Muslim plots and prayers


Magic in Islamic culture, in contrast to the conspiracies characteristic of Slavic culture, has strong roots in religion. Representatives of other faiths are often convinced that the severity of Islam does not allow any liberties, including the use of magic. However, light ceremonies, the purpose of which is to heal, and auxiliary ceremonies to improve the quality of life are interpreted perfectly normally and are not prohibited.

Features of Muslim conspiracies and rites

For healing rituals, Muslims resort to the verses of the Quran, which are read as conspiracies and prayers. The appeal to Allah (prayer) is not called a conspiracy, but a dua. Sharia allows the use of magic when reading a dua on water and when blowing.

The similarity of a dua with a prayer, especially its content, which may consist entirely of passages from the Holy Book, is perceived as an individual feature of Muslim magic. There are two types:

  1. Canonical prayers (those allowed by sharia law);
  2. Noncanonical (folk apocryphal dua).

When conducting conspiracies, special rules are observed:

  • Menstruation women should not conspire. At this point, the body is considered unclean;
  • A week before the ceremony, one should follow a strict fast, pray regularly and avoid using swear words;
  • During Ramadan, rituals are prohibited.

How to read a Muslim conspiracy or prayer:

  • Proofreading is carried out as many times as indicated in the Dua or at least three times. Non-observance of the rule will weaken, neutralize the plot or give it retroactive force;
  • When casting a spell, you should look in the direction of the qibla - that is, the shrines of the Ka'ba in Arabian Mecca;
  • Full consternation is always taken before the conspiracy;
  • If the dua is read on the water, in the end you need to blow on it.

What are Muslim conspiracies and prayers?

The purpose and direction of the conspiracy define the boundaries of its use. Muslims have magic spells divided into the following groups:

  • Cleansing - to remove the effects of dark divination, a bad prizm and targeting spoilage;
  • Protective - to remove a strong curse;
  • Healing - to get rid of diseases of the body and spirit;
  • On love, return;
  • To attract money;
  • For exams;
  • To protect children;
  • To protect against dark force.

There are common beliefs that the use of magical rituals in Muslim culture is not accepted. This is not entirely true. Religion and society do not condemn the manufacture of protective charms containing excerpts from the Koran. Some actions with objects that are considered endowed with magic power are also permissible.

To raise money

Spiritual wealth - the key to happiness. A person with a beautiful soul is attractive externally, so people are drawn to him. But the phrase "not by bread alone" works in the opposite direction. It is impossible to maintain a presence of mind and stay in a good mood if financial problems constantly loom on the horizon.

Money is a topic, to talk about which is directly considered indecent, but essentially it does not negate: without material well-being, normal life is impossible. For happiness one needs very modest financial prosperity, others dream of a solid state. To attract money and prosperity, try the following plot:

"Allah the Merciful! Greet you in your house! Come to my house, like happiness and the Sun! Bring joy and wealth to my house! Give wealth to me and my family. I believe in your generosity!"

No special preparation is required to read the miraculous words. It should be read in the morning, before getting out of bed. The plot is pronounced every day for 30 days. When the month passes, the money will flow to you like a river.

For love, loyalty, return

Love magic causes people the most interest. Nearly 7.5 billion people live on Earth, but the process of searching for the second half does not become easier. Not many can endure loneliness, because life is perceived quite differently, if there is, with whom to share its joys and sorrows. You can find true love and get loyalty and devotion in the person of your chosen one, using a Muslim conspiracy.

Words filled with special power are read in the morning, before dawn. For the ceremony is required to get rid of clothes and stand in a bowl filled with warm water. Looking into it, say this:

"As Allah ordered to endure, so I endure. As Allah ordered to love, so I love very much. Allah turned to me (my name) and told me to wait (wait) for me, (name), my only ) and patience plucked (plucked). Water i'm drinking, I will do your will. "

Water should be poured over the body, washing away, thus, all previous failures on the love front. If the elect is not responding to your feelings or is behaving less actively than we would like, save some water and quietly pour it into the food of your beloved.

If an object of romantic claims believes in Islam, and you belong to another religion, another ceremony is held. Usually it is used to enlist the favor of the parents of the beloved, who may not approve the choice of the son.

For the ritual, buy sugar, buying is done on Friday - a special day in the Muslim culture. Even before meeting with your relatives, come to the house where they live, and say a plot, throwing sugar in the direction of the house:

"The Faithful of the Day of Judgment are waiting, and you will wait for me. The Faithful of the Day of Judgment are afraid, and you will refuse to refuse me."

The building is circling in a clockwise direction. By the second part of the ritual, proceed to the trip to the parents. Walking next to your beloved, say to yourself:

"As you love water in thirst and food in hunger, you would have loved me."

Repeat the words you need throughout the journey. When you find yourself in the house, invisibly to others, add sugar in each room, except for the toilet.

Leaving a husband to another family or breaking up with a man who is not yet your spouse, always causes immense suffering. If you feel a strong feeling, but strangers intervened in your life, because of which the lover left you, you must act immediately.

White Muslim magic can be used to return, but it should be done carefully. Higher forces can take treatment as a manifestation of egoism and punish for it.

If life without a loved one is unbearable, perform a ritual to return. Take your photos and a snapshot of your chosen one. Fold the images to each other and sew between a white thread. To conduct a ceremony in the evening before a lit candle. When making stitches, sentence:

"As I sew with threads, I sew you to myself."

The stitched photo is hidden in a hidden corner of the house. The plot is considered very strong, after 7 days you will regain your love.

From the wiles of evil spirits, shaytanov

In Islam, the fight against the negative influence of the dark forces is carried out stubbornly, for it is the Shaitans who often confuse the faithful and force them to commit inappropriate acts. Muslims call Shaytan iblis - he is the devil, Satan and the overthrown angel, punished for his exorbitant pride. Al-Shaitan (the head of all evil spirits) constantly tempts a person, and if he is weak in spirit, he easily becomes a victim of evil power. You can protect yourself from iblis by reading this dua:

"Verily, we fully belong to Allah and, truly, we all return to Him. O Supreme, before You I will give an account of understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace trouble with the fact that better than her. "

So that the genie is not overpowered, be sure to cover your mouth while yawning. If an evil spirit flies in there, luck will turn away from the person.

For the most powerful protection against shaitan, the following dua is pronounced:

"I move away from the accursed Satan, resorting to the Great Lord and His eternal power. I resort to Allah the Great, to His noble countenance and His eternal authority from the accursed shaitan. There is no god worthy of worship except Allah, who has no companion. He only owns all power and praise and He is powerful over every thing. "

Goodness and true faith are the best allies against the wiles of dark force, and this must not be forgotten when reading out plots.

Child guard

In the Muslim tradition, the protection of children is one of the most important tasks. To raise a decent adult from a child is a difficult parental task, but also an honorable duty at the same time. Today, to protect him from negative influence is very difficult. Dangers and temptations lurk at every turn.

Often, one suggestion is not enough. It is necessary to enlist the assistance of higher powers and together with their help to protect the beloved child. The easiest way to read the next dua. He is pronounced over the head of the baby exactly seven times:

"I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any devil, and an insect, and from every evil eye!"

To pass the exam

The exam is a difficult period in the life of every young person. First, school exams, then tests on admission to a higher educational institution. If all this happens one after the other, nervous stress cannot be avoided. Even the strongest knowledge does not guarantee absolute success: often with excitement, all the necessary information is forgotten, and the student does not get the result he hoped for.

Dua, deducted before exams, will help relieve stress and pass all tests with dignity. To get rid of the experience, say the words:

"The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:" If a person is disturbed by something, let him say: "O Ever-Living, Ever-Existent, I resort to Your mercy and help."

If, on the eve of the exam, irrational fear was overcome, this may indicate the intervention of evil spirits. Then another dua will do. Looking out the window, say this:

"I resort to the perfect words of Allah from His wrath, and from the evil of His servants, and from the admonitions of the devils and from their coming to me."

If the anxiety does not go away, resort to a more powerful conspiracy:

"O Allah, truly I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant and the son of Your servant. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the sentence You delivered to me is fair. I implore You by each of Your names, by which You called Yourself Himself, or sent it down in Your Book, or opened it to someone created by You, or left it hidden from everyone except You, to make the Koran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the cessation of my anxiety! "

If you have complete order with knowledge and nerves, but concentration sometimes fails, you need to subtract a special Muslim conspiracy:

"May Allah bless Muhammad and the clan of Muhammad! O Allah, I ask from You, about reminding the blessing and commanding him! Remind me what made me forget the shaitan!"

Remember that the success of the exam depends on you, and try to relax as much as possible.


Watch the video: Warfare Prayer Against Demonic Networks Working Against You (July 2024).