologist. Love in its nature is based on something more than hormones or the mystical dictates of the heart. Therefore, a woman should begin to live his life in detail, praise his affairs and ideas, support that he can do everything ... A little personal attention and Scorpio begins to be interested in love. And now he himself believes that it is time to pour compliments, gifts and passionate confessions.



He lives the need to be a knight - to carry on hands, admire, take care ... This is a volcanic jealous, so be sure to take into account - this sign is quick to break without reconciliation. His chosen one should be gentle and romantic, weak (in anything) and in need of protection (at least in his eyes). And Sagittarius does not mind if with the whole world it is a tough, cool and independent lady. To conquer his heart with him, she must turn into a quivering antelope.



He sincerely believes that somewhere in the world there is a person who suits him impeccably, but not too much to believe in a meeting on statistics ... Therefore, it is possible that at first Capricorn will shy away from a serious relationship. Patience and time is what he needs. But events can be accelerated by persistent care for him, even if it seems funny-silly ... You can at least give him a warm sweater in the fall. Or you can - say that his fears are known and this is natural ... But if it doesn’t work out, we will part as friends. Such honesty and willingness to act seriously and responsibly will amaze him to the very heart.



The representative of this sign considers love one of the wonders of the world and therefore - does not accept in it not the shadow of falsehood. He wants to know what the chosen one is without makeup and in the cares of everyday life, and not in the variegation of air-marshmallow dates. It is important for him to know an honest look, even if it contradicts his own. He believes that civilized people can agree on everything and therefore ... He needs to admit his feelings without tricks. Aquarius will never laugh caustically and find the strength to honestly answer - does he believe that a future is possible in these relations.



In fact, he wants to love and be loved - but he is afraid to admit it to himself. His conquest takes place slowly and carefully, like catching a certain magical griffin ... Vigilance of Pisces is euthanized by long conversations, moreover, the man is either a listener or a storyteller. The path to his heart lies in a colorful description of the happiness, advantages and benefits that a couple will gain. He needs to repeat a thousand times that he is not just the best according to objective criteria - after all, there is always a risk that there will be a superior competitor ... But it is important to emphasize that he is the one whom she chose in her heart, who is destined by Fate.


Watch the video: Indian Palmistry Symbols: The Star sign and Cross signs of Excess Energy (July 2024).