Feminine opinion: Can a man dye his hair?


The fact that a man should monitor his appearance, no one in doubt. Some representatives of the male population of Russia in the pursuit of beauty and youth paint their hair. How much women like it and how they feel about it, I tried to find out the portal "Women's opinion".

52% of Russians were categorical: "This is stupid! A man should not dye his hair" - they replied. The appearance of a man, these women consider, is not so important for family happiness as to change hair color. Of course, each member of the stronger sex should be clean and neat, decently dressed and with a good haircut, and hair coloring - this is superfluous. "I like gray hair, but only with a good haircut: it creates the impression of experience, thoroughness. Paints and overlays on bald heads evoke the idea of ​​men's complexes," the ladies explained their opinion. Another common answer was the following: "A man who dyes his hair is lost in my eyes for me. I love Sedin. When only everything is neatly cut, laid out - it is even sexy."

However, 40.9% of beautiful ladies believe that "It is normal if the color fits to him and looks like natural" and necessarily explains: "There are men who begin to turn gray at 25-30 years old, and they, say, famous personalities and their image "That's all. So why not forgive them such a weakness as hair? But within reason, naturally." Mercantile considerations were also expressed: “I consider men only as suppliers of money, and I don’t care what kind of hair he has. For you, it doesn’t matter what color the ATM is.” General opinions were as follows: "It is normal to dye your hair, and for a man as well. So if a person likes it, let her paint it."

4.1% of young Russian women think that: “This is cool and cool!” As it turned out, they meant only young men who, according to fashion trends or wanting to express their own style, dye their hair in extraordinary colors: red, blue, green. “I want to highlight my extreme acquaintances, whose hair is fiery red, bright red, blue, etc. ... this is cool and cool!”, Answered the young girls. The older generation has bypassed this statement.

And 3% of women are sure: if a man paints his hair, then he is gay. “I never liked men with dyed hair. I immediately begin to suspect them of all mortal sins,” - that’s how opponents of dyeing men’s hair were expressed.

3690 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 128 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Mens Hair: What Do Real Women Look for in a Guy? GQ (July 2024).