Pepper Adjika: we’re waving in the kitchen in reserve! Tips, recipes and tricks for cooking fragrant adjika from pepper


Adjika is everyone’s favorite snack with a huge number of recipes.

It is raw and boiled, from pepper, with tomatoes, greens, eggplants, plums and other ingredients. Recipes adjika of pepper, there are several hundred. In such a variety it is easy to get confused, therefore, the best recipes for a savory appetizer with a pinworm are collected here.

Pepper Adjika - General Cooking Principles

Adjika is prepared by chopping vegetables and adding spices, aromatic herbs to them. This is best done in a meat grinder. If desired, the mass is skipped several times. If the snack is not subjected to heat treatment, it is very important to observe the sterility of dishes and products. This will increase the shelf life of the workpiece.

Hot pepper. A required ingredient in adjika. You can use both red pods and green ones. Ripe pepper is about 1.5 times sharper than unripe. The tail is removed from the pods, the seeds can be left, they will give adjika an additional stinginess.

Sweet pepper. There are not so many admirers of hot adzhika made from pepper and most often the taste is diluted with other vegetables. Most often it is Bulgarian pepper, which also gives the snack a summer aroma and beautiful color. The ripe and juicier the pods, the better adjika will turn out. Green unripe pepper is rarely added to the appetizer, as it can add bitter taste to the finished sauce.

Tomatoes The universal love of tomatoes could not but affect the adjika recipe. Increasingly, tomatoes are added to it. Moreover, many housewives consider them the main ingredient and add in unmeasured quantities. This is not prohibited, but if you put a sufficient amount of preservative products. Otherwise, the sauce can turn sour quickly. Tomatoes are better to take fleshy, ripe, grown in the sun. Greenhouse and imported vegetables adjika does not like pepper.

Garlic. Gives the appetizer aroma, additional pungency and helps it stay fresh longer. Crushed together with other ingredients, may be added in large quantities. If the pepper adjika needs to be cooked, then garlic is best added at the end of cooking. There are recipes in which all the ingredients undergo heat treatment, and garlic is put after cooling the sauce in its raw form.

Frequent ingredients adjika pepper are spices. To taste everything is used: coriander, oregano, basil, cinnamon, cloves. You can add all kinds of greens and roots, but it is important to rinse them thoroughly.

Recipe 1: Georgian Pepper Adjika

This is a recipe for cooking real, hot adzhika from pepper. It is particularly hot, so there are not many lovers to consume in its pure form, and it is mainly men. But the workpiece is also actively used for cooking various dishes, marinades and preservation.

List of ingredients:

• hot pepper 0.25 kg;

• garlic 0.05 kg;

• salt 1 tbsp. l .;

• hops-suneli 1 tbsp. l .;

• Coriander 1 tsp.

Cooking adjika

Classical adjika of pepper contains a lot of salt, which allows it not to deteriorate for a long time in natural conditions. Per 1 kg of hot pepper is up to 0.35 kg of salt. But if you plan to keep the snack in the refrigerator, then this recipe can be neglected, put less salt.

Coriander seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder, but you can simply crush them. Peppers and garlic are minced in a meat grinder, previously peeled and freed from seeds. Combine everything, mix thoroughly, salt, add seasonings and set aside for dissolution and saturation with taste. Then put in small jars.

Recipe 2: Pepper Adjika with Onions and Carrots

Adjika made according to this recipe has a soft, smooth taste due to the incoming vegetables. If it is not cooked through a meat grinder, but rather in a mash blender, it will look like vegetable caviar.

List of ingredients:

• sweet pepper 2 kg;

• sharp 0.5 kg;

• onions 700 gr.;

• carrots 500 gr.;

• 0.25 kg of tomato paste;

• oil 0.15 kg;

• 3 tbsp. l vinegar;

• 2 tbsp. l salt.

Cooking adjika

Pour oil into a pan, put on a stove. Peel the onion, cut into large half rings and send into the pan. Grate the carrots and pour to the onion. All together, fry and cool.

While the roast is cooling, you need to prepare the pepper. To do this, it is washed, cut in half and freed from the entrails. Halves are cut into several pieces and scrolled in a meat grinder together with roasted and cooled vegetables. The mass must be transferred to a pot or cauldron and put to cook for 30 minutes. Then add tomato paste, salt and vinegar to future adjika. Stir thoroughly and boil for another 10 minutes. Arrange the boiling mass in glass jars and roll up.

Adjika is similarly prepared with the addition of zucchini, celery and pumpkin. Vegetables can be fried in oil, as in this recipe, or simply boiled with pepper. May need to add boiling time. Oil must be added in any case.

Recipe 3: Walnut Adjika

Walnuts add spice to adjika from pepper, make the taste deep and rich. This sauce can be coated with meat, fish or poultry before baking, add it when marinating kebab or cooking minced meat for meatballs, dumplings, manti and pasties. A spoonful of walnut adjika, added to mayonnaise or sour cream, will make a wonderful sauce out of a simple product.

Ingredients for adjika:

• 1 kg of sweet pepper;

• 500 gr. acute;

• nuts 0.2 kg;

• 0.2 kg of olive oil;

• salt 2 tbsp. l .;

• 0.2 kg of garlic.

Cooking adjika

Nuts need to be sorted out, remove impurities. Then lightly fry in a dry frying pan, preventing scorching. You can just dry the nuts in the oven. This will give the future adjika of pepper a rich aroma.

Peel the garlic, prepare the peppers and scroll through the meat grinder 2 times together with the nuts. Add salt and stir until it dissolves. And only after that pour olive oil. If you mix the oil with salt at the same time, the spice will dissolve and crackle on the teeth for a very long time. It is better to use unrefined olive oil, but if it is not there or the product is not pleasant, then you can replace it with sunflower. Interesting adjika from pepper is obtained with the addition of mustard oil of cold pressed.

Recipe 4: Pepper Adjusts with Plum

Not only the popular tkemali sauce can be prepared from plums. There is an equally interesting recipe for adjika from peppers with plums, which is very simple to make from seasonal vegetables. The sauce requires heat treatment and is best kept rolled up, but if you wish, you can always make a test portion that will stand in the refrigerator for a week or two.


• 1.2 kg of sweet pepper;

• plums 0.8 kg;

• hot pepper 0.3 kg;

• garlic 2 heads;

• vinegar 3 tbsp. l .;

• salt 2 tbsp. l

Cooking adjika

Exempt from the seeds of plums. Peppers are released from the core and seeds, garlic cloves from the outer husk. Then everything is chopped together, except for garlic. Put the adjika on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the foam, cover with a lid and then boil for 30 minutes on a small fire. At this time, grind the garlic or chop finely. Then add it to the boiled mass, mix, pour out the vinegar and pour out the salt, boil for 2 minutes, roll it into the prepared jars. Cool in an inverted form under a warm blanket.

If fresh plum is not available, you can replace the prunes. In this case, you need to take it 2 times less. If the dried fruits are too hard, then pre-hold for an hour in cold water, then dry with a towel and cook according to the recipe.

Recipe 5: Raw Adjika from Tomato and Pepper

Raw adjika preserves the taste and aroma of vegetables as much as possible, which many housewives like, but require accuracy in cooking. In addition, the workpiece without heat treatment is very moody in storage. Two sauces prepared according to the same recipes, but at different times, can stand differently. This largely depends on the quality of vegetables and sterility.

List of ingredients:

• 1.2 kg of sweet pepper;

• 1.2 kg of tomatoes;

• 500 gr. garlic;

• 0.3 kg horseradish root.

Cooking adjika

Before cooking adzhika you need to wash all the vegetables under running water and dry thoroughly so that no water gets into the finished snack. In the meantime, you can prepare jars or bottles. To preserve the sauce, they must be sterile. To do this, the dishes are treated with steam or heated in an oven.

Pepper is freed from seeds, cut into pieces for a meat grinder. Tomatoes also need to be cut. Peel the garlic. The most difficult to treat horseradish, as it causes irritation of mucous membranes and tearing. Therefore, the root must be cleaned quickly, and it is advisable to work with it on the air or with the window open. Cooking adjika from pepper and tomato is simple: just chop everything up, stir it, pour it into containers and put it in the fridge. If there is a cool cellar or basement, then the sauce can be stored in it.

Recipe 6: Adjika from Tomato and Boiled Pepper

Boiled adjika is different in that it is not so whimsical to the conditions of detention and is remarkably stored even at room temperature, of course, rolled up. Of course, it loses in taste and content of useful substances to the crude analog, but the risk of souring or mold formation is minimal.


• 1.5 kg of tomatoes;

• 500 gr. garlic;

• sweet pepper 1.5 kg;

• 350 gr. acute.

Cooking adjika

The recipe is very simple, you need to chop the peppers with tomatoes, boil for half an hour, add garlic, boil for a couple of minutes and close in jars. Adjika loves a variety of spices, herbs and roots, from them the sauce becomes fragrant and tastier. But in order for the appetizer to be well stored, the mass must be boiled for several minutes. Some mistresses add vinegar or acetylsalicylic acid for safety reasons. And to prevent mold from forming on the surface, add some vegetable oil to the sauce during cooking. During storage, it will float to the surface and form a protective film.

Recipe 7: Adjika from tomato and pepper dry

Dry adjika from tomato and pepper is a wonderful seasoning that can help out at any time. It has a lot of advantages: it is well stored at any temperature, suitable for any dishes and is very easy to prepare. And it will also help determine the surplus of vegetables if there is not enough cans, time or space in the refrigerator.

List of ingredients:

• tomatoes 2 kg;

• sweet pepper 2 kg;

• sharp 0.5 kg;

• garlic 0.3 kg.

Cooking adjika

The number of products can be changed in any direction, depending on taste preferences. It is important that the vegetables are ripe, not watery and without any signs of spoilage. Peppers and tomatoes need to be cut into arbitrary slices, peel and chop the garlic into slices. Arrange the blanks on trays and dry in the sun or in the oven. If there is an electric dryer, the process is simplified many times.

Vegetables need to be dried to fragility. Then grind in a coffee grinder, through a meat grinder or ceiling. Pour into dry jars and store in the kitchen cabinet. If desired, can be mixed with dried herbs, any spices, vegetables, seeds and nuts. But it is important that all ingredients are thoroughly dried.

Recipe 8: Adjika from tomato and pepper with apples

Apples will dilute the taste of any sauce, give spicy sourness and tenderness. But for this they need to be carefully prepared, peeled and, of course, crushed. You should not twist the fruit with other ingredients in the meat grinder, it is better to do a little differently.

List of ingredients:

• apples 1.5 kg;

• tomatoes 1,2kg;

• sweet peppers 1.2 kg;

• sharp pods 0.5 kg;

• spices and salt.

Cooking adjika

To make adzhika tender and fragrant, without pieces of apples and skins, you need to make mashed potatoes. For this, the fruit is peeled, cut into slices and placed in a saucepan. Now you need to add 100 ml of water and steam thoroughly. The mass cools down and you can proceed to the direct preparation of adjika with pepper.

Vegetables are prepared in a standard way, scroll in a meat grinder. Grind steamed apples separately. Tomato - pepper mass should be boiled for 20 minutes, add applesauce, to taste salt and pepper. Boil another 10 minutes and roll.

Recipe 9: Pepper Adjika with Honey

An unusual recipe for cooking aromatic adjika from pepper. Honey gives the sauce a special zest and unique taste. Salt and spices are not used in this recipe, as the sauce is itself saturated.

List of ingredients:

• Bulgarian pepper 2 kg;

• 200 gr. sharp pods;

• 2 tbsp. l vinegar 70%;

• 200 gr. garlic;

• 200 gr. honey

Cooking adjika

Wash and dry the vegetables. To clear sweet peppers from entrails, to cut tails at sharp pods. Peel the garlic cloves. Twist everything into a meat grinder. Add honey, vinegar and mix thoroughly with a spoon for 10 minutes. It is better to use liquid honey, but if there is none, then you need to melt the candied product. To do this, they put it in a bowl and put it in a water bath. It is important not to let it get very hot and boil, so you need to constantly stir. Once all the pieces have dissolved, pour the honey into adjika and stir.

Keep adjika from pepper with honey in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months, but usually it does not last long. Well suited for any meat and vegetable dishes, it is tasty even just with bread.

Recipe 10: Green pepper adjika

This appetizer contains a lot of leafy greens and is made from green capsicum. If the sauce seems spicy, then it can be diluted with bell pepper, preferably yellow. Green pepper adjika is good not only for meat dishes, but also for fish dishes.

List of ingredients:

• green hot pepper 0.25 kg;

• garlic 0.2 kg;

• parsley 0.1 kg;

• dill 0.1 kg;

• cilantro 0.05 kg;

• basil 0.05 kg;

• walnuts 0.05 kg;

• salt 1 tbsp. l

Cooking adjika

It is important to rinse the bunches of greens well and dry from drops of water. Large and stiff stems must be removed immediately. While the herbs dry, pepper and garlic are prepared. The pods need to be washed, remove the tails. Peel the garlic cloves. Skip peppers, herbs, garlic and walnuts through a meat grinder. Add salt and mix well. If a blender is used, then salt can be poured out immediately.

Store green pepper adjika in the fridge by placing in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid. It is not recommended to cook large portions of snacks, as the aroma of greens and appearance gradually deteriorate. But salt can save the situation. In this case, it must be added until it ceases to dissolve.

Pepper Adjika - Tips and Tricks

• Hot peppers irritate the skin of the hands and may cause burns. Therefore, you need to work with him in gloves.

• In raw adjika, you need to use high-quality and whole vegetables. If they are overripe and do not inspire confidence, then it is better to boil a lot.

• If cloves are added to the appetizer, it is important not to overdo it. As far as insisting, the asterisks reveal a scent that can become too annoying. Option - use ground cloves.

• The more pepper, garlic and horseradish in the appetizer, the longer it will keep fresh.Salt can also be added as a preservative.

• If the recipe contains acetic acid, then it is best to replace it with apple or grape vinegar, accordingly calculating the proportion. The sauce will turn out not only healthier, but also much tastier.

• If there is not enough sharpness in adjika, and there is no capsicum, then you can add red ground.

Making adjika out of pepper is quick and easy. Homemade harvesting will replace purchased sauces, help diversify the menu and add a new flavor to ordinary dishes. Good housewives in piggy banks always have several recipes for this wonderful snack.


Watch the video: How to Make Red Pepper Dip - Adjika Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show (July 2024).