Monthly came earlier - what does it say? What are the reasons for the monthly can come ahead of schedule.


A woman should treat her health with great attention - her nature has awarded her with a very delicate organism. One of the monthly duties - to control the timing of menstruation. Many keep their personal calendar, marking the days of its beginning and ending. It is easy to notice that during normal state of health the process takes place regularly, therefore if the monthly ones arrive prematurely, this is alarming and suspicious of health problems. To calm down, it is better to visit a gynecologist, get a consultation and pass the recommended medical examination. This will allow you to unambiguously determine the cause of the irregularity of the schedule and assign the correct correction.

Why monthly came prematurely

There are many reasons for women's health. A number of them explain why the monthly came earlier than expected.

1. The strongest emotional excitement, transferred as a result of some experienced stressful situation, can make quite significant changes in the regularity of menstruation and general well-being in general.

2. Increased physical exertion shortly before the start of the so-called critical days are a common cause of failure of the frequency of ovulation.

3. Sudden weight loss (illness, cardinal and extreme diet) triggers changes in the cycle.

4. The need to acclimatize the body when moving (change of time zone, climatic conditions) causes the female body to work in a tense manner and often causes menstruation to arrive early.

5. Hard and rough sex, traumatic female genitals (vagina, cervix) can cause either a premature onset of menstruation, or banal bleeding.

6. It is easy to confuse menstruation with uterine bleeding, which begins when the uterus is injured, its tissues are inflamed, there are tumors and other diseases.

7. A happy expectation of motherhood at the very beginning can cause early bleeding. This is explained by the fact that at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is implanted (implanted in the wall of the uterus), thereby destroying part of the superficial blood vessels, from which the outflow of blood occurs.

8. The explanation to the fact that the menstruation arrived earlier may also be covered in ectopic pregnancy, arbitrary abortion. These are very dangerous situations in which a woman needs urgent surgery.

9. Quite often, oral contraceptives taken by ladies lead to hormonal imbalance, which causes a cycle failure.

10. An unpleasant reason that menstruation came earlier may be sexually transmitted infections.

Jumps in the frequency of regulars should not be surprising in their youth, when the cycle is only established, and already at a very mature age, when it begins to fade.

How is menstruation, if monthly came earlier

Features of the appearance of menstruation in such cases will depend on the cause of the violation of the cycle. If the jump is caused by nuances in the work of the central nervous system, then usually the regulaul itself passes with deviations in the state of the lady.

Often it affects unpleasant headaches. Nausea may occur, which is not at all, as some girls get scared, the first sign of pregnancy. The mood is depressed, whiny, there are unjustified tears. Some women can have insomnia on such days.

In principle, menstruation often comes earlier, but for each lady in such a situation, they proceed differently, depending on the individual health condition. But it is worth remembering, if a hormonal disorder has happened, then the discharge of blood is abundant, sometimes even clots can be observed. But in the case of an infection, the abdominal pains are often felt, and the lumbar spine region hurts.

If the monthly came earlier: pregnancy ?!

Separate case, when a failure in the cycle means a possible pregnancy. If a woman leads a sufficiently active sex life, then it will not be surprising if, even with careful protection from conception, premature regulations will become the first sign of future motherhood.

It is necessary to carry out the simplest test, purchasing it at any pharmacy, if:

- the onset of menstruation occurred 2-6 days earlier than expected;

- the blood that is excreted has changed its properties - the color has become pinkish or with a brown tint;

- the intensity and profusion of lochies (discharge) have sharply decreased;

- the periods themselves lasted fewer days than usual.

Similar differences when confirming the onset of pregnancy are due to implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Monthly came earlier for 5 days

It's amazing how varied the factors causing menstrual disorders. So, if the monthly came earlier by 5 days, it is recommended to consider a number of the main reasons.

1. The normal functioning of the female reproductive system is regulated by the work of not one organ, but several at once. Therefore, the violation of their functioning entails a situation when they come monthly for 5 days ahead of schedule. So, figuring out the causes of deviations in the frequency of menstruation, it is possible to simultaneously detect diseases of the ovaries, uterus, even the brain.

2. The female body is so delicate that the failure of its functioning (mainly vegetative function) happens even because of a banal cold. The main provocateur here is a violation of normal blood circulation during the illness.

3. The influence of negative environmental factors can cause menstruation 5 days earlier. An example of such a situation is the need to get used to new climatic conditions (acclimatization) when changing your permanent place of residence, traveling, going to new places for the purpose of rest.

4. A relatively small deviation is often provoked by a radical diet. During the period of severe restriction in nutrition, the body loses a number of necessary substances, therefore it is under stress. That is what causes a failure in the menstrual cycle.

5. Overload. Both physical and emotional, it causes abnormalities in literally 3-5 days.

Monthly came earlier in the week

If the monthly arrived earlier in the week, then, most likely, the potential factors are provocateurs.


With this symptom, the body produces estrogen in more than enough. This happens against the background of the growing deficiency of luteic acid. Pregnancy in such a situation is completely excluded, since ovulation is likely to be simply absent. Difficulties occur due to excess body mass, tumors in the female genital organs (for example, various cysts in the ovaries), taking estrogen-containing drugs. Confirmed by ailment with a normal blood test.

Inflammatory processes

Scarlet secretions with clots may be a symptom of the development of inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, in the cavity of the uterus itself. Abnormal discharge occurs due to a potential disease - the underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system, endometriosis, fibroids, glandular hyperplasia, hypoplasia.

Uterine bleeding

If your period came a week earlier, then it is quite likely that this is not lochia, but a dangerous uterine bleeding due to uterine injury, an inflammatory process, the development of a tumor on the genitals.

Monthly came 10 days earlier

Despite the fact that the woman's menstrual cycle is established just a couple of years after the menarche (the first appearance), situations where the menstrual period came 10 days earlier are quite common. The main reasons for such a serious deviation can be quite a variety of factors.

1. Genetic predisposition. It should be discussed with the mother if she didn’t have a similar situation, probably something similar was observed quite often along the female line of the family. If this is true, then you will have to accept the existing state of affairs, because it is practically impossible to influence it.

2. Abortions, miscarriages. Such unpleasant situations quite often provoke a failure in the menstrual cycle, causing premature appearance of lohia.

3. Deviations in body weight. If there is a sharp loss / weight gain, then you should not be surprised that your period came 10 days earlier. The same phenomenon can be provoked by the lack of a normal, healthy diet due to the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

4. Inflammations. Alas, the inflammatory processes of the organs in the pelvic area are a very common cause of a wide variety of abnormalities in the body of a woman. The list of pathologies is quite impressive - these are fibroids, malignant or benign tumors, endometriosis. The list can be continued without stopping for a very long time. The most dangerous thing is that a woman does not always detect dangerous abnormalities and is delayed in seeking emergency medical care.

5. Diseases of the internal organs. Violation of the cycle is often caused by various ailments associated with the liver, kidneys, and other vital organs.

From this short list of the most common causes of deviations in the regularity of the appearance of lohii, it is clear that if you come monthly 10 days earlier, then you should not delay the visit to the doctor. For with such an indicator, the probability that a disease is detected is too great.

If the monthly came earlier scanty

Painless flow of menstruation does not depend on their abundance. Even if the monthly came earlier and rather scarce in volume, the absence of discomfort is not guaranteed. On the contrary, they are often accompanied by symptoms such as:

- perceptible pain in the lower abdomen;

- nausea;

- headache;

- pulling back pain;

- diarrhea or constipation.

Scanty discharge occur in the following cases:

- after childbirth (may occur prematurely and be an unusual brown color);

- after curettage (abortion, diagnostic curettage, removal of polyps);

- with ovarian dysfunction;

- with a genetic predisposition;

- in inflammatory processes (in the ovaries, appendages of the uterus).

This is only a small part of the reasons for which there are scanty monthly, premature.

If the monthly came earlier and abundant

Violation of the cycle itself causes wariness, and if the monthly came earlier and abundant, then you should think about the reasons. This is due to the fact that lochia should not be too large in volume, especially if they appear with clots.

The main indications for this situation:

- Specific structure of the uterus or its pathology;

- hormonal disbalance;

- menopause, abortion, childbirth;

- uterine fibroids or endometriosis;

- pathology of the reproductive system;

- menorrhagia;

- lack of hemoglobin;

- inflammation and disease of the pelvic organs;

- excessive use of contraceptives (helix).

What to do if monthly came earlier

So, find out why the monthly came early. It remains to understand what to do with all this "happiness". Actually, as with any anomaly, the only recommendation is to eliminate the root of this phenomenon.

It is necessary to sit quietly and analyze what kind of life a woman leads. If it is significantly different from healthy, then it is probably worth thinking about what to do so that the regulators do not beat their rhythm?

- Reduce the load, not only physical but also moral. Constant stress still did not bring anyone to good.

- Eliminate the uncomfortable situation in your own house, stop, if any, all kinds of clarification of the relationship. The house should be a corner of tranquility, where you can feel well and body and soul.

- Give more attention to the preparation of healthy and healthy food (homemade dishes), giving up unregulated snacks on the go, fast food.

- Carefully take to receive any hormonal drugs, to study the instructions for their use. This applies primarily to the use of contraceptives (pills).

- Do not worry too much if the monthly came first of all on a single day. Doctors do not call this a malfunction, but consider it a normal flow of regula.

- If this phenomenon occurs with frightening consistency, then it is best to consult your gynecologist for advice. If he recommends to undergo a full examination, you should not refuse - it means that he has some doubts that must be dispelled.

Do not forget that to endure severe pain, especially if they are accompanied by clearly not menstrual bleeding. The main difference should be remembered - in a normal situation, the released blood should be dark and practically non-coagulable, and in the pathological it will be a scarlet color, clots may appear and even pieces of tissue rejected. It is better to immediately consult a doctor - the cause of such ailments is often far from harmless.

Adjust the deviations in the monthly cycle with medication. If menstruation is regularly accompanied by perceptible soreness, then this is a weighty argument in favor of the fact that urgently you need to take care of your own health, regardless of anything. When nausea, head spinning, fainting, vomiting, most likely, the girl can be congratulated - in the near future she will become a happy mother.


Watch the video: How to Get One Month Ahead of Your Expenses! (July 2024).