The recipe for Italian pizza is a little journey in search of truth. Experiments pizzayolov in the recipe of Italian pizza


Let's mentally transfer to medieval Italy, to find out: how do Italian pizza recipes differ from several thousand peers, predecessors and its derivatives?

Italian Pizza Recipe - General Technological Principles

In case someone wants to cook an Italian pizza, according to the original recipe, we share all the secrets that we managed to get.


Not so simple! Real pizza makers - pizza makers - say that only special flour is needed for dough. Whether - "durum", or - "semollina". No need to postpone the preparation of your favorite dishes and go in search of strange, overseas flour. Especially since the flour from durum wheat, fine grinding, there is in domestic barns.


With water more difficult. If the amount of any ingredients in the recipe for Italian pizza is not a secret, then the question of how much water is needed for this pizza will not be answered by any master - a professional secret! Have to guess.


Of course, only olive! Another oil in the recipe of Italian pizza just can not be. Or maybe? In any case, further in the recipes it will be indicated simply - butter, and which one to use - everyone decides for himself.


With yeast, everything is simple and democratic - use any that is available - dry or alive - the main thing that was.

Well, about the test, in fact, nothing more to add. About all there unleavened and flaky and some other options - next time tell. Because now we are talking about the recipe for Italian pizza. Although, recipes with different types of dough, yet, the article is attached.

Types of pizza

The most popular and favorite option is traditional pizza. This is a filling on a thin and open cake, known to the whole world.

The following three options - for connoisseurs and fans of pizza.

If it seemed to someone not enough, then there is still a recipe for Italian pizza on a thick crust. Has anyone ever had to eat fried dumpling, 24-28 cm in diameter, in the whole frying pan? This is calzone - closed pizza. Also Italian. True, Georgian khachapuri, Russian pies do just that. Anyway. There is a recipe for Italian pizza - focaccia. Sounds beautiful. In fact, it is a traditional Italian bread, similar to Armenian lavash, Indian chapati and the like. Only "focaccia" - bread with an additive in the form of spices and sauce, so it is quite suitable for self-snack.


Pizza was originally the food of the poor. It consisted of cheese, deli and not cheap, in our times, "Mozzarella". When tomatoes arrived in Italy from America, then, along with cheese, they became an indispensable component of a flat cake. Even at all times, on a warm peninsula, with a mild climate has always been in abundance of all spicy greens. Basil was chosen for the classic Italian pizza recipe.

Later, various options for pizza from meat, several types of cheese, fish, shellfish, shrimp, and fruit appeared. Everyone who has tried to cook a pizza at least once, added to it his understanding of the recipe for Italian pizza.

So this "poor cake" became famous and beloved in the whole world.

1. Recipe Italian pizza (closed) "Calzone"


• A bunch of fresh basil

• Oil 70 ml

• Minced chicken (stewed with browned onions) 200 g

• Expensive 1 tsp. (or 12 g live)

• Tomato 150 g

• Salt 1 tsp.

• Dry spices to taste

• Sugar 0.5 tsp.

• Cheese (better "Mozzarella") 200 g

• Garlic a few cloves

• Flour (durum) 0.5 kg

• Dill greens

• Water 200 ml


In a suitable container, mix: dissolve the salt with sugar in warm water; then dissolve the tremors, then mix with a tablespoon of oil; sift flour and knead until elastic state. We cover the dough with film so that a dry crust does not form. We put in a warm place for proving. We are waiting for the dough to increase three times. We heat the oven to 220 ° C.

Blanch the tomatoes and cut into cubes. We rub cheese, from a basil we tear off leaflets. Basil mash with spices and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with stewed chicken mince.

Divide the prepared dough and filling into 4 - 6 parts. From the dough form round flat cakes, 3 - 4 ml thick. Put the stuffing on them, wrap in a crescent shape and pinch the edges (shaped like a large dumpling).

We spread on a baking sheet, lightly sprinkled with flour. Bake until tender.

The remaining olive oil mixed with shredded dill and garlic. Lubricate ready, "Calzone".

2. Recipe for Italian Tropikanka Pizza


• Vegetable oil 50 ml

• Dry yeast 1.5 tsp.

• Boiled chicken 400 g

• Pineapple 3 ringlets (canned)

• Sauce 0.5 tbsp.

• Water, warm 150 ml

• Salt 0.5 tsp.

• Olives large (without stones) 8 pcs.

• Mozzarella cheese 100 g

• Sahara 1 tbsp. l

• Basil leaves

• Sesame seeds

• Flour 350 g

• Hard cheese 100 g


Sift flour, mix it with dry ingredients and pour it on the table in a slide. In the middle we make a well, stir the oil in the water, pour it into the recess and knead the dough. Ready dough put on the proof in the heat. The oven is heated.

Prepare the pizza filling. Slice the mozzarella, cut the chicken into large pieces, cut the pineapple slices into half rings, cut the olives into halves and put three cheese on a grater.

We give the finished dough the form and coat it with the sauce. Densely distribute the filling in the following order: "Mozzarella"; chicken pieces; pineapple half rings; olives; grated cheese We bake.

When serving, decorate with sesame and basil leaves. Cut into portions.

3. Recipe Italian pizza "Sonnet"


• Pizza sauce (with herbs) 100 ml

• Olives (pitted) 10 pcs.

• Hard cheese 150 g

• Flour, wheat 300 g

• Mushrooms (fried) 100 g

• Water 100 ml

• Olive oil 1 tbsp. l (or 25 ml)

• Spices (spicy) to taste

• Tomatoes (meaty) 2 pcs.

• Dry yeast 5 g

• Salt, sugar 1 tsp.

• Smoked-boiled ham 100 g

• Olives (pitted) 10 pcs.


We heat the oven to 240 ° C. We mix sugar, salt and butter in warm water and pour it into sifted flour. Knead the dough until cooked. We give 15 - 20 minutes to rest, cover with a towel so that it does not become covered with a dry crust. In the meantime, prepare the filling.

Approximately 50 grams of cheese cut into thin plates, grind the rest with a grater. Cut ham and tomatoes into thin, translucent slices.

We form a dough with a diameter of about 40 cm, 5 - 7 mm thick. We coat with sauce, season with spices to taste, distribute evenly thin slices of cheese, mushrooms, ham, thin slices of tomatoes. Top with grated cheese, distribute olives and olives. We bake 10 - 12 minutes.

Before serving, cut into portions and, if desired, decorate with arugula and basil leaves.

4. Italian pizza recipe, Hawaiian style


• Tomato sauce (garlic) 100 ml

• Shrimp (boiled) 200 g

• Olives (large, without stones) 10 pcs.

• Roquefort 50 g

• Puff pastry, yeast 250 g

• Spice Blend

• Mussels marinated 100 g

• 3 - 4 canned pineapple

• Hard cheese (grated) 100 g

• 25 ml of lemon juice

• Sweet pepper 1 pc.


Boiled shrimps are left for the time of preparation in a small amount of water with lemon juice. Heat the oven to 230 ° C.

We stir up the table with flour, roll the dough several times into a thin layer, about 40 cm in diameter. Liberally grease it with sauce, distribute part of grated cheese. Cut the pepper into thin rings. Rings are distributed over the surface and we place in them arbitrarily shrimp and mussels. Pineapple cut, like a cake into triangles, shift evenly on the pizza. Distribute the remaining grated cheese. Cut olives lengthwise, in halves. Thin slices cut into "Roquefort". Sliced ​​cheese slices and slices of olives decorate. Bake until tender.

5. Recipe for Italian pizza "Cheese Glade"


• Dough (fresh) 300 g

• Cream cheese (pasta) 200 g

• Garlic sauce (white) 100 ml

• "Mozzarella" 100 g

• Dill

• Basil

• Cheese (rennet) 100 g

• Olives large (seedless)

• Cottage cheese 100 g

• Spice Blend

• Hard cheese 100 g

• Arugula

• Roquefort 50 g


Cream cheese, garlic sauce, dill, basil and cottage cheese to kill in a blender with spices. Rennet cheese and "Mozzarella" arbitrarily cut into pieces. Hard cheese chopped on a grater. Put all the ingredients on the rolled bed in the following order: evenly distribute the pasty mixture over the entire surface; randomly distribute the sliced ​​pieces of cheese; put grated cheese and olives on top. Bake pizza until cooked, in a preheated oven to 220 ° C.

Before serving, cut the pizza into portions, then decorate with Roquefort slices, arugula leaves and basil leaves.

6. Recipe for Italian Pizza with Marinated Roast Beef


• Cottage cheese (fat) 100 g

• Dough 300 g

• Olive oil 50 ml

• Roast beef (pickled) 250 g

• Garlic 3 tooth.

• Cheese, cream 150 g

• Cream 33% 50 ml

• Onions, bulb 1 (large) head

• Arugula

• Basil

• Celery stalks 2 pcs.

• Mix of herbs

• Cheese, hard 150 g

• Olives

• Green onions


We load the chopped stalks of celery, dill, garlic into a container and grind it with a blender. Then add cottage cheese, cream, herbs and cream cheese. All interrupted until a homogeneous mass. The resulting paste is distributed over the surface of the rolled dough. Put roast beef, onion rings and olives sliced ​​into thin slices on top. We put in a preheated to 200 ° C oven for 15 - 20 minutes.

Cut the finished pizza into portions and decorate with arugula leaves and chopped green onions.

Italian Pizza Recipe - Tricks and Tips

• In order to make the dough layered, it is repeatedly rolled into a layer, then folded again - and rolled again.

• Real pizza masters say that the best pizza breads should be made in a cool place.

• For elasticity and elasticity, add a little brandy, acetic or citric acid to the dough.


Watch the video: Who Invented Hawaiian Pizza? (July 2024).