Properties of broccoli, its calorie content, benefits and possible harm. Important facts about broccoli cabbage, its benefits and harms, the secrets of cooking


The queen among cabbage representatives has always been broccoli, whose beneficial properties have made her popular in the diet of most people who are not indifferent to their health.

The taste of a crispy umbrella with a thick stem and a green inflorescence was first tasted by the inhabitants of ancient Rome, and then Italians and Frenchmen took to their menus.

Acquainted with broccoli, the benefits for the body from its use, the ranks of vegetable lovers and joined the Russians.

On the composition of broccoli, calorie and application

In the ranking of the most healthy products, broccoli takes an honorable first place. To understand the reason for such worship, it is worth looking into the list of the substances that make it up:


its content in the vegetable is equivalent to beef protein and chicken eggs. This type of cabbage in a row of high protein foods left behind spinach, asparagus, sweet corn and potatoes. Thanks to the amino acids of broccoli protein, many systems of organisms run smoothly;


are responsible for the production of hormones and the formation of building protein;


excess water and salts are brought to them;

omega-3 acid

improve the condition of the mucous membranes, regulate blood pressure, reduce allergic reactions;

phosphorus and calcium

bone and brain tissues receive the necessary nutrition for normal functioning;

iron, cobalt and copper

strengthen tissues, are responsible for the process of blood formation;


yielding only carrots to the palm, broccoli brings health benefits with the protection of the body against free radicals;

folic acid (B9)

renews cells, normalizes metabolic processes;

other vitamins of group B

are an excellent panacea for the nervous system;

vitamin E

An excellent antioxidant that keeps cells young;

vitamin C

necessary support for human immunity. In this sense, broccoli has no less health benefits than lemon;


broccoli takes first place in its content, successfully regulating blood sugar levels;


interferes with reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;

dietary fiber and fiber

those who use broccoli benefit for the organism in the active cleaning of slags and toxins;


good source of iron, protector of DNA molecules against possible changes;

sulforaphane, indole-3-carbin and sinegrin

substances with pronounced anticancer activity.

Eating broccoli, the calorie content of which, according to various sources, is equal to from 28 to 30 kilocalories per 100 g of productYou can not only worry about those extra pounds, but also successfully use the vegetable as an excellent dietary product.

Cooking Application

Meals are prepared from buds and young stems and lower leaflets of broccoli. This bright representative of cabbage fellows won the hearts of many gourmets with its pronounced spicy taste. Dishes with broccoli are spicier and more interesting.

Nutritionists insist on eating young broccoli for the benefit of the body in its raw form, adding it to salads with melted butter and allspice. Mature vegetable will good after a short steam treatment - no more than 5 minutes. Broccoli is also quickly fried and boiled, stewed, baked, combined with any food. This is possible due to its non-starchy structure.

On the tables of Russians, stews, soups and sauces with this vegetable are very popular. Broccoli sandwiches are an example of an excellent healthy breakfast.

To broccoli benefit was more, experts recommend storing it in a vase with water, if the cooking process is scheduled for the next 12 hours. The cabbage removed from the refrigerator should be lowered into the water for a while. The frozen product is steamed. A microwave oven is contraindicated for a vegetable, since it destroys all the most valuable in it.

Broccoli and its health benefits

The healing effect of the miracle vegetable was noted by physicians when used by its patients:

• in the postoperative period or in a weakened condition

possesses properties restoring the organism resources;

• with gastric ulcer and duodenal pathology

good concentration of vitamin U gives broccoli useful properties: preventive and curative;

• suffering from puffiness

excess sodium salts and excess liquid go away;

• with heart failure and vessel problems

strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls, resists the development of atherosclerosis;

• with diabetes

regulates blood sugar, thyroid and pancreas;

• immunocompromised

improves the immune system, protects against respiratory diseases;

• with urolithiasis

An established metabolism promotes good kidney function;

• cataract

broccoli has beneficial properties; improves the condition of the eye retina and lens;

• with liver diseases, flatulence, stomach ulcers

stimulates bile secretion, improves digestion;

• with skin, hair and nail problems

improves their condition, protecting them from harmful influences from outside;

• with radiation sickness

heavy metal salts are derived from regular use of broccoli;

• with nervous disorders

helps to cope with insomnia and memory impairment;

• during pregnancy

beneficial effect on the development of the fetus, prevents congenital pathologies;

• overweight

participating in diets for weight loss, broccoli with a calorie low, but the ability to saturate the body, helps get rid of hated kilograms;

• with cancer

Prevention and treatment of prostate cancer, skin, breast, rectum give good results.

Broccoli: harm from use

According to official medicine, broccoli will not cause harm to health, unless:

• do not overdo it with the use of vegetables

nutrients that have reached a high concentration can adversely affect your health. In this case, the result can be diarrhea and a weakening of the thyroid gland;

• not allergic to this product

in the presence of individual intolerance the vegetable is contraindicated even in minimal quantities;

• the pancreas works without interruption;

• acidity of gastric juice is not increased.

The product may not be as harmful as it is useless. When cooking broccoli, there will be nothing left of the beneficial properties due to exposure to high temperatures. In this regard, the vegetable is placed in a pan shortly before the readiness of the dish.

Baby food and broccoli: benefits for the body or harm?

Including a vegetable in the child’s diet, parents provide him with:

• hypoallergenic food

we are talking about even the very first complementary foods in the form of broccoli vegetable purees with benefits for babies from 5 months and in the form of light soups based on the product for children 8 months and older;

• normal bowel function and body cleansing

what contributes to the fiber, which is part of the product;

• a good daily dose of vitamins and minerals

as a result - strengthened immunity and cheerful state of the baby;

• prevention of rickets at the age of 1 year;

• strong bones, teeth and hair;

• excellent alternative to meat

By eating broccoli, the child receives health benefits in a good percentage of protein;

• excellent protection for the lungs

recommend to children from families of smokers or suffering from recurrent bronchitis;

• help in weight loss for children with its excess.

Caring for the health of their children, parents often choose broccoli, the dangers of which doctors say only in the case of individual intolerance and overuse of vegetables. Those lucky enough not to have an allergy to this product will grow beautiful and healthy.

Losing weight with broccoli: the benefits of diet

The simultaneous disposal of excess weight and the improvement of the body - the dream of everyone who is no longer able to put up with their fullness. Weight loss can be quite effective if the basis of the diet to take broccoli, the merits of which include the following:

1. Those who have problems with overweight, without fear of choosing broccoli, the caloric content of which you can not worry.

2. Acceleration of the processes of cellular metabolism and the active cleaning of the body from toxic substances allows you to get rid of extra pounds in 10 days. An unobtrusive and gradual process of losing weight will result in - 6kg.

3. A variety of diets, the basis of which will be broccoli, will allow you not to exhaust yourself with hunger, but to fully enjoy each meal.

4. The product reduces appetite, because its coarse dietary fiber, filled with water, instantly satisfy hunger.

5. Preferred for cabbage for weight loss broccoli from the harm of such a diet is insured just because by refusing products with a high content of fat and healthy substances, they get with this vegetable the most important vitamins and minerals for health.

6. Having directed forces to acquire attractive forms, patients, without knowing it, are engaged in the prevention of serious diseases: from stomach ulcers to cancer.

Having rejected expensive drugs and weight loss procedures, many well-known politicians and show business stars were convinced by their own experience that a popular vegetable with a peculiar taste can work wonders.

For nutritionists, broccoli is the No. 1 diet vegetable that can prevent the development of pathologies of many organs and heal, if they already exist. Provided it is reasonable to use broccoli in its health and beauty benefits, it is easy to be convinced. Since the inclusion of the vegetable in the daily diet, positive changes in the body are not long in coming.


Watch the video: Unbelievable Benefits of Broccoli. (July 2024).