In which cases give yellow roses


Roses are the most favorite flowers among women. Almost every woman wants to receive them as a gift. Due to its versatility, roses can be given for any occasion or event.

At the time of choice, many men wonder if it is possible to present yellow roses to a sweetheart. For a long time, the opinion was established that golden bouquets have a negative meaning and bring discord in relations. Currently, there are several interpretations of such a gift that must be considered before buying flowers.

What do yellow roses mean?

Yellow flowers have ambiguous symbolism. According to florists, golden roses in different interpretations can mean completely different things:

  • intense jealousy;
  • happiness;
  • a life;
  • good relationship in a pair;
  • loss of feelings;
  • positive attitude;
  • betrayal of a loved one;
  • life path;
  • uncertainty of actions.

It is believed that yellow roses will bring sadness and loss. For example, during the time of Catherine II, these flowers were officially considered a symbol of treason.

According to legend, the white buds took a yellow tint exclusively on the hands of traitors.

Therefore, many regard flowers as a hint of a speedy breakup.

But in fact, a correctly assembled bouquet will only have a positive meaning. Today, such a flower is considered a symbol of energy and life. Florists say that you need to be afraid of donated cyclamens, dahlias and geraniums, since it is they who can bring misfortune.

How to make a bouquet?

Luxurious bouquets of roses are often formed by inexperienced florists or people who do not know the language of plants. Therefore, it is necessary to consider how many colors should be in the composition for a particular case:

  • 1 - will tell about the love and intentions of a man, therefore with the help of one bud they often declare their love;
  • 3 - a manifestation of passion;
  • 5 - a wish for family well-being;
  • 7 - marriage proposal;
  • 9 - such a number of buds indicates that the meeting was long-awaited for the donor;
  • 11 - a reminder of the strong feelings of the chosen one;
  • 13 - a wish for happiness, but for superstitious people such an amount is a bad omen;
  • 15 - respect and devotion;
  • 25 is a sign of serious plans for a joint future.

In order for the bouquet to carry the correct meaning, it is recommended to purchase it in a proven place. The florist must know the language of the plants, and also have a good taste. If desired, the bouquet can be supplemented with other plants. White, lilac and red flowers will look great with golden buds.

When can I give yellow roses to a girl?

Flowers of this shade are presented for a birthday, new year, March 8, or without much reason. Yellow roses are usually presented as a sign of the most sincere love and admiration. For example, with the help of such a bouquet, a young man will be able to express his deepest feelings for the chosen one, saying how happy he is with her.

The fair sex loves to listen to all signs, so with yellow roses you need to be careful. Before presenting a luxurious gift, it is necessary to highlight the positive value of the presentation in advance. Only in this case, the man does not hurt the feelings of his beloved and does not make her doubt him.

When else can I give sunny roses?

A golden bouquet will be a great gift not only for a sweetheart, but also for other fans. They can be presented:

  1. To the class teacher or teacher. With the help of a bouquet, the donor will express his respect and gratitude. Therefore, such flowers are usually presented during graduation from school or college.
  2. Anniversary. Golden buds are presented to wish the strongest health, long years and prosperity.
  3. Parents on their wedding anniversary. In this case, yellow roses will personify the constancy of tender feelings, stability of relationships and harmony in a happy family life.
  4. A work colleague or supervisor. Flowers will become a symbol of success and respect.
  5. Newlyweds. On the wedding day, golden buds will create an atmosphere of fun and joy. With the help of a bouquet, the donor will be able to express his admiration, as well as wish happiness in a new life.
  6. To the artists. Yellow roses are flowers of creative natures, so it is appropriate to give them after performances in the theater or concerts. Such a bouquet will tell about the recognition of the artist’s talent.

Little Known Facts About Yellow Roses

There are some amazing facts that will surprise everyone:

  1. There is an old tradition in the UK. According to her, in order to confess to the chosen girl their feelings, it is necessary to give two roses. In most cases, flowers are delivered anonymously so that the donee can guess who the giver is. In many countries, an even number of flowers is extremely bad, however, in England such a bouquet is considered a real symbol of love.
  2. As a result of scientific research, scientists have discovered that golden buds can relieve a person of stress and melancholy.
  3. In the ancient East, such bouquets were presented exclusively to representatives of high society.
  4. Unopened yellow buds are often used as reconciliation. These plants erase quarrels and help people build relationships.
  5. Yellow roses are the favorite colors of British Queen Elizabeth II. Therefore, they are considered a symbol of nobility, wisdom and selectivity.
  6. Only experienced florists can grow golden buds. Plants often get sick, so the growing process is quite heavy and costly.
  7. Yellow roses are usually given to young girls, as they personify youth and freshness.

Roses are beautiful and luxurious flowers. Present a bouquet with golden buds carefully so as not to cause negative thoughts in the recipient. When choosing flowers, it is worth forgetting about signs and superstitions. A bouquet presented from the heart will not bring misfortune and discord to the relationship, but rather will only strengthen them.


Watch the video: Rose leaves turning yellow and falling off (July 2024).