Layered salad - a recipe with photos and step by step description


Puff salads are quite popular and more often than others decorate our festive tables, and this is not surprising, they are distinguished by a rich taste and original appearance, which depends only on the imagination of the hostess of the evening. There are many options for making puff salad, they can be exclusively vegetable or with the addition of meat. The most satisfying is the salad, which is based on poultry meat. Chicken is a very useful, dietary product that combines with almost any ingredients. Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms is found on festive tables more often than others, it is valued for the original taste and simplicity in cooking.

Below you will see a recipe for making delicious puff salad with chicken and mushrooms, which is accompanied by step-by-step photos.

In the photo: ingredients for making puff salad:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 grams
  • Champignon mushrooms - 400 grams
  • Hard cheese - 50 grams
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Walnuts - 50 grams
  • Mayonnaise, salt

Recipe for puff salad (with photo):

We prepare the main ingredient - chicken meat, it is cooked the longest. To do this, thoroughly wash the fillets under cold water, put them in a saucepan, pour water and cook over moderate heat for about 30-40 minutes. In parallel, we put boiled eggs. Mushrooms are also thoroughly washed, cut is not very fine, fry, stirring constantly, on a small amount of oil.

Onions finely shred, add to the mushrooms, fry. After 5 minutes, we put the lid on the frying pan with mushrooms, reduce the heat to minimum and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Put the finished mushrooms on a flat dish, cool completely.

We take a beautiful dish on which the salad will be served, and begin to lay it out in even layers, repeating the shape of the plate. The first layer is meat. We take the cooled chicken breast, arbitrarily chop it, spread it evenly on a plate.

Squeeze the mayonnaise over, level with a spoon.

We clean the walnuts from excess husk, put them in a plastic bag and chop them with a rolling pin. This will be the next layer, spread, evenly distribute.

We squeeze some mayonnaise on top of the nuts (do not level with a spoon, otherwise everything will stick to it).

Next, lay out the cooled fried mushrooms, level, try to give the salad a more regular shape.

On top of the mushrooms - a little mayonnaise, level with a spoon.

Boiled eggs are completely cold, you can take for them. Separate the whites from the yolks. Finely chop proteins, sprinkle top of lettuce, evenly distribute.

We squeeze some mayonnaise on top, cover the top and sides of the salad, again we try to give the salad the desired shape, if it is not immediately done, it can fall apart.

The top of the salad will be decorated with cheese. Rub it on a fine grater, sprinkle salad.

Finely chop the yolks or grate the yolks, gently sprinkle the sides of the salad with them, remove the excess with a wet cloth.

The final stage - the decoration of the salad, depends on the main effect of its filing. Finely chopped green onion goes well with chicken puff salad, coupled with the rich yellow top of the salad looks very impressive.


Watch the video: Seven Layer Salad with Dressing (June 2024).