What are the conspiracies of the full moon?


The phase of the full moon in the esoteric practices of all times and peoples is considered the time of increasing magical activity. In the full moon is a huge number of sacraments and rituals of both black and white magic. Black witches and sorcerers gather on the Sabbath, white sorcerers and witches perform cleansing rituals. This period is also favorable for fortune telling on the runes, tarot and coffee grounds.

But why is it customary to conduct rituals and read conspiracies during the full moon? Which of the plots and rituals are the most effective? Is it possible in the phase of the full moon to attract wealth, luck and love with pure white magic? What could be the consequences? Answers to each of these questions can be found in our article.

Why do you make conspiracies at full moon?

The night when the moon enters its full phase is rightfully considered the most mysterious night of the month. At full moon, magical powers increase threefold, and even the weakest black magician can bring his chosen victim to madness or death, and the healing power of white rituals reaches the peak of its power. On this night, spirits, dark and light astral beings, roam the earth. People with abilities to esoteric practices and clairvoyance, feel the full moon incomprehensible anxiety and thirst for action. They can not sleep, they are haunted by unexplained insomnia. But, as a payment for this, in the full moon it is an incomparable inspiration.

All this is due to the influence of the full moon on the terrestrial biofield and on the astral body of every living creature on Earth. The attraction of the night luminary sublimates the forces of all the elements on the earth's surface. That is why in the full moon it is customary to read conspiracies, conduct ceremonies and sacraments and to guess.

Full Moon Conspiracies: Most Effective

In the full moon, it is recommended not to abuse black magic. As you know, this esoteric industry is equipped with the so-called "boomerang effect". All created with the help of spells and rituals evil will return to the caster in double the size. Evil, committed with a full moon, returns in triplicate.

At the same time, the effect of white spells also increases significantly. The effect is extremely positive, since white magic is directed not towards destruction, but for good.

The most effective conspiracies in the full moon are:

  • Plots of luck and wealth;
  • Spells on love and quick marriage, including white love spells;
  • Rituals that allow you to regain lost health, emotional balance and beauty;
  • Protective manipulations against the techniques of black sorcerers, active in the full moon;
  • Sacraments, conspiracies and spells on the fulfillment of desire;
  • Plots for success in business and finding a new job;
  • Rites and plots on pregnancy and childbirth. Such rituals are performed particularly effectively, since the Mother of God herself is the patroness of the night luminary;
  • Ritual for a successful move to a new place.

One of the most effective rituals is prophylactic ordinance to protect from the destructive spell. This is an exclusively pagan ritual that came from the depths of ages, a legacy of our ancestors. At full moon, exactly at midnight, you should go down in any reservoir (preferably, it was a river). Before you go into the water, it is recommended to get rid of most of the clothing. The best clothes for this ritual ablution will be a long white linen shirt. It is necessary to enter the water to the waist, turn to face the moon. Having extended both hands to the night star, the following spell should be pronounced:

"Protect me, Divya, Mother Moon!
Cover me, Perun-father!
Hug me, Lada-Ladushka!
How the young tree feed me, Mother-Cheese-Earth!
Like an asterisk, celebrate me, Svarog!
Protect me, my ancestors,
Yes from the enemy's fierce silushka
Yes, from goryushka - black raven,
Yes from zlobushki - lyuta-kite!
I will plunge into the water
To live, do not know
To bolus off
Yes, put up with enemies! "

Spell spell should loud and confident voice. Then you need to dip into the water 7 times with your head.

Money and luck

The most effective conspiracy in the full moon for money should be read all alone, facing the lunar disk. Indoors there should be no other light than moonlight. The spellcaster must be completely calm, peaceful and tuned for luck. Any bright emotions, even positive ones, when casting money spells and luck, are prohibited. For the ceremony will need:

  • Purse;
  • A handful of silver coins. The best choice would be silver coins, since silver is a lunar metal, but in their absence money from any light metal will fit;
  • White neckband or headscarf.

Facing the moon, the caster must pronounce the following text:

"As this hour is full of the moon,
So my wallet is full.
As my heart fills with peace
And so my house is filled with God's grace.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The wallet should be placed in the center of the shawl and tie a knot. Keep this nodule for good luck is necessary in the workplace.


No less effective is any conspiracy to love the full moon. The moon favors girls who want to meet a narrowed one, but love spells can cause negative consequences. Therefore, when full, ceremonies should be conducted to attract, and not to bind the partner. Plot for a full moon on the love of a man should be read before bedtime.

For the proper conduct of the ceremony will need:

  • Holy water;
  • Glass;
  • Scissors;
  • White Rose.

The conspiracy to love in the full moon should be read humbly, quietly, but clearly. The text of the actual spell is as follows:

"As a delicate flower dries out without water,
So a pure heart without love will wither.
As the flower quench its thirst with holy water,
In the same way, the heart of God's Slave [His name] will be filled with bright love

This is followed by using scissors to cut off the dried tip of the stem of a rose, remove all thorns and place the flower in a previously prepared glass of holy water. After that, it is recommended to offer a prayer to the Mother of God, read "Our Father" and go to bed with a calm heart. This ceremony is so strong that even with a crown of celibacy, the girl will meet true love in the next two months.

What could be the consequences?

If you do not resort to black magic in the full moon, there will be no negative consequences for the caster. The power of the full moon triples the effect of any spell, so if the text was read correctly and confidently, all the thought will certainly come true. If the caster made a mistake, was in a negative mood, or was seriously ill at the time of the ceremony, the spell simply expires, which, in fact, does not harm it in any way. You can repeat the rite in the next full moon, carefully preparing and recharging your biofield in places with positive energy. These include churches, ancient temples, nature reserves and forests.


Watch the video: Rare 'Blood Moon' AKA Red Lunar Eclipse Brings Selfies, Conspiracy Theories (July 2024).