17 very familiar objects that may look completely different in our eyes


Have you ever looked at an object and saw in it something completely different? Maybe it was an iron that looked like a fish, or a stadium reminding you of a flying saucer. This phenomenon is called pareidolia, that is, a visual illusion when we see completely different things in familiar objects: for example, you look at the clouds and one of them clearly reminds you of the head of a crocodile or a bear. Let's see how it looks in the photo.

# 1 What do these two pieces of raw meat remind you of? If you see a pair of sneakers in them, don't be alarmed. Other people see the same thing.

# 2 And how do you like this cute kitty? At first glance, it is very similar to fried eggs. The cat just curled up in a ball, and on it lies an orange. If you immediately thought of a fried egg, then you are probably just hungry.

# 3 Are your eyes fooling you or is there something wrong with this cow? She seems to have spent too much time in outer space.

# 4 You can swear that someone’s gigantic eye is watching you carefully. Really, it seems? In fact, this is water frozen in a ceramic pot - top view. But what a terrific illusion that can deceive almost anyone.

# 5 The poor kitten was put outside, and he was icy in the cold. Calm down, no one was hurt in this photo. Just snow on this branch is very similar to a cat's silhouette.

# 6 If every tree on our planet had such eyes, then people would not dare to chop them. Although, if you go on a picnic to the forest, this look is quite capable of spoiling your appetite.

# 7 For people without imagination, it's just the remains of dry leaves, and someone can see a samurai warrior in this composition. Be careful! The samurai has a sword in his hands, and he will defend himself. So do not try to step on it!

# 8 What do you see when looking at these clouds? Dragon or fluffy rabbits? Particularly observant will notice the violin! The shape of the cloud above the power lines makes it look exactly like this musical instrument.

# 9 Is it really a crowd of turkeys trying to escape, so as not to get on the table on the occasion of a family holiday? In fact, you see flowers.

# 10 Caution, dinosaurs escaped from the museum of paleontology! Oh, No. These are coati animals from the raccoon family, and they live in South America.

# 11 It’s very difficult to boil or fry a potato whose face resembles your grumpy old grandparents.

# 12 Is this a new alien invasion from the film "Independence Day" ?! Actually, this is the Gazprom Arena stadium in St. Petersburg, covered in fog. Looks creepy, right?

# 13 This is corrosion on a faucet, not a secret code. Look at all these details! The picture really looks like the map you see at the beginning of the Lord of the Rings movie.

# 14 An ideal house is a house where the view from the window looks like a picture. Clouds, mountains, sunset. This, of course, is much better than the jungle of megacities.

# 15 It may seem that this is a chic background from video clips of the 1990s, but, alas, singers and musicians will not squeeze in there. This is the inside of the most ordinary grater, but it really looks very cool if you bring the camera lens close to it.

# 16 The front legs of the anteater are very beautiful and unusually fluffy, because it seems that on the move it turns into a panda. On the other hand, it could be a panda disguised as an anteater.

# 17 And this is clearly an optical illusion, since pears do not have human faces! The trick is simple: pears are grown in special forms, and when they ripen, they look exactly like tiny Buddhas.


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