Cream for homemade cake: butter, cottage cheese, creamy, caramel, chocolate, jam ... Choose from a variety of flavors your cream recipe for homemade cake!


The cream layer gives the homemade cake a special delicacy and originality, making the taste of your favorite dessert original and not similar to store products.

Many housewives own recipes for "branded" homemade cakes that surprise guests and households with their unique taste and delicate aroma. But not all homemade pastry chefs know that it is the cream that makes the cake special, because there are about a dozen types of dough for the dessert base, and there are several dozens of ways to make the cream.

In order to cater to the tastes of each family member, you should learn how to cook several types of cream for homemade cake, which will allow you to make a culinary masterpiece from cakes and a “secret” cream recipe purchased in a nearby supermarket in just half an hour.

General principles of cream for homemade cream

In the confectionery business, there are general requirements for what should be the cream for homemade cake:

• the texture of the cream should be uniform, without oily "flakes";

• the cream should not spread, its correct consistency corresponds to the density of high fat sour cream;

• cream for decorating the upper tier of the cake should keep the desired shape even at room temperature;

• Well-whipped cream for homemade cake does not exfoliate when stored in the refrigerator.

In the cream for homemade cake should not add thickeners and stabilizers (flour, gelatin and starch), so as not to increase the already considerable caloric content of a tasty dessert. Home-made confectionery is not intended for multi-day storage, so there is no point in weighting the cake with a dense cream. To enjoy your favorite dessert did not become an occasion to purchase clothes a couple of sizes larger, you can use lightweight creams that are no less tasty than classic ones.

Among the general principles for preparing cream for homemade cake, the following points deserve special attention:

• cream components should have approximately the same temperature before whipping, then the mass will be uniform and smooth;

• it is advisable to use the mixer for the preparation of protein creams, starting at a low speed and increasing the number of revolutions in the process of whipping the mass;

• creams with oil components are best prepared using a whisk in order to obtain a mass that is ideal in consistency;

• syrup for a classic butter cream is boiled to the state of "thin thread";

• cream requires cream with a fat content of at least 33-35%, and sour cream needs cream with a fat content of at least 25%.

To make an exclusive cream for homemade cake, you can try unusual combinations of components and the original sequence of preparation of the cream mass, using the following recipes as an example.

Chocolate rum cream for homemade cake

According to this recipe, a cream with an exquisite taste is obtained, with which you can interlayer any types of cakes or use a lot to make cakes.


• milk chocolate - 3 tiles of 100 g each;

• instant coffee - 3 teaspoons;

• fat cream (33%) - 200 ml;

• butter - 60 g;

• rum (can be replaced with cognac) - 6 teaspoons

Cooking method

Break the chocolate into small pieces, put it in a metal bowl and warm in a water bath until soft. Add coffee to warmed cream and lightly whip the resulting mass. Pour the warm cream with coffee into a bowl of chocolate, stirring with a whisk so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Then add soft butter in small pieces and rum, not forgetting to work with a whisk. We fill the container with a film and put it in the refrigerator for solidification. Before using chocolate-rum cream, the mass must be beaten additionally.

Peppermint cream for homemade cake

Light and delicate cream for homemade cake with summer notes and chocolate aftertaste is suitable for biscuit cakes and custard cakes.


• fat cream (33%) - 200 ml;

• white chocolate - 4 tiles of 100 g each;

• strawberries, crushed in mashed potatoes - 160 g;

• fresh mint - 20 leaves

Cooking method

Break the chocolate into pieces, put in a bowl and melt using a microwave or a saucepan with boiling water. Add the mint to the cream and heat it to the boil, then cover the saucepan with the lid and draw the resulting mint cream for 10-15 minutes, then remove the mint leaves. Add warm cream to the chocolate mass, stirring constantly with a whisk to ensure the homogeneity of the mixture. Then spread the strawberry puree into the chocolate-cream mass, whipping with a whisk. We put the container in the refrigerator, after the mass has hardened, it needs to be re-whipped, and then cake layers can be layered.

Cream for homemade jam cake

An interesting fruit cream for homemade biscuit cake, in which jam is used instead of sugar. The best options are plum, apple and cherry (seedless), from which part of the syrup is removed, leaving a thicker part for the cream.


• high-quality butter - 200 g;

• thick homemade jam - 400 g;

• cognac (can be replaced with liquor) - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method

Rub the white butter. In a blender, beat the jam and add it in small portions to the butter, whipping the mass with a whisk. Then pour in cognac or liquor (it is better to take liquor on herbs, rather than berry). Ready cream can be used for layering and decorating the cake, as well as an independent dessert.

Berry-nut curd cream for homemade cake

Delicate and refreshing cream for homemade cake with a small calorie and juicy berry flavor (suitable raspberry, cherry or strawberry). Cake made of biscuit cakes with such a cream is suitable for festive tea drinking even for those who follow a diet.


• natural cottage cheese without additives - 400 g;

• yolks of chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;

• fat cream (33%) - 100 g;

• sugar - 100 g;

• steamed raisins and fresh berries (seeds must be removed) 50 g each;

• nuts or sunflower seeds - 50 g;

• vanillin - optional

Cooking method

Grind sugar and egg yolks to whiten the mass. Cottage cheese, twice rubbed through a fine sieve, add to the sugar-egg mixture. Grind raisins, nuts and berries in a blender, add to the curd mass. Whip the cream with a whisk and pour them into the cream semi-finished product. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth and proceed with the assembly of the cake.

Chocolate ganache cream for homemade cake

The famous French ganache is easy to prepare, it requires a minimum of products, but the result will delight everyone who tastes the cake with this delicious cream.


• dark chocolate - 3 tiles of 150 g each;

• butter - 50 g;

• fat cream (33%) - 400 ml

Cooking method

Chocolate must be chopped with a knife into crumbs. Heat the cream, but do not let them boil. Pour the chocolate chips with hot cream and leave to insist for 5-7 minutes. Add oil, which will enhance the taste of cream and give the cream a pleasant shine. Knead the mixture with a whisk until completely smooth. After cooling the cream in the refrigerator (about an hour), beat it until splendid and lightly lighten the mass. Ganache cream is suitable for decorating the top of the cake using a pastry syringe or layering cakes.

Mascarpone cream for homemade cake

The thick and at the same time airy mascarpone cream for homemade cake has an unusual taste and is suitable for different types of cake. Suitable for sandwiching a cake and coating it on top and sides.


• mascarpone cheese - 250 g;

• brandy - 2-3 teaspoons;

• orange, lemon and lime - 1 pc.;

• powdered sugar - 2 part tablespoons;

• vanillin - to taste

Cooking method

Mix the mascarpone with vanilla and powdered sugar, add the brandy to the cheese and knead the mass well. Remove from the citrus zest with a fine grater, spread the zest in a cheese-sugar mixture. Knead the resulting cream until smooth, proceed to smear the cake layers.

Honey-nut cream for homemade cake

Fragrant and non-sugary cream for homemade cake with biscuit or sand base will appeal to the most sophisticated sweet tooth. A honey note combined with a nutty flavor makes the dessert unique.


• natural honey - 100 g;

• butter - 200 g;

• a small lemon - 1 pc.;

• steamed prunes and dried apricots - 50 g each;

• walnuts - 100 g

Cooking method

In butter crushed to splendor, gradually add honey, constantly kneading the mass. Add grated zest from a whole lemon and nuts crumbled in a blender, constantly mixing the mixture. We grind dried fruits, fill them with the main mixture and finally knead everything, getting a cream that is perfect in consistency. We spread the cakes and collect the cake.

Caramel cream for homemade cake

Delicate cream for homemade cake with a lollipop flavor turns out to be quite thick, having a beautiful shade. Suitable for gluing cakes and decor on the top and sides.


• butter - 150 g;

• sugar - 200 g;

• fat cream (33%) - 300 ml;

• vanillin - optional

Cooking method

We pour the sugar into a saucepan with a thickened bottom, set it on a small fire and heat it until the sugar melts and obtain light brown liquid caramel. In a separate container we heat the cream, without bringing them to a boil. Pour the hot cream into the caramel mass, stirring all the time. Boil the creamy caramel mixture until lightly thickened. We cool the mixture and proceed to whip the cream, adding gradually softened butter.

Brazilian cream for homemade cake

The combination of condensed milk and lemons gives a creamy sweetness and a refreshing note, which allows you to turn even very sweet cakes into an original and not cloying dessert.


• fat cream (33%) - 200 ml;

• condensed milk - 1 can;

• medium-sized lemon - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

Whip the cream, adding the condensed milk in parts, until a stable lush mass is obtained. Pour in a little juice of 2 lemons, continuing to knead until thickened. Ready cream is slightly cooled in the refrigerator and proceed to the preparation of the cake.

Cream for homemade cake: tips and tricks

  • As a thickener cream, you can use a mashed ripe banana or mango, which will make the mass more dense, and also give the product an exotic flavor, eliminating excessive cloying and calorie content.
  • The cream is refreshed with finely grated lemon or lime zest. New Year's mood will be provided by adding orange zest to the cream for homemade cake.
  • If the house does not have nuts, you can add lightly roasted and chopped sunflower seeds to the cream, which will be an interesting nuance of the finished product.
  • You can add a little cinnamon powder to a cream with fruit to enhance the fruity note and give the cake some piquancy.


Watch the video: Tres Leches STRAWBERRY CAKE Recipe Pastel Tres Leches de Fresa Strawberry Milk Cake (July 2024).