Chocolate wrap at home - the best recipes. How to make homemade chocolate wraps.


Think about what a woman would like after long days spent at work in conditions of endless stress and responsibility? Of course, rest. And besides, young ladies like to take care of themselves: arrange relaxation days, take baths with aromatic oils, or go to beauty salons and SPA.

The last word is shrouded in incredible magic, it attracts many women, offering services of a completely different nature, but at the same time each of them provides an opportunity to relax and get a lot of pleasure. Not all women can afford spas, but any of us are quite available homemade cosmetics and relaxation methods: masks, scrubs, peels for the face, hair and body, wraps and massages. Today we will talk in our article, perhaps, about the most fragrant type of wrapping - chocolate.

Pros wrap with chocolate at home

"What to expect from chocolate wrapping?" - you ask. First, complete, unconditional relaxation. It is as if you find yourself in an odorous fairy tale where you can just relax, without even trying to think about a pile of daily affairs and worries.

Secondly, chocolate wrapping delightfully cares for the body, but you do absolutely nothing at the same time. Agree, it is extremely nice: lie to yourself, rest, and the body at this time becomes elastic and taut.

Here are some more facts that only confirm the benefits of chocolate wraps:

• Chocolate stimulates serotonin synthesis in the body. The reserves of the "hormone of happiness" produced by our body, sooner or later are exhausted. Thanks to an amino acid called tryptophan, which is found in excess in chocolate, serotonin is produced much faster. We feel the rise of strength and mood, we feel how the body is filled with energy.

• The process of skin fading slows down significantly. Chocolate wrap contributes to the production of collagen and speeding up the metabolism.

• Even if you are too tired to have a wrap session with chocolate at home, be aware that caffeine, which fills cocoa beans, penetrates the skin directly into the body. Thus, after the procedure, you will feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy for new achievements and victories, and the feeling of fatigue will disappear without a trace.

• Chocolate, among other things, helps eliminate puffiness, removing excess fluid.

• The unique lifting effect, that is, skin tightening, is considered a faithful companion of chocolate wrapping. It will take only a few sessions, and you will notice how your skin looks taut.

American scientists have found that regular consumption of chocolate reduces the risk of developing a heart attack, due to the presence of special substances - flavanols. They are also found in red wine, grapes, black tea and apples. Flavanols affect the cardiovascular system, reducing high blood pressure, but do not saturate the body with cholesterol. Of course, you should eat only natural dark chocolate.

Cons of chocolate wrap at home

You must remember that there are some contraindications for wrapping with chocolate. For example:

• You can not attend such a procedure in the cabin or do it at home to those who have serious problems with pressure. Hypertensive hot wrapping is not suitable, and chocolate is most effective in this form.

• Allergies to chocolate will be a significant obstacle if you are going to make a wrap. But do not lose heart! For you there are other types of procedures, for example, wrapping with mustard or algae.

• People suffering from skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and others) should not be wrapped with chocolate.

• Hot wrap type is not suitable for expectant mothers. During pregnancy, the "sauna effect" can manifest itself completely on the opposite side. That is, instead of the expected result, you risk getting a miscarriage and even premature contractions.

• Women who do not tolerate temperature fluctuations also should not carry out hot wrapping with chocolate.

Naturally, a clear contraindication for chocolate wrapping can be a cold or a viral infection with fever. Remember that you can become ill, because the combination of increased body temperature and the "effect of the sauna" when wrapping can be fraught with a deterioration of the condition, up to loss of consciousness.

Anti-cellulite chocolate body wrap: recipe with olive oil

Olive oil will perfectly moisturize the skin, smooth it and help eliminate the manifestations of "orange peel". In addition, the oil in combination with chocolate is an excellent nutrient that can be compared with any expensive cosmetics from the store, only with the latter clearly loses. At home, wrapping is very simple:

• You need cocoa powder - 200-250 g,

• Water that can be easily replaced with milk - 250 g,

• Tablespoon olive oil. This item can be replaced, for example, with almond or coconut oil.

Cocoa should be poured with preheated water or milk and mixed thoroughly so that all the lumps are dissolved. Add olive oil and begin to cover problem areas. The beauty of chocolate wrapping is that the mixture is allowed to be applied on almost the whole body, avoiding only sensitive areas with delicate and thin skin.

Now it remains only to wrap the skin film. For example, if you smeared the buttocks and thighs up to the knees with a cocoa mask, then start wrapping the food wrap first with your knees. Move upward, holding a hank of film over the buttocks, and again go down on the second leg. So you wrap the skin correctly and do not stain anything around you. After 60 minutes, the chocolate mixture can be washed off.

Chocolate & Pepper Wrap

Hot red pepper has a delightful effect: using it as one of the ingredients of the mass for wrapping, you stimulate blood circulation, improve skin texture and smooth the skin with an “orange peel”. Pepper, although it is considered to be truly burning, perfectly supplies skin with nutrients, so you can notice the result of wraps literally after the second session.

To make your own chocolate wrap at home, take:

• Cocoa bean powder - 200 g,

• Hot water (but not boiling water) - 250 g,

• 1 tsp. red pepper powder.

Dissolve cocoa powder in water, add red pepper to it and immediately cover the skin. It is allowed to first wet a thin gauze bandage in a mixed mixture, wrap the thighs, buttocks and abdomen with it, and then cellophane film. To top it off, cover yourself with a blanket and try to endure 20-25 minutes. For a long time this wrap should not be left on the skin, because you can get a burn.

Rinse off the mass after the allotted time, and then you can additionally lubricate the cover with anti-cellulite cream or a simple moisturizing lotion.

Ginger chocolate wrap at home

Many people know the following fact: ginger is an excellent way to lose weight. It is taken orally during the diet, flavored teas are brewed with it and special drinks are prepared for weight loss. And ginger powder can be added to the mass for wrapping. Do you want to create a wrap mixture at home with your own hands? Easy peasy!


• A bar of dark chocolate,

• Half a glass of milk,

• Ground Ginger - 1 tbsp. l

• Vegetable oil to your taste, for example, apricot kernels, jojoba or sesame.

We set the milk to be heated, and next you should install a water bath to melt the chocolate bar. Be careful: the chocolate starts to burn quickly, so you need to dilute it with milk as soon as possible. Mass up to thicken, remove from heat, supplement with oil and ground ginger.

Now you just need to apply this mixture to the surface of the body. This can be done with a special silicone spatula and just with your fingers. Slightly rub the composition into the skin, then it will have a slight peeling effect. By tradition, you need to wrap areas of the skin with polyethylene and wear sweatpants. Leave the mask for an hour, then go into the shower and remove it without residue.

Which chocolate wrap to choose: cold or hot?

One type of wrapping with chocolate differs from another only in the temperature of the mass that you plan to apply. Also, cold wrapping is not wrapped with a film, so the "greenhouse effect" does not warm the skin.

The cold-type procedure will appeal to ladies who do not tolerate high temperatures and have too sensitive skin. If you want to make such a wrapping with chocolate, then simply cover the problem areas with the prepared mixture and wait for it to dry. The disadvantage of such a procedure is the impossibility to sit or lie down during it. You run the risk of staining any surface, so you have to walk or do household chores all the time.

Hot wrapping with chocolate is much more pleasant: a warm mass in combination with a blanket makes it possible to fully relax and relax the muscles of the body, while the mask ingredients smooth and soften the skin. Choose the type of wrapping that will be comfortable just for you, and our advice will help you to remove a few extra inches and enjoy a pleasant procedure.


Watch the video: Pour Chocolate Onto Bubble Wrap The Result Is Unique (July 2024).