Camelina oil - its beneficial properties and uses. How to apply camelina oil for beauty and health.


During friendly gatherings, the girls and I discussed all sorts of vegetable and essential oils. I mentioned saffron oil. One of my friends decided that it was made from mushrooms, while the second beauty did not make any assumptions about the product, but she looked quite worried. She only frantically pressed the mustachioed, striped pet of Ryzhik to her and looked at me with eyes in which horror was splashing. "And why was she scared?" I thought, and began to tell why the oil from camelina is so amazing. What do you know about camelina oil?

Getting camelina oil

Camelina oil is obtained from the seeds of a herbaceous plant in the Cabbage family. This one or two-year-old plant is called the saffron rye, Caucasian or spring. Vegetable oil from camelina is extracted by pressing.

It is best to choose first-pressed oil obtained by cold pressing. Do not buy butter from camelina repeated hot pressing, because it contains much less nutrients compared to the first.

Properties and benefits of camelina oil

Deodorized and refined camelina oil has a light yellow color. The cold-pressed camelina oil is a golden yellow oily liquid. The color of the vegetable oil obtained by repeated hot pressing has a more saturated color. It has a tan or even a greenish brown hue. Unrefined camelina oil differs from refined camel oil in that it has a bright specific taste resembling radish.

Camelina oil contains polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosenic, palmitic, etc.), vitamins, phospholipids, carotenoids. Vitamins and carotenoids are, of course, good, but camelina oil is especially valuable precisely because it contains acids that the body cannot synthesize from simple substances.

Fatty acids, which are rich in camelina oil, improve the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, they increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Using camelina oil, you can normalize hormonal balance and fat metabolism.

Camelina oil also strengthens the body's immune defenses, cracking down on radionuclides, toxins, and slag. It will not hurt to accept people who have impaired reproductive system functions. Oil from camelina has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and nervous systems. And camelina oil normalizes blood pressure, contributes to the proper development of the brain, improves the functioning of the visual system.

Using camelina oil, you will improve the functioning of the kidneys, increase mental abilities, improve memory and condition of the skin, hair, and prevent premature aging. Substances contained in camelina oil protect the skin from adverse effects, accelerate cell regeneration processes. Camelina oil has an antioxidant effect. It plays a large role in the normal development of the fetus, etc.

Camelina oil: contraindications

Most experts have no doubt that camelina oil is an extremely useful product for people of all ages. They do not see any particular contraindications to the use of such therapeutic vegetable oil. A lot of research has shown that camelina oil is an absolutely safe product.

Such an acid-saturated oil can be consumed not only by adults, but also by adolescents, young children; both healthy and sick people; pregnant and lactating women. Of course, people who have intolerance to camelina oil should not drink, rub it. After all, no matter how useful the oil from camelina, the regular exposure of the allergen to the body of the unfortunate will not lead to anything particularly good.

The use of camelina oil

People often use saffron oil for medicinal purposes. It is drunk to prevent atherosclerosis, normalize blood pressure, stimulate the liver, lower cholesterol, treat coronary heart disease, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, activate cell renewal. Such oil is used for weight loss, which occurs due to fatty acids that normalize metabolic processes. Some doctors recommend the inclusion of camelina oil in the diet of patients with serious heart diseases.

In general, if you want to become healthy, lower blood cholesterol, increase immunological protection, be sure to take camelina oil. You can simply drink a tablespoon of oil daily on an empty stomach or add it to cereals. From camelina oil, a wonderful salad dressing is also obtained. It is not necessary to fry in camelina oil. This oil is also used in the manufacture of delicious and incredibly healthy confectionery for diet food.

Attention: in order to normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, prevent blood clots, establish the gastrointestinal tract, use such an oily product should be about three months.

Ginger oil is used not only in medicine and the food industry, but also in cosmetology. On its basis make creams, massage oils. This oil is suitable for the production of moisturizing and nourishing masks. Ginger oil is a part of medical cosmetics. It has good penetrating power. This oil is used in aromatherapy, it is used in the manufacture of perfumes.

In addition to cosmetic products for our beloved, camelina oil is also added to products for the refinement of various material objects. For example, it can be found in paintwork products. But the most amazing thing is that camelina oil is also used to produce biodiesel. This is a biofuel that is made from animal fats or vegetable oils. It is suitable for use in aviation, shipping. Of course, when testing alternative fuel, more than one camelina oil was poured into the aircraft tanks. It was mixed with aviation kerosene. But enough about the fuel - let's better discuss how to make beautiful our tanned skin and lifeless locks with the help of camelina oil.

Saffron oil for face

Ginger oil moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, making it soft, supple. With the help of this oil, you can remove irritation and peeling, refresh your face, smooth out subtle wrinkles, and increase skin tone. Oil is quickly absorbed, prevents early skin aging, etc. Ginger oil can be used by girls with any type of skin. True, it is most suitable for owners of dry mature and withered skin.

You can simply wipe the cleansed skin with camelina oil or prepare with it a richer in composition therapeutic masks, the recipes of which you will find below. In the event that you choose a simple wipe, remember that the face needs to be refreshed with oil, not doused. Just soak a cotton pad in warm oil and wipe your skin with it. The face should not look too fat. If after five minutes the skin has an unhealthy greasy sheen, blot it with a paper towel.

Oil treatment for problematic skin

In addition to camelina oil, you still need camphor. Mix the oils in equal amounts. Lightly heat the mixture in a water bath. The temperature of the oils should be pleasant to the skin.

Massage the heated healing mixture into the problem areas with massaging movements. After a five-minute massage, pat your face with a tissue.

Important: this mask is better not to use for people with epilepsy. The fact is that camphor oil is able to excite the nervous system too much, which is not very good for people prone to seizures of an epileptic nature.

Note: changing camphor oil to peach seed oil, you get a safe lotion for all skin types.

Wrinkle mask

To prepare such an anti-aging mask, you will need both vegetable camelina oil and a number of essential oils. So, you will have to search the following essential oils in pharmacies: roses, orange, sandalwood, rosewood and peppermint. At first it seems that the preparation of a natural mask from wrinkles will cost a pretty penny, but if you spend it once, you won’t have to buy these components for a long time. After all, a mask will require only one drop of each essential oil.

Add the remaining essential ingredients to camelina oil, mix everything and wipe the skin with a swab dipped in the prepared mixture. You can make a mask in reserve. It should be stored in a dark, tightly closed bottle. Mask until wrinkles disappear.

Universal mask with camelina oil

For a universal mask, you need a teaspoon of camelina oil, liquid honey, natural yogurt, as well as lemon juice (3-4 drops). Mix all components and apply on face. If you have a little mask left, then after about five minutes, when the first layer dries, apply a second one on it.

The mask is removed after 15 minutes. In order to cleanse the skin, just wash with warm water. After removing the mask, apply a moisturizing quality cream to the face.

Mask of camelina hair oil

In order to heal the curls, strengthen them, make the locks soft and obedient, restore the structure, restore shine, accelerate blood circulation and hair growth, cleanse the scalp, you need to prepare a mask of camelina and sesame oils. Some girls add vitamin E to this mask, but this is not necessary, since it is already contained in camelina oil.

Both oils are combined in equal proportions. After shaking the mixture, you can apply the product on the hair. First apply oil to the hair roots with a brush. After that, distribute the product over all hair. When you evenly smear the mask, curl your hair and put on a simple plastic hat. It will not be superfluous to cover your head with a thick towel.

Hold the mask for an hour. Wash it off with warm water. To clean the locks well, use shampoo. Do such procedures two to three times a week.


Watch the video: Face Oils - What's Best For Your Skin Type? (June 2024).