Deputies unpleasantly aware that Sophia Rotaru is a citizen of Ukraine


Two deputies of the State Duma from the Communist Party faction turned to the singer Sophia Rotaru with an open letter in which she was invited to take Russian citizenship.

In particular, the letter states that people of the older generation rightly consider Rotaru an outstanding performer and symbol of Soviet pop music. Sofia Mikhailovna, thanks to her talent, she was able to become a successful singer whom millions of people fell in love with. That is why, say the deputies, it is painful and unpleasant for them to see how Rotaru and his family are posing with the “fvto-blakytnym” flag, under which a monstrous war is currently under way in Ukraine.

Since Rotaru has long lived in the Crimea, the Communists considered it natural and logical for her to accept Russian citizenship.

Recall that the singer’s son categorically rejected the possibility that his mother would abandon her homeland in favor of Russia.


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