Life lessons that you should firmly learn by the time you turn 30


What do you think: 30 years is a lot or a little? You got a profession and probably made quite confident steps in your career. You may have acquired a family, children, and even your own home.

In the end, you already have a piggy bank of experience gained, although you, of course, are still not immune from mistakes. What life lessons have you firmly learned by this time? What was especially difficult for you, and what was quite understandable and logical? Let's look at some common truths that you should have learned.

  1. Do not be afraid of your problems. When you are unhappy with your life, do not think that it is terribly unfair. The more you hope to get a magic wand, the more difficult your trials will be. Do not close your eyes to problems and understand that they carry invaluable experience with them. Everything in life happens for your good.
  1. Respect your uniqueness and do not feel like an alien among other people. Precisely because you are different from everyone else, you are absolutely unique. Learn to accept yourself as you are and make it your advantage.
  1. Expect nothing from people. If you think that someone owes you something, then you are deeply mistaken. The sooner you understand this, the faster you will save yourself from further insults and disappointments.
  1. Let go of people who are never happy for you. When their life does not work out, they tend to envy others. Let them go, even if you once considered them your close friends. Save your time and energy for those who are really interested in you.
  1. Learn to say what you mean. This is especially important in relationships, at work, in the family, and with friends, as it helps to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding. The only way to make others know what you want is to voice your thoughts.
  1. Think positively. It is extremely difficult to build a successful life if you constantly think about possible failures and preconfigure yourself for the situation according to the worst-case scenario.
  1. Be absolutely honest with your feelings and emotions.. It is they who report what is going on deep inside you and tell you whether you are on the right track. People are afraid to feel. They do everything possible to drown them, but this leads to life without inner peace and balance.
  1. Listen to intuition - it never lies. We all understand this, but sometimes we check it to see what happens if we act against it. Logic and rationalism are good for higher mathematics, but if it comes to making life decisions, forget about them. Intuition is an instrument of direct communication with your soul, which knows where and why you are going.
  1. Do not make decisions based on the opinions of others. Do not try to be a good and obedient girl, so that others around you approve and appreciate. Only you know what is best for you. Do not let others interfere in this process.
  1. Choose your friends wisely because they will influence you. If you feel that they are pulling you down, then probably it is. Do not let anyone slow down your development. Not only that, be prepared to stand out and even be a black sheep.
  1. You always have you. Life sometimes tests us at all levels. The people we love go away; the people we trust disappoint us; our dreams do not come true; we get sick and burn out. Remember that at any time (dark and light), you are the only person who is always near you.
  1. Create the life you want. No one can find happiness by living the dreams and aspirations of others. Use the time allotted to you on our planet in order to do something important for yourself. Even if no one agrees and does not support you, do what you consider necessary to do.
  1. Do not try to save or change others.. We want loved ones to be happy, but this is their choice. Each has its own path and experience. We cannot force them to do what they do not want, or what they are not ready for. By this we only exhaust ourselves and spoil relations with them.
  1. Relations with a loved one should be a partnership, not a struggle. And it will bring you at least two pluses. First, you learn to rely on yourself (not expecting your partner to save you). Secondly, you will find "your" person who will be your like-minded person, not your opponent.
  1. Do not try to control the result.. Sometimes we want to protect ourselves by trying to push everything into a certain framework, but this only hurts. This takes too much energy and puts you in a cage. Let go of the situation and take everything that comes to you as calmly as possible.


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