Folk remedies for diarrhea: how to help the sufferer? How to choose a recipe for folk remedies for diarrhea, based on the causes of this unpleasant symptom


Diarrhea - This is not a disease, but a symptom of disorders in the body. It can be combined with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever.

Folk remedies for diarrhea - determine the cause

The causes of diarrhea are varied, and before starting to use folk remedies for diarrhea, it is necessary to figure out for what particular reason it happened.

The main causes of diarrhea are:

- banal overeating;

- stress;

- poisoning (intoxication);

- acute intestinal or viral infections;

- the use of drugs (mainly antibiotics);

- various diseases (chronic forms of gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, metabolic disorders);

- enzymatic failure;

- internal bleeding.

- parasitic diseases.

General recommendations

Regardless of the causes of diarrhea, measures must be taken to prevent dehydration. To do this, in light and medium cases it will be enough to drink a lot of black tea (without sugar - this is important!), Kissels and any other unsweetened liquids, in complex ones - you have to use saline solution or means offered by modern medicine.

We categorically exclude sweet drinks - they provoke fermentation, which will be completely superfluous with diarrhea.

Tea should be exactly black, because green has light laxative properties and can produce the exact opposite of what you want.

Kissel can be starch (preferably) or oatmeal, with the addition of decoctions of herbs or fruits of specially selected berries (the berries themselves do not need to be eaten after the preparation of starch).

Starch jelly is prepared from potato starch and water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of starch to 250 ml of water. Heat, wait for thickening, do not need to boil, then cool and drink. You can make jelly more dense - this is especially important when applying a diet, when you want not only to drink, but also to eat.

The salt solution is prepared from ordinary table salt and boiled water, the dosages are individual and depend, among other things, on the age of the sufferer. For adults, this is 2 teaspoons of salt per half cup of boiled water. If it is difficult to drink such a saturated solution, it is possible to reduce the salt concentration, but increase the volume of the liquid you drink. Saline solution not only contributes to the retention of fluid in the body, but also helps to normalize the processes of digestion and neutralize the negative effects of toxins, which is very useful in case of poisoning.

Diarrhea is a rather dangerous phenomenon, therefore all folk remedies should be used extremely carefully.

Seeing a doctor is necessary in cases where:

- diarrhea is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, sharp pain in the abdomen and constant vomiting;

- in the fecal masses there are blood clots;

- there is a high probability of food poisoning;

- within five hours after the start of the use of folk remedies, the result does not appear, that is, diarrhea does not subside (diarrhea completely in 5 hours, of course, will not stop, but the condition should improve significantly).

Folk remedies for diarrhea with overeating

When overeating, only two folk remedies are used:

- hunger;

- diet.

As a rule, fasting is enough for a length of two days. It is important that fasting is not dry - you should drink liquids and drink a lot.

If fasting for some reason (medical or otherwise) is impossible, you will have to be content with following a diet. From the food for the first three days we leave: homemade wheat crackers, biscuits, low-fat chicken broth. Then we include in the diet: rice, porridge on the water, boiled chicken, noodles, mashed potatoes.

It is categorically unacceptable dishes fried and spicy, it is recommended to exclude dairy and bean products, nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, as well as any sweets.

Starvation and / or diet are required if there is diarrhea of ​​any origin.

Folk remedies for diarrhea under stress

Since in this case the cause of the diarrhea is known and lies outside the digestive tract, the main task will be to increase the body’s resistance to stress. Anti-stress effects are famous for the following folk remedies:

- physical exercise. Yes, paradoxically, it is physical activity that can eliminate biochemical and physical changes in the body caused by stress, and simply distract from experiences;

- soothing tea from the collection of the following herbs: calendula, chamomile, motherwort, valerian in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, take half a glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals;

- aromatherapy using Valerian tincture (regularly sniff from a bottle) and essential oils of bergamot, geranium, patchouli, chamomile, grapefruit.

Folk remedies for diarrhea with internal bleeding

When blood clots are detected in the feces, which indicates internal bleeding, it is necessary to discard the idea of ​​treatment with folk remedies and immediately consult a doctor. The question is too serious to rely on the decoction of chamomile or oak bark, it is often about life, and not just a comfortable state.

Folk remedies for diarrhea for other reasons

Actions with diarrhea caused by other causes (from intoxication to infections and chronic diseases), it makes sense to consider in one subsection. This is due to a number of circumstances:

First of allit is not always possible to unambiguously determine the cause of diarrhea,

Secondly, with known causes, it is far from always possible to correct the root cause of the painful condition by folk remedies (for example, if diarrhea is caused by a lack of enzymes, then traditional medicine simply has nothing to offer the patient),

thirdWhatever the reason, the primary task remains the same - to fix the chair, using means with tannic properties, and soothe the inflamed intestinal walls.

To stop diarrhea apply:

- rice water.

A completely harmless remedy that is simply prepared: boil rice without salt, pour the broth and take half a cup 3 to 4 times a day before meals;

- decoction on rye bread.

Soak dry rye bread in warm water for 20 minutes. Strain and take the broth during the day several times in half a cup;

- potato starch.

The jelly from potato starch has already been mentioned as one of its uses, but you can do without cooking the jelly: stir 1 tablespoon of starch in a glass (or half a glass) of water, do not boil, do not boil, do not heat, drink "raw" 3 - 4 times a day, alternating with rice water;

- dried bird cherry.

To take powder from dry fruits of a bird cherry on a teaspoon 3 - 4 times a day, washing down with water.

You can add dry blueberries in the manufacture of jelly from starch - jelly will turn out not only useful but also tasty;

- dry blueberries.

Boil one glass of berries in two glasses of water on low heat for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour, drain. Take half a cup several times a day;

- Oak bark.

Oak bark powder (3 tablespoons) brew in a liter of water, drink a quarter cup a few times during the day;

- unripe (green) walnuts.

If you have such nuts on hand, you can use their peel and internal partitions (or the whole nut, if it has not yet reached milky ripeness) to prepare a remedy for diarrhea “in reserve”: 100 gr. partitions and peel pour 150 ml of alcohol, insist 2 - 3 days, strain, put in the refrigerator. If necessary, dissolve 6-8 drops in half a glass of cool water;

- pomegranate peels.

The rind of one pomegranate should be poured with a glass of water, prepared and taken in the same way as blueberries, but in a reduced dosage - no more than a quarter of a glass at a time;

- sagebrush.

Used as a decoction and tincture of wormwood. Take 15 drops of tincture every three hours, an infusion of 1 tsp of wormwood and a glass of water - two tablespoons every three hours. Drink necessarily in a warm form;

- black pepper.

To swallow 10 - 15 pieces of black pepper, without chewing, to wash down with a glass of water or other liquid. This means well helps from "Astrakhank", diarrhea, which is experienced by almost all who come to the south from the middle zone. Children from 7 years old - no more than 6 peas, pepper, children under seven years old - not to apply categorically;

- talnik bark.

You can brew like a normal tea, drink, naturally, without sugar;

- blackberry leaves.

Brewing standard, like any decoction, drink a third cup 3 times a day;

- juices.

Juices should be taken extremely carefully: use only freshly squeezed juices (bought in the store - do not work), dilute them with water 1: 1 and drink a maximum of a quarter cup at a time. Juices of pomegranate, gooseberry, carrot, beet and celery will do.

- pear.

Pear broths and compotes have strong astringent properties. The fruits themselves should not be eaten even in boiled form, from compote, since they increase intestinal motility, and with diarrhea it is useless.

Especially it is necessary to emphasize: tinctures are taken with a maximum of 15 drops and diluted with water. It is better to stay away from recipes containing vodka, cognac or cahors in combination with salt; they will not bring anything but increased inflammation of the mucous membrane and a short-term decrease in sensitivity to pain. Diarrhea compositions of vodka and salt (brandy and salt, etc.) will not stop exactly.

The task of removing inflammation of the intestinal mucosa will cope perfectly decoctions - rice and oatmeal.

When poisoning as an adsorbent is used Activated carbon (once a tablet for 10 kg of weight), which is used before the means capable of relieving inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. If the patient is fundamentally opposed to even such a medicine as activated carbon, he can use regular, non-activated coal. The result, naturally, will be worse, but it will be all the same. Without adsorbents (at least as old and relatively weak as activated carbon), the treatment of diarrhea in case of poisoning will not give any results at all.

Summing up the above, it should be noted: treatment of diarrhea using folk remedies is possible only if the patient’s condition is not critical.

You should not experiment on children at all - even with moderate diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor in order not to lose precious time, pouring decoctions of herbs into a seriously ill child.

Of course, there will be nothing wrong with their rational use, of course - but time sometimes plays against the patient, and to risk the health of the child is completely unacceptable.


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