Health risk: previously identified risks of pubic hair removal


Pubic hair removal is a common procedure for many young women. Researchers found that every year people get injured as a result of shaving pubic hair. Some of these injuries are so serious that patients require hospitalization due to infectious complications.

How common are pubic hair removal complications?

In addition to the increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, there is also a risk of serious injury. More recently, American scientists have discovered that thousands of people each year suffer from pubic hair removal. Some of the complications are so serious that people need to be treated in clinics.

Researchers at the University of California have found that more and more people suffer from the effects of shaving or pubic hair growth. Doctors published the results of their study in the JAMA Dermatology journal.

For the study, a survey of 7570 volunteers was conducted for pubic hair removal. Participants were between 18 and 65 years old. Scientists have found that removing all pubic hair is most likely to cause injury.

During the survey, participants were asked about pubic hair habits and related injuries. The results were then analyzed to determine the extent and nature of the problem. The analysis helped identify facts that increase the risk of injury.

Why are more and more people removing pubic hair?

In recent years, pubic hair removal has become more common. This may be due to the misconception that this type of care is more hygienic.

Some experts associate pubic hair removal due to the influence of pornography, where shaved genitals are the norm.

Researchers found that 85.3% of women remove or trim pubic hair. Of these, 1430 (25.6%) received injuries while caring for the pubic region. Injuries more often affected women (27.1%).

In men, however, the value was only 23%. However, most injuries were very minor, and only 1.4% required medical attention.

Pubic hair removal contributes to sexually transmitted diseases

The most common injuries are cuts, burns, rashes, and infections. Scientists explain that waxing seems to cause fewer injuries compared to shaving.

Even the smallest injuries can have far-reaching consequences.

Previous studies have shown that pubic hair removal helps to spread sexually transmitted infections.

The most common methods used to remove hair were ordinary razors, followed by electric shavers, scissors and waxing. More frequent hair removal increased the risk of injury. If women and men regularly removed all pubic hair, the risk of developing an abscess or phlegmon increased.

How to prevent tissue infection after shaving?

In the United States, the number of emergency room visits increased fivefold from 2002 to 2010, to about 12,000. The reason is the removal of hair in the pubic part. It is important that the woman rinses the genital area only with a soft shower gel and water.

Pubic hair grows one centimeter per month. The longest pubic hair in the world is estimated to be 71 centimeters. If you shave your pubic hair, you can "damage" and infect the skin.

In the worst case, the genital area becomes inflamed, red acne or bleeding occurs. A new razor is recommended for every new shave. A contaminated tool increases the risk of developing serious infectious diseases.

Unlike women, men have the advantage that they do not need to achieve 100% smooth skin. This is why they can relax a little while removing pubic hair. Usually, it is enough for a man to cut his hair short with a trimmer or “tame” pubic hair with a simple razor for his face.

The use of concentrated disinfectants is not recommended, as they dry out the skin. If you have serious symptoms, you need to visit a dermatologist.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Investigates if Laser Hair Removal is Safe (July 2024).