The smarter a man, the less prone to treason


Unfortunately, polygamy has become quite commonplace in modern society. It gradually covers the representatives of the weaker sex, however, still men occupy leading positions in this matter. What leads to treason? Let's list the top 5 male cheating.

The usual "macho"

There is such a type of men who just need to constantly have a fleeting affair. Interestingly, it doesn’t matter whether the man has a woman he loves or not, he still continues to chase every skirt with enviable regularity. It would seem that in relations there is complete harmony, and the woman is good, but the male nature cannot be redone. If you come across just such an instance, then there are only two solutions, in principle: either reconcile yourself to the situation and calmly react to your beloved betrayal, or abandon such a macho man and go in search of a more suitable prince.

Tired of the household

This is a classic of the genre. It is no secret that many women over time cease to monitor their appearance. This usually happens after the long-awaited Mendelssohn's waltz sounds. This option is also possible: the partners are simply used to each other. The romantic and beautiful lady imperceptibly turns into a heavy lady who does not deny herself cakes and is too lazy to visit the gym once again.

A man who fell in love with a princess suddenly sees a merchant woman next to him - a real stress for a weak male psyche. Having come to himself a little, the man realizes that the princess will not return, so he begins to look for a lover on the side. By the way, I want to note that the period of searching for an ideal does not last long and is not limited to fleeting betrayals. Attractive princes will not grieve for a long time - at one point they disappear, but forever. What can I say - they can be understood.

Unlucky Superman

Sometimes it happens that a man does not really evaluate his capabilities. For example, he is a calm and intelligent candidate of sciences, who likes to spend evenings on a sofa with a book. And she is a sociable and confident young lady. Or suppose he is a banal manager, and she is a business woman who is used to building others. Oddly enough, sometimes such a relationship can be continued. The couple marries, it does not matter - official or civil. At first, the “unsuccessful superman” suffers, and then finds a woman against whom he can feel like a real man. It is difficult to say who is to blame for the situation.

Faithful but vigilant

Belongs to the category of "can the wave happen to everyone." It is possible that such a situation may arise: at a party, your only and beloved accidentally (note - really by accident) went through alcohol, which prompted him to a casual connection. Do not forget that despite the well-known cunning of men, women are not angels either. They can be very arrogant and assertive, and if you add the intoxication of the object you like, then the irreparable is almost inevitable. And do not say that the theory voiced is ridiculous and ridiculous, such cases are far from uncommon. Although usually men change nevertheless consciously.

Young dad

Psychologists say that men decide on infidelity during the missus period of pregnancy or after the birth of a child. It sounds monstrous, but it is the appearance in the family of the baby that pushes the partner to adultery. This is due to the fact that a woman switches her attention to a child and forgets about her husband. She becomes more economic and serious, reminding a man at home of a cozy mom. In addition, often women in labor gain weight and cease to be interested in sexual life, which also negatively affects relationships.

Why are smart not cheating

Scientists are convinced that the man's marital fidelity depends on his intelligence. During the evolutionary process, the polygamous nature of men was gradually replaced by monogamy. The development of mankind has led to the fact that intimate relationships with one woman have become the optimal model of sexual behavior. Monogamy protects men from the stress they experience while searching for a new partner. Scientists from the UK concluded that only men with high intelligence are able, on a subconscious level, to decide for themselves that monogamy is the most rational option for relations with the opposite sex.


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