Female haircut cascade for medium hair


Long gone are the days when it was important for a woman to wear long curls. Today, the variety of original haircuts, amaze with their number and variations. Looking at the photos and videos you can see the changes in shape, length and color offered by the masters every year. Therefore, you need to find your ideal option for all times, suitable for the shape of the head, skin color and eyes. The density of hair on the head plays a big role in choosing a haircut, but viewing popular photo and video of the cascade for medium curls will be the first step towards changing the image.

Cascade haircut for medium hair photo

Today, it is important for any girl to look well-groomed and attractive at any time. Therefore, it is very important to make the right choice in order to spend a minimum of time in the morning on styling, while looking stylish and beautiful.

Video with styling at home - a good helper for beginners or for those who do not have the opportunity to constantly spend money on beauty salons. At the same time, it is worth maintaining the natural shine and health of the hair with the help of caring masks and oils.

They also say to the hairdresser that the more often you cut the ends and moisturize them, the healthier your hair will look. After all, the constant impact of the hair dryer, ironing and curling has a negative effect on the hair.

Photos of the new 2018

The secret of the cascade-ladder scheme is that the strands from the chin are sheared by the ladder up to the crown itself, creating volume and pomp. Visually it looks as if you have chic and thick curls. Such a haircut can always be put on with a hairdryer, screwed on a curler or use an iron with a curling iron. But unfortunately, nature does not give everyone a thick head of hair. Therefore, a properly selected ladder with or without a bang will once again highlight your strengths and smooth out the flaws.

On medium hair haircut cascade photo news:

Haircut cascade for medium hair with bangs (2018)

So, bangs can be your enemy and your ally in such a delicate matter as a haircut for every day or evening appearance. To make a round face more elongated, you should try oblique, smooth, torn or cascading bangs.

Videos and photos of celebrities, the type of which is better to get as close as possible to yours, will be the best clue for you

For short wavy curls, it is better not to make bangs, which only spoil the overall picture and visually create a disheveled effect. If you are categorically against an extra strand over your forehead, then you can always get a fake bang of your own shade, which will be suitable for girls with an oval face. To fasten it in front and lay properly is not difficult. The main thing - a little time and patience.

Photo options with bangs:

Fashion ideas for a round face

One of the most famous female haircuts for a round face is a caret with a cascade of medium length, which is notable for its original shape, interesting style.

The elongated front strands, which are just perfect for the girl's round face, are very relevant this season. Looking through the pictures and images on our website, it becomes clear how celebrities and artists set the fashion for such details as long curls, torn ends and original bangs. It is the bright details in your haircut that become the compositional center, which will primarily attract the attention of others.

Fashionable haircut cascade on medium hair for a round face:

Haircut cascade on thin medium hair

Technology hairstyle "haircut cascade" or ladder is that due to the layering creates the effect of pomp. That is why it is very suitable thin medium hair, which all the time I want to ruffle.

Graduation of the cascade with an even cut on a bob square - suitable options for those whom nature has not rewarded with beautiful thick hair. Bold and extraordinary images of ideas with bangs also suit the average length.

Photo ideas cascade for thin hair:

Video how beautifully to put a haircut cascade on medium hair at home

The main thing after a dream realized is to have a nice haircut to learn how to properly lay and observe the everyday care of the strands. It is worth remembering that there is no such haircut that would not require care using various means, ranging from curling to balms, mousses and gel.

A detailed step-by-step description of all the actions that need to be done at different lengths will help you a lot and will not be any different from what is offered to you in the beauty salon. This method is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to spend money on daily visits to the masters. For housewives, it’s enough to do everything as in a video to get a result.


Watch the video: Haircut Tutorial - Medium Length Layers (June 2024).