Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017: favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and dyeing hair


The female organism itself is tuned to the lunar cycles.

The direct influence of the moon on hair-related procedures, our great-grandmothers noticed centuries ago. Lunar calendar haircuts and today helps to choose the best day to visit the salon.

Why does this work?

The human body can be called a special "biological battery" that can be charged with energy or wasted depending on the cycle of the moon. Energy accumulation begins from the second phase, from the eighth to the fifteenth lunar day. At this point, the person feels a surge of strength. The period of stability and activity continues into the full moon, up to the 22nd lunar day.

The fourth phase goes from the 23rd to the 29th lunar day. No new cases are recommended to start, precisely because at this moment there is an “energy discharge”: the body weakens. The first phase of the lunar cycle is also unfavorable, since at the time of the new accumulation of energy (from the first to the seventh lunar day) human health is vulnerable.

Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017 - curling hair

In addition to the lunar satellite of the Earth, the zodiac signs have a great power over us. The stars in conjunction with the moon give an even more accurate idea of ​​when to do the haircut, "Khimki", hair coloring.

Favorable to do the perm in the period of the Virgin. In March it is the 11th and 12th. Hair will not be affected, curls will be exactly as desired.

But on the 9th and 10th of March with a curl hair should be extremely careful. It's all about the constellation Leo. This zodiac causes curls to curl without any chemistry, and therefore there is a danger of getting too obvious effect.

Abandon "chemistry" is better in the period of Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius, Scorpio. If you curl in the days of power over the moon of these zodiacs, the hair will become brittle, dull, and the tips will split. The structure of the hair completely collapse.

To stifle the desire to curl with the help of chemical compounds should be in the following days:

• 7th, 8th of March (Cancer);

• 23rd - 25th (Aquarius);

• 16th, 17th (Scorpio).

In all other days, perm does not hurt. Feel free to go to the familiar master from the first to the sixth, from the eleventh to the fifteenth, from the 18th to the 22nd, from the 26th to the 31st. In general, there is plenty to choose from.

Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017 - hair coloring

Dyeing hair is recommended during the growth of the moon. In March, the Moon grows twice: from the first to the eleventh and from the 29th to the 31st. These days the paint will fall as it should, the hair will not be damaged, and the result will please.

Special recommendations for staining concern the following days.

March 1: it is preferable to use natural dyes. A close relationship with nature will improve mood, well-being, increase energy.

2nd of March: coloring with natural dyes will be effective for a business woman. Their business acumen strengthen, there will be strength to solve difficult problems.

the 5th of March: female attractiveness will increase, and with it self-esteem.

March 7: returning to natural color will help get rid of the negative.

March 8: You can improve the relationship with the boss.

10th of March: staining will affect the improvement of financial position.

11th of March: The thirteenth lunar day is extremely unfavorable for staining. Although if you are confident in yourself, you should not abandon the planned visit to the salon.

26 March: if you have the courage to drastically change your hair color, you can achieve a significant improvement in health and financial well-being.

March 31: natural hair color when dyed will return calm to the family.

Tip: March 19, comb your hair in four directions according to the location of the cardinal points. So you can activate and attract to him a positive cosmic energy.

Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017 - favorable days for haircuts

Moon growth has a direct effect on hair. Trimmed during this period, they will grow back quickly. This is not always good, especially if a woman cuts her hair stylishly and shortly. We'll have to pay the master again in two or three weeks.

A haircut to a waning moon will strengthen the hair roots. If the bulbs are weakened, go to the salon during this period. In March, it continues from the 13th to the 27th.

Excellent results are obtained by shortening the curls and strands during the conjunction of the Moon with Libra, Taurus, Leo, Capricornus, Virgo.

Therefore, you need to plan a visit to the salon on such days:

• from 2nd to 4th, 30th, 31st (Taurus);

• From the 13th to the 15th (Libra);

• 9th, 10th (Leo);

• 11th, 12th (Deva);

• 21st, 22nd (Capricorn).

Recommendations of a special nature will help to adjust financial affairs and relations with others. It is worth paying attention to them to those who want to correct some negative circumstances in their lives.

March 1: attract money and wealth;

March 4: will help to recover, will increase the financial flow;

the 5th of March: will aggravate intuition, will help to achieve the;

10th of March: promises profit;

March 15th: can change life drastically;

March 16: make more attractive, improve health;

March 23: attracts positive energy;

26 March: will give charisma;

March 27: prolong life

Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017 - unfavorable days for haircuts

It is not necessary to cut the hair on the waning moon. This is a general recommendation, which is associated with significant energy consumption during this period. Sharping hair, we further weaken the body.

But in March there are others Negative days for haircuts.

March, 6: attract the negative;

March 8, March 13, March 17: badly affect health;

March 12: fraught with depression;

March 22: can provoke a quarrel;

March 24th and 25th: damage mental health;

March 31: there is a danger that the haircut will be unsuccessful.

Tip: never clip a baby for the first time on a waning moon. It is believed that this can ruin his hair for life. They will be weak and rare.

Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017 - conclusion

March is quite favorable for correcting life mistakes and getting rid of problems with the help of the magic of the moon. Hair can accumulate enormous amounts of energy and information, so it is very important to choose the right days to care for them.


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