Apartment in the style of "Loft"


Loft (eng. Loft - attic) - a popular trend in the modern interior, which appeared in America 30-40-ies of the last century. After people began to use old abandoned warehouses, factories and plants as housing.

In modern understanding, Loft is a large room with a minimum number of partitions and maximum light. It is applicable for spacious, high, resembling a warehouse premises. Brick walls, open ventilation pipes and factory fittings are not uncommon for this style. What looks rough and unsightly for other styles is a highlight.

Furniture for this style is chosen the most diverse. Its main feature is simplicity and functionality. It must be truly huge. Furniture serves as a basis for zoning a room; this can be achieved by using different colors and materials and simply arranging it. Also for the visual separation fit mirrors, beams on the ceilings and multi-level floor. Industrial features in the interior only add to his uniqueness.

The décor elements of the last century should be unobtrusively intertwined with trendy trends. The huge plasma screen of the TV is conveniently located on the brick wall or steel tiles for the walls look quite appropriate in the kitchen.

High light ceilings and floor windows will be most welcome. The more light, the better. The windows themselves can replace glass blocks. They can serve as partitions between rooms. Unusual metal lamps emphasize the overall color of the room. Add forged metal sconces to the walls. Ideal sconces, reminiscent of street lights. It will be useful to add indoor plants and fresh flowers to the interior. The main thing is that their color does not contrast with the general color of the room.

It should be especially careful to the choice of textiles for the design of apartments. Focus on color and texture, not on drawing. The carpets stylized under the skin of a zebra, tiger or bison look well. Such "spots of visual focus" will deprive the room of boredom and banality, bring a touch of comfort and "revive" the space. Do not be afraid to experiment with expensive materials such as cashmere or alpaca. Make a choice in favor of deep and rich shades. They will add luxury and solidity to the interior.


Watch the video: INTERIOR DESIGN. Clever Small Apartment Hacks & Ideas (June 2024).