Myths about the dangers and benefits of pea porridge: features of proper preparation. What are the benefits and harm of pea porridge - just the facts


Bean cultures are famous for their beneficial properties and peas are no exception.

Porridge made from this vegetable is saturated with a large number of important elements and has a positive effect on the body, regardless of whether it is cooked on water or meat broth.

Nuances of cooking peas porridge

Pea porridge is not just tasty, but also a healthy dish. In order for peas to preserve all their important substances during cooking, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

1. First, you need to right pick pea beans. For porridges used peas, which goes on sale in whole or split in halves. Chipped peas are boiled several times faster than solid samples. Preferred yellow pea. Porridge from them turns out with more expressive taste. In some stores you can find unshelled peas. For the preparation of porridge from such beans it is necessary to conduct pre-soaking for 6-8 hours. It is necessary to exfoliate the dense shell.

2. Secondly, you must correctly pick up the dishesin which porridge will be cooked. For this, a cast iron pan with a thick bottom is best suited. This will ensure uniform peas cooking and eliminate burning.

Proper cooking of porridge begins with washing the peas. Before this, it is necessary to sort it out, sorting the elements of the shell and substandard beans. It is best to soak the washed seeds for 5-8 hours. So, porridge will turn out razvaristoy for a shorter period of time. After soaking the peas are ready for cooking porridge.

This process takes place in several stages:

• water or meat broth is added to peas in the ratio of 1: 2. If you use dry peas, you will need 4 parts of water with the addition of half a teaspoon of soda. It will help the grain to fall apart faster;

• on medium heat, bring the porridge to a boil;

• After that, reduce the fire to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid, and boil the beans until tender. Typically, the cooking time is 1-1.5 hours. During cooking, the dish is interfered regularly;

• if necessary, you can add broth or water;

• 10 minutes before the readiness to add salt to taste;

• when the peas are boiled soft and the mass has gained a puree-like consistency - the porridge is ready. If there is some liquid left, you can open the lid and cook until it boils away.

In the finished porridge can Add various ingredients: butter or regular cream, fried onions or carrots, greens, ready-made mushrooms, meat, etc. You should not forget that from such additives calorie porridge increases several times.

How big is the benefit of pea porridge?

Porridge from peas is considered a storehouse of substances necessary for the body. It really is. These beans contain about 20 important for human trace elementswhich are preserved during heat treatment.

Thanks to them, porridge has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. Unlike other cereals, pea contains aluminum. is he promotes the regeneration and restoration of bone, muscle and connective tissue. That is why the pea porridge is shown in the postoperative and recovery periods.

This dish rich in fiber. In this regard, it is recommended for people suffering from constipation. Regular use of porridge from peas contributes to the normalization of metabolic substances, the restoration of blood vessels of the circulatory system and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system.

This action is due to the presence of peas siliconwhich supports the healthy functioning of the lung tissue, endocrine glands. It also contributes to the absorption of other macro and micronutrients.

Great content iron and vitamin E in the composition of porridge helps to increase the tone and resistance of the body, allows you to fight anemia, slows down the aging process of the skin.

The benefits of pea porridge that it contains choline. This vitamin is responsible for the development of intellectual abilities and the normal state of the nervous system. Therefore, pea porridge is recommended to be taken in the children's diet. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of gallstone disease, helps restore the liver and promotes the removal of toxic elements from the body. A large group of vitamins and microelements contained in porridge helps to normalize fat metabolism and prevent diseases of the nervous system and organs of vision.

The great importance of the use of this dish plays for people with the presence of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Since contained in peas a nicotinic acid actively fights the elimination of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

Harm pea porridge: dispel speculation

Many are of the opinion that a large amount of elements important for the body in pea porridge do not always benefit.

In some situations harm from pea porridge is possiblebut such cases are very rare and they do not have strict contraindications:

• most often exposed to negative effects elderly people with a steady increase in uric acid in the blood. This is explained by the fact that peas have a high content of purines, which contribute to an even greater accumulation of uric acid and its conversion into urates. The danger is that urates are deposited in the joints, causing pathology in the area of ​​deposition;

• besides this, pea porridge harms those who have kidney and gallbladder disease in the acute stage;

with unknown etiology of circulatory dysfunction it is also not recommended to add this dish to your diet;

• it is not advisable to give pea porridge children up to a yearsince their digestive system is different from adults. She is unable to cope with so much fiber;

• porridge from peas is contraindicated for people suffering from increased meteorism and duodenal pathologies;

• such food helps to reduce the acidic environment of the stomach, therefore it is not recommended for gastritis with low acidity.

Benefits for pregnant women and harm pea porridge for nursing mothers - is it?

Many pregnant and lactating women often refuse this kind of food, citing the fact that it provokes excessive gas formation and bloating. But this is completely unjustified, because properly cooked pea porridge is devoid of this property.

To do this, you can add herbs that prevent the formation of gases: cumin, dill, etc. It has long been proven in medicine that using such a dish has a beneficial effect not only on the mother, but also on the child, especially at the stage of intrauterine development.

Therefore, women in position simply must enter into your diet pea porridge. The main benefits of pea porridge for pregnant women:

• Vitamin C allows you to fully digest the gland, which is in large quantities in peas. It helps to compensate for iron deficiency in anemia of pregnant women;

• the presence of manganese in the porridge ensures the healthy formation of bones in the child, as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system in the mother;

• a whole group of macronutrients supports immunity and regulates metabolic processes, including lipid ones;

• by introducing this dish into the diet, natural control over the insulin production process is exercised;

• nicotinic acid contained in pea porridge improves blood circulation in capillaries and small vessels, and, therefore, in the placenta.

The only thing that a pregnant woman should beware of when eating pea porridge is an excessive hobby for this product. Indeed, in large quantities can be harmful even the most useful substances.

Quite the opposite opinion has developed among physicians about the use of pea porridge nursing mothers. Since infants have an incompletely developed system of the digestive tract, it is not desirable to feed the mother with such a product.

However, in the absence of a negative reaction of the child to a similar diet of the mother, porridge can be entered into the menu in small quantities no more than once a week. This will help increase the resistance of the mother and child.

Lose weight with pea porridge right!

The benefits of pea porridge for weight loss is undeniable. This dish not only fills the body with essential nutrients, but also increases the energy potential.

In terms of their energy indicators, pea porridge outdid the lean beef. While cooked on water, it has 92 kcal per 100 grams ready meals.

Even with the daily use of cereal once a day, weight loss is guaranteed. This is due to the content in the peas of vitamin B5, which contributes to the production of glucocorticoids. Same in turn actively break down fat cells.

By the way, pea porridge is suitable for people who combine diet with workouts in sports centers, as it promotes rapid build-up of muscle mass. The composition of this dish includes carbohydrates. They are slowly digested, which means that the feeling of fullness will come quickly and will persist for a long time.

When losing weight, vitamin deficiency is very often fixed, which leads to serious and irreversible problems. Pea porridge will help quickly compensate for this disadvantage and restore the body.

Pea porridge is quite equally possible to be called a treasury of useful elements. The ability to cook and eat it correctly will make your diet richer and your body healthier.


Watch the video: DR MICHAEL GREGER - HOW NOT TO DIE - Part 12. London Real (July 2024).