Social networks spread information about the death of Michael Schumacher


Legendary rider Michael Schumacher mistakenly declared dead. Yesterday in social networks appeared information that Schumacher, not recovering from his injury, died. However, no one documentary evidence of this was cited. In the hospital, where Michael is undergoing treatment, they immediately refuted false information. According to the statement of the racer manager Sabina Kem, Schumacher routinely reduces the dose of sedative medications, preparing him for awakening. All this, said Kem, can take a very long time.

Gary Harshtein, the ex-chief doctor of Formula 2, said that there was no point in expecting Michael about any optimistic news. Kharshtein is sure that if there were any positive developments in the athlete’s health, the Schumacher family would report this to the press.

Native athlete is ready for the fact that the racer, having recovered, will forever remain paralyzed. The main thing now is to get him out of the coma.


Watch the video: Hospital Issues Statement to Deny Rumours of Michael Schumacher's Death!!! (July 2024).