Potato pancakes - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked potato pancakes.


Potato pancakes - general principles and methods of cooking

Oh, potatoes, yummy! Hardly anyone can disagree. True potatoes have not always been so popular. In Russia, he first appeared under Peter the Great, but was met with incomprehension. For a long time he was treated with caution and distrust. They considered him almost a "damn apple." The main food root in those days was turnips. Only during the reign of Catherine the Second, the potato gradually began to win the sympathy of the peasants, and then completely, pushing back the turnips, became a highly respected and beloved root vegetable.

Potatoes are good and boiled, and fried, in the form of mashed potatoes and fritters. Fritters are a mass of chopped raw potatoes, with the addition of eggs and flour, which is fried, like small pancakes in a pan in oil. Such a dish is in many national cuisines, only it differs in minor cooking options - they can add garlic, apples, onions, or cook without flour and eggs to the dough. But the main ingredient is always potatoes. Potato pancakes are also called differently. In Ukraine, they are more often spoken of as “deruny”, in some areas - “kremzliki” or “tertuchs”, in Poland - “dancers”, the Czech Republic - “brambboroki”, in Russia - “teruntsy”, “kakorki”, “derriks”, in Belarus - "pancakes". It was the Belarusian name that most caught on and liked. Serve draniki hot, with butter, sour cream, cracklings, mayonnaise, ketchup, apple mousse. Sometimes, to diversify the dish, fritters are made with meat, cheese, mushrooms.

Potato pancakes - food preparation

Cooking pancakes is quite simple and easy. The only time consuming process is chopping potatoes. It is believed that the pancakes turned out to be especially tasty and roasted, the potatoes must be crushed manually on a grater, especially on fine ones. Although this is a matter of personal tastes and tastes. So, to make potato pancakes, the tubers need to be washed, peeled and chopped. In addition to the grater, the meat grinder and food processor or blender also work well with this process. Then, based on your desire or prescription prescription, add eggs, flour, pepper, mushrooms, garlic, seasonings into the dough, or limit yourself to the only additional ingredient in the form of salt. The mass should be well mixed and fry the pancakes in hot oil, spreading with a large spoon. To speed up the frying process, you can use two pans simultaneously.

Potato pancakes - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Traditional potato pancakes

The most simple and ordinary pancakes. The fact that they are very tasty, you can not say, this is the default. Potatoes simply can not be tasteless. If you cook them for the first time, you can start with this recipe. The dough includes potatoes, flour and eggs. This is enough to get crunchy, mouth-watering, ruddy potato pancakes.

Ingredients: 4 potatoes, 4 tables. flour, 2 eggs, salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Wash, peel and grate potato tubers - finely, coarsely, or mince. Introduce eggs, flour, salt and mix thoroughly to avoid lumps.

Pour the butter into the pan, wait until it is hot and put the potato mass with a spoon. As one side is fried to a crust, turn over. Pancakes are fried quite quickly, so it’s better not to leave the pan.

Recipe 2: Potato pancakes without eggs

Potato pancakes without eggs are a godsend for allergy sufferers, vegetarians and fasting people, and they are very tasty. And so that the pancakes do not fall apart during frying, there is one secret: you need to rub half the potatoes on a fine grater, the rest on a large one. And the oil will need a little more than when frying pancakes without eggs.

Ingredients: 5 medium potatoes, salt, pepper, 1 table.lozh. flour, 1 tea. starch, vegetable oil, a pinch of soda.

Cooking method

Peel and rub the potato tubers, as already mentioned, in half - on a small and coarse grater. Squeeze Add flour, starch, add the remaining ingredients and mix. Heat the oil and spread the mass with moistened hands or a tablespoon. Fry on both sides until a crust forms. You can apply with mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup. Or make homemade tomato sauce: fry the onion half rings, add slices of fresh tomatoes, peeled from the skin, and salt. After two or three minutes of quenching, pour a little flour and boil until thick. The sauce is ready.

Recipe 3: Potato pancakes with mushrooms

Potatoes, and even with mushrooms. It's fantastic! If the usual pancakes become boring, you can make pancakes with mushrooms - your household will be delighted with such delicious food. Mushrooms should be finely chopped, fry with onions, until the liquid evaporates, cool. They are then added to the dough and fried like regular potato pancakes. Serve with sour cream. If suddenly the dough will creep into a pan and merge into one pancake, add another egg.

Ingredients: 4 large potato tubers (700-800g), 300g of champignons, 1 large onion, 2 table. lie flour, salt, 1 egg, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Mushrooms, finely chop the onion. Fry in oil, first onions, then add the mushrooms. Hold in a pan for about fifteen minutes until the water evaporates.

While mushrooms are cooling, peel and grate potatoes, add egg, salt and pepper. Add cooled mushrooms with onions, flour, mix well.

Heat the butter and fry the pancakes on both sides.

Recipe 4: Potato Pancakes with Cheese

Another option is to diversify the taste of classic pancakes. It turns out delicious potato-cheese fried bread, something similar in taste to cheese chips.

Ingredients: 5 potatoes, 5 tables.lozh. flour, 1 onion, 200g cheese, 2 eggs, salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cheese, onions and peeled raw potatoes, large or finely grated. Add eggs, salt, pour flour, mix well.

Fry on both sides in hot oil.

Potato pancakes - useful tips from experienced chefs

- To get rid of excess fat, on which the pancakes were fried, after roasting, they must be wetted with a paper towel.

- If the prepared pancakes are cold, they can be heated in a microwave or an oven, and they will become hot and tasty again.

- Finely grated onions, added to the dough, will not only improve the taste of pancakes, but will not allow the potatoes to darken.

- So that the pancakes do not stick and have a beautiful crust, it is necessary that the oil covers the bottom of the pan for about three millimeters.

- To make the pancakes better fried, you can cover the pan with a lid on top.


Watch the video: How to Make Potato Pancakes - Classic Potato Pancakes Recipe (July 2024).