Oversold the dish? It is easy to fix!


Do you think this only happens with inept or novice hostesses? By no means. Salted soup or the second happened to many, if not to tell every cook, and not just once. There are many reasons for this: I thought about it, did not calculate the quantity, I trusted the proportions indicated in the recipe. And then, having tried, I was horrified: the dish was spoiled, as it was salty in taste to ugliness. What to do - throw away? Why. Experienced chefs know that you can “help” any salted food. How to do this, and will be discussed further:

• Salted meat can be restored to normal taste, if in the water in which it is cooked, add some unleavened fatty sauce. You can also put the meat in cold sour cream and soak it in it until it cools. Then warm up before serving.

• If you have salted vegetables salad, it can be washed under running boiled water. Or add unsalted ingredients to it (the second method will not worsen the nutritional value of the salad).

• Soup, which is clearly a lot of salt, do not add water. It is better to add sliced ​​potatoes, cabbage, rice (depending on the recipe). Or just boil the potato whole, and when it absorbs the excess salt, get the tuber and discard.

• Salted stews or goulash can be "reanimated" if you add sliced ​​tomatoes to the pan / pan in which the dish is cooked. After quenching for a few minutes, try - the taste should be normal.

• If you are boiling potatoes, rice or pasta and accidentally overdoing them, you can add to the total mass of water, bring to a boil, turn off the stove and leave everything for a few minutes. Then drain the water.

• Salted mushrooms must be saved as follows: add sour cream, rice, flour or onion to them. You can also increase the mass of dishes cooked fresh mushrooms. But it is important to bear in mind that unsalted mushrooms themselves will not be able to delay the excess salt. They need help by acidifying the dish with sour cream or lemon juice.

• The salted fish dish is restored to normal condition, also adding sour cream or unleavened flour sauce. The salted fish under the marinade should be taken out of it and filled with new marinade, but already fresh. Then boil and cool. Boiled fish, whose taste is spoiled with salt, must be boiled in fresh water for three minutes.

Do not rush to part with salted dishes. Better use the methods described above, and then enjoy a tasty, normally salted meal.


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