Former bodyguard of Justin Bieber sued the singer


Former guard of Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber filed a lawsuit with the court, accusing the singer of insulting and also beating. According to bodyguard Moshe Benabu, by the way, an ex-soldier of the Israeli army, he did not miss a friend to Justin, which extremely angered the musician. 18-year-old Bieber allegedly allowed himself to insult the guard, and then hit him hard.

Immediately after the incident, the bodyguard was fired. The amount of the claim, according to preliminary data, is almost $ 420 thousand. Benabu insists that the singer did not pay him overtime and other payments. According to The Hollywood Reporter, it is known that Moishe Benabu was hired by the company organizing the world tour of the young star. He guarded Bieber for six months, until he fired him.

Representatives of Justin's accusations of complete absurdity. According to them, a retired military man wants to take revenge on the singer for his dismissal after he was convicted of a lie - he said that he was guarding Justin Timberlake. The situation is rather unpleasant, the teen idol is silent and does not comment, although loyal fans are sure Justin is innocent. Well, in fact, how could an 18-year-old young man cause serious injuries to a professional military man?


Watch the video: Bieber Bodyguard Sues for Assault (July 2024).