How to increase lips at home methods


Recently, girls increasingly began to resort to the help of plastic surgery. Therefore, an excellent solution would be to increase the lips in a completely different way, without surgery, injections. But at the same time, the desired volume can be quickly achieved at home on their own. Any woman will be glad to such a decision!

This will help you special exercises and cosmetic tricks - such methods can be temporarily increase the lips at home. And how to do it right - you just need to follow the advice of our article!

How to increase lips at home quickly and very easily

There are many ways lip augmentation. Judging by the reviews of Internet users, to make lips plump for a long time, you can use folk remedies, massage, jar or lid. These are the most popular recipes for those who want beautiful lips.

How can you increase the lips at home for 1 day

The easiest and safest way to get the desired volume - do a special lip massage every day. If you perform a set of exercises regularly, the result will appear in one and a half monthIf you believe the reviews. You do not need to drink any drugs purchased at the pharmacy to make your lips look more voluminous and seductive. Because any medication intervention in your body can harm to health. If nature has rewarded you with beautiful plump lips, then you are incredibly lucky!

How to make lips plump using toothpaste

In the morning when you brush your teeth, apply a small amount toothpaste on the brush and massage circular motions Lip your lips. Massage your upper and lower lips well. A small amount can be used instead of paste. honey. Then simply wash the paste with water. Remember that the brush should not be very hard!

How to make lips plump at home with a cap

Via covers or capand you can also achieve a good result at home. This will help you our video tutorial:

How to increase the lips at home with pepper

Can use oil cayenne peppereither take plain red. Only need to use them carefully. Just need to add a few drops of oil in homemade lip balm. Such a lip auger will work very quickly. Due to the effect of pepper on the lips, they become larger several times. Of course, this is short-lived, because the warming effect does not last long.

Increase lips forever

Unfortunately, to increase lips forever with folk remedies or at home is impossible. Here you should be helped. surgeon, cosmetologist, special lip enhancement specialistto conduct special procedures.

Self increase the lips

Of course, you can make special lip exercisesto tighten their muscles. What exactly and how to perform them correctly, see in the video lesson:

The best lip enhancement

They can be visually enhanced due to correct makeup. The main thing is to properly use lipstick, pencil (draw a contour) and highlighter. The color of the pencil should be a little lighterthan lipstick itself. The effect will not hold for a long time, but attention to your sexual image is provided! Do not be afraid to experiment and mix two or more colors of lipstick. Good makeup has not hurt anyone. According to reviews, a good and high quality tool is "L'Action Lip Enhancer" by Rive Gauche. You can buy it in the company store or order it online. It should be applied to clean lips so that it can give them the necessary volume.

How to make plump lips at home - using folk remedies

It is easy to increase lips at home by using some cinnamon or peppermint oil. Use this method - avoid unnecessary injections!
The best and very effective oil is cinnamon. Who used it once - will definitely use it even once! It will increase the blood flow to the lips, giving them a plump look.
Another miracle oil - peppermint. The effect is the same as cinnamon oil.

Is it possible to increase the lips with hyaluronic acid or nicotinic acid?

Here will help the mask of tablets gualuronic acid. Mix should be cayenne or red pepper (less than half a teaspoon) and petrolatum with acid. Apply to lips for one minute.
Important!!!! Do not keep the product on the lips for more than one minute !!
This method can be done at home immediately before applying makeup. Means to apply on mouth pre-lubricated with olive oil.

Lip augmentation at home: before and after

Fullips Lip Enhancer - Reviews

The most popular and fashionable tool for lip augmentation among young people today is full-length increase in vacuum with a special cap. It leaves no residue, just like a normal cosmetic cap. Even the most tonic lips, he will increase several times. We will provide several videos that are on the website of YouTube, so that you can see for yourself whether full leaves work.

How to pump up lips at home: video

Lip augmentation at home - reviews

Reviewed by Anfisa, 35 years old

«… I love using a toothbrush before painting my lips. Sponges are filled with blood and become beautiful and spectacular. You can use a sucker, but after it remains a bruise and swelling quickly subsides… »

Reviewed by Alexandra, 56 years old

«… No matter how I tried the methods, a pencil increase works best, slightly going beyond the edges. I use a special filer and regular color. Then use lipstick on top.… »

Feedback from Vari 33 years

«… I occasionally give injections, because only with them the result remains for a long time. If you need to add volume, just use fullips… »


Watch the video: Get Baby Soft Pink Lips in just 1 Day Naturally at Home Easy & 100% Works (June 2024).