Amazing facts of the wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt


Fans of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been waiting for their wedding for many years. And finally, last summer, lovers to the joy of the fans got married. However, now there are curious details.

Angelina admitted that even before her magnificent French wedding, she and Brad signed in America. As American citizens, they could not officially marry in France. The painting was quite prosaic: Jolie agreed to meet with Pitt at 16.30, having previously warned the magistrate about her arrival. Then the lovers simply came and signed the necessary documents.

Recall that according to the spouses, the wedding was arranged specifically for their six children. Each child had an important role in the celebration: someone carried rings, someone - a veil, someone threw flower petals under the feet of the newlyweds.

In conclusion, Anjelina admitted that the year 2014 was simply amazing for her. After all, she married her lover, her adopted son Maddox became a teenager, and she herself shot the film "Unbroken", which, apparently, will have an interesting fate.


Watch the video: 15 STRICT Rules Angelina Jolie MADE Brad Pitt Follow (June 2024).