Rubella in children


Rubella is an acute infectious disease with a relatively mild course, which is accompanied by a mild rash, swollen lymph nodes and a slight short-term fever.

Rubella in children - causes

The causative agent of the disease - a virus that spreads through airborne droplets, penetrating the body through the nasal mucosa. There, it multiplies and is fixed in the lymph nodes, which increase in the patient at the initial stage of the disease, until a rash appears on the skin. Children and adults are equally susceptible to rubella, but in the latter it is much harder.

Rubella in children - symptoms

The time of onset of symptoms of the disease is 11 to 24 days after infection. The most common incubation period is approximately 21 days.

Before the appearance of its main symptom, the appearance of a rash, the patient is not disturbed by anything, although a few days before the illness may manifest itself as a slight malaise, increased fatigue, weakness. First, the rash, whose elements have a diameter of 3-5 mm, covers the face and upper body, the next day - the buttocks. After about 3 days, the rash disappears without a trace.

They may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38ºC, also in patients the occipital lymph nodes are enlarged, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth is observed, a runny nose and a dry cough may appear. Due to the disease, specific complications such as nephritis, arthritis and encephalitis may occur.

Rubella in children who have become infected in the womb is called congenital. It is very dangerous for the fetus, as it can cause various malformations, which becomes known after the birth of a child. This is especially true for the early terms of pregnancy, since 60% of cases of infection with the fetus during the period of 3-4 weeks of gestation cause its defeat; at a period of 9-12 weeks, the proportion of lesions is 15%.

Rubella in children - methods of treatment

As a rule, for this disease does not provide specific treatment, it is carried out at home. Only children with a high temperature need bed rest, otherwise it is determined by the child’s well-being.

A sick child needs to drink plenty of liquids; it should be watered more often with any liquid (juices, compotes, jelly, tea with milk). During the appearance of the rash is recommended the use of calcium in the age dosage. After the signs of the disease disappear, the baby should begin to give multivitamin preparations.

Hospitalization is provided only for cases of the disease in which neurological complications develop. Children who have had rubella encephalitis need to be monitored by a neuropathologist for two years after the onset of recovery.

To prevent the spread of infection, the sick child should be isolated for 5 days (starting from the onset of the rash). It is especially important to prevent contact of the patient with pregnant women.

Prevention of Rubella in children

To date, the best prevention of the disease is rubella vaccination, which the child receives at 12-15 months a year and at 6 years. Almost all vaccinated after 15-20 days develop specific immunity, which persists for a period of at least 20 years.


Watch the video: Facts about the Measles MMR Vaccine. UCLA Health (July 2024).