Virtual novel: is it possible to find love on the Internet?


The virtual world is called the vast expanses of the Internet. But today the virtual and real worlds are so intertwined with each other that it is sometimes difficult to determine where it really is. Take dating. Earlier, about 15-20 years ago, where did young people meet? At discos, bars, schools, libraries (yes, yes!). And now there are more and more adherents of dating through the Internet. Numerous dating sites, social networks, real-time messaging programs (icq, skype) have become the place where people come to find friends, lovers, spouses.

What makes virtual acquaintance so attractive? As active applicants of their virtual halves say, it’s easier to get acquainted via the Internet: “You lie on a comfortable sofa, you look through the photos, if someone is interested, you can write whatever you want. Such communication is easy for even the most shy. will not be able to approach the person you like and meet. " With all the wealth of choice, it is possible to find the partner you like most (according to external data). Then begins the correspondence. Indeed, you can write anything you want: tell the best about yourself, even if it is not entirely true. Internet communication is more frank than real: not everyone can say something personal and intimate to a partner, but writing on the screen is much easier. People lose face-to-face communication skills, everyone is already used to using a convenient intermediary for this purpose - a computer, phone, ipeda, tablet screen ...

Another important fact is that men and women who are focused on a career and working almost all day and night have no time to go somewhere and look for their happiness in real life. For them, the Internet becomes the only opportunity to meet with representatives of the opposite sex.

Get to know, this is understandable, but what about love? Is it possible to find it in the endless networks of the Internet? The people interviewed were divided into two camps - those who believe in virtual love and those who categorically deny it.
Opponents of virtual love give their reasons.

Irina 27 years old, manager: “Well, this is all garbage. Everything is not real there, starting with how a person describes himself, how he is positioning. An attentive person after a while will be able to easily catch all inconsistencies. There go those who have not realized themselves in real life, from whom , well, maybe not complexes, but there are certain problems. "

Alina, 31, housewife: “I’m not sure that virtual love is happy and marriages are so long-lived. After all, virtual reality cannot be replaced by real communication, everyday problems arise that you don’t notice through a computer. Two of my friends got married through a social network. So they are already in crisis. One couple - he is in France, she is in Moscow. There is a child, but they still live in different countries. She could not leave her parents, he did her job. And they continue to communicate mainly via the Internet. I don’t know for a long time will such a marriage last ... But in general, it seems to me through the virtual acquaintance can easily run into the "zhenatika" with a bunch of kids who just decided to have fun. "

Larisa, 32, housewife: “I would honestly say, I didn’t meet each other over the Internet. Who knows who writes you? Maybe not a boy at all. And you can put a picture which you want to deliver. You think you are rewritten with macho, and this is Vasya neither person nor figures. "

Inga, 42, teacher: "A virtual romance, of course, perhaps ... And there are examples of girlfriends: it all started with a simple correspondence, and ended with a wedding. But not always a good ending, sometimes broken hearts. Indeed, it doesn’t matter that live communication can tell a lot more about a person , to show his true face. And, it means that relationships are built more solidly when communicating not virtual, but real. "

Supporters of virtual love are not afraid of the possible difficulties associated with it, but confidently storm the Internet in search of real relationships. And there are no obstacles for searching - the local network allows you to look into any corner of the Earth: from the next street to a country located at the other end of the world. No matter what the opponents say online dating, but today there are more and more virtual novels that develop into a real and quite successful marriage.

Anna 28 years old housewife: “My girlfriend met her future husband via the Internet. At first they corresponded, just chatted online for a long time. Then they saw each other in real life, they began to meet, then live together. Now they have a son. And a friend is 12 years older than her husband but that doesn't stop them from being happy! "

Luda, 32, Tourism Manager: "I had a virtual acquaintance on the forum of interests. This acquaintance developed into a relationship that three years later ended in an unsuccessful pregnancy and a complete rupture. But at the time when it started, and for my part there was a 100% passion for this, still unfamiliar person - I clearly remember one moment (when the schedules did not coincide with us), he left home - from ICQ - at 10 am, and I only came to work at 10 am. So, to chat with him on ICQ in the morning I started come to work by 9-00, which is very surprising colleagues. In general, in this communication in the network - there is something ... You don’t know a person and you don’t see, but his thoughts, judgments, statements are interesting to you. Then, after some time of virtual communication, he sends you a photo and you jump with delight , although he is not of great height and blond hair, but you always liked thin, tall, dark-skinned women. Just during this time of communication, you already like him all and like his appearance as well, like something in advance. Well, I did not end up with a happy wedding and children, but the relationship experience was good. "

You can virtually get acquainted in various ways. Some even manage to make acquaintance through SMS messages, which then quite well leads to the wedding. Do not remain forgotten, and special dating sites. Here you can also meet as a partner for a few nights, and half for a lifetime.

Valeria, 33, psychologist: “My friend, she is 30 years old, visits a dating site to meet men for sex. She motivates this because she doesn’t want to meet in the subway! She was married, but divorced, has a daughter. Disappointed in marriage, she no longer wants no commitment. She’s only interested in romance and love. Dating sites are the best fit for this purpose. "

Katerina 30 years old, manager: “I met Oleg two years ago on a dating site. I was still living in another city, and he was in Moscow. At first we were set up just to flirt, but then everything became serious. As a result, we have a wedding in April. Although no one expected this of us. "

Of course, there are often failures and disappointments. But they can easily be with a partner whom you will meet in real life. No one is immune from mistakes. One of my friends (a very good, kind guy) from the photos liked the girl from the social network. He is 30, she is 22. Despite the fact that she lives in another country, they corresponded for a long time, often communicated by phone (imagine what kind of bills came for half-hour international mobile calls!). In the end, he decided to go to her with very serious intentions. But after talking to the girl in person, my friend was very disappointed. In fact, his beloved was not a soft and docile home girl, but an imperious and arrogant woman. Heartbroken, a friend returned home. But he did not despair, but again set off in a virtual search for his second half.

If suddenly someone “knocks” to you, do not ignore him, and suddenly, this is the beginning of a virtual novel that can grow into real love for life.


kivgosha 10/23/2016
You can find love in the network, I say this about my own experience. I met my wife on the Internet and after half a year of correspondence, took her to me, we live for more than 4 years and have a 2 year old daughter. There are plenty of rogues on the net, but there are normal people looking for their love.


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