Oven ham in foil: old traditions in new packaging. Recipes for cooking juicy ham in the oven in foil


Roasting meat is an old way of cooking.

Even if archaeologists and historians are still arguing about when the Russian oven actually appeared - in the middle of the last millennium or 2-3 millennia earlier, but baking the ham in the oven in foil very clearly reminds culinary traditions of old Russian cuisine.

Before the appearance of French cooks in Russia, and in peasant families, and at the royal court, meat was cooked the old-fashioned way - they cooked or baked whole carcasses.

Very often the pigs carcasses were stuffed with other kinds of meat, baking them on hot coals, on a spit.

Approximately then it was noticed that the top of the meat burns, and in order to avoid this, they began to coat the carcasses for baking with clay, and a little later with rye dough, which gave the dish a completely new taste.

So, roasting ham in the oven in foil is an old culinary processing of meat using modern technical capabilities.

Modern Russian cuisine has retained the original traditions, expanded the range of products and technologies of their culinary processing, adopting the experience of neighboring countries.

Ham in the oven in the foil - the basic technological principles

Whole carcasses are rarely cooked now, and even a whole part of pork carcasses, but roasted meat is still popular with cooks and gourmets.

As a rule, ham in the oven in foil is associated with preparing for a festive meal. This is also a tribute to the old Russian way of life. In the daily life of the peasants were mainly soups, cereals, flour products.

Cooking meat dishes often marked the end of the post. On the occasion of the upcoming holidays and a generous Russian feast in wealthier families, pigs or piglets were slaughtered; in poor families for the holiday tried to cook at least a chicken. Here the dishes did not differ in a special variety of ingredients: the meat was prepared in accordance with the old Russian culinary traditions and the dishes had a more natural taste.

Russian cuisine was significantly different in social characteristics. Ham in rich boyars and merchants' houses was baked in accordance with the best trends of the time. Domestic cooks were gradually supplanted by imported French, German or Dutch culinary experts. They began to cook the meat, pre-cutting into portions, flavoring the dish with overseas vegetables and spices. The emergence of methods of heat treatment, added the traditional Russian technology: meat and other products were not just baked or cooked.

Combined processing methods appeared: before baking, the meat was boiled or stewed in an oven, put into pots and covered with their surface with dough.

Modern Russian cuisine does not limit the way of cooking ham in the oven in foil: neither by the type of heat treatment, nor by the variety of additional ingredients used.

Perhaps, considering the basic technological principles, should pay more attention to the choice of the main ingredient - pork gammon.

The most preferred option is fresh, chilled meat. Appearance the selected back of the pork should have a delicate, pink color, preferably without blood stains and inclusions. If the meat is saturated with blood, it must first be soaked, repeatedly replacing cold water.

When buying, pay attention to skin conditionif you are going to bake the meat with the skin, which, by the way, gives the dish some additional benefits. The surface of the pork skin must be intact, thoroughly tarred, without bristles.

You can grind the stubble on your own, but such an operation is much easier to perform when the carcass is not cut into pieces and the juice from the meat does not follow. Buying meat, be sure smell it. The smell of tar skin should correspond to the smell of burned straw, not gasoline, which often happens when unscrupulous vendors, wanting to speed up and cheapen the process of preparing meat for sale, will grind the carcass with a blowtorch filled with gasoline.

Pay attention on thickness subcutaneous fat layer. For the preparation of minced meat suitable fatty pieces of meat, but for baking the whole piece is better to choose meat with a very thin fatty layer, especially if you do not like too fatty foods.

It is much more difficult to determine the age of a clogged carcass if it is cut into pieces. Here, basically, you have to rely only on the integrity of the seller. Unpleasant smell has the meat of sexually mature boars and females after mating. This quality criterion can also be established organoleptically.

Sanitary-epidemiological control over the quality of meat, as a rule, is carried out by specialized services available in each organized market, giving the seller permission to sell. Do not buy meat in natural marketswhere there is a high probability of exposing health to danger.

Baking with the use of foil is not difficult, but rather, on the contrary, it facilitates the process of cooking. Enough know some subtletiesusing foil for roasting meat.

The foil serves as a kind of non-stick coating, protecting the product from sticking to the surface. At the same time, it keeps the temperature so that the meat is baked in deeper layers. The use of foil avoids the natural evaporation of the juice and flavor in the cooking process. In particular, this property of the foil helps in baking large pieces or even whole ham. So that the finished dish has a beautiful, crispy look, at the last stage of baking, the foil is removed and the meat is fried in the open form. For greater effect, at the same time, the surface of meat is smeared with mustard, honey or other mixtures, to form a rudder crust.

For roasting, only pulp is often used, without bones, but it should be borne in mind that bone juice gives a more interesting taste: especially when cooking boiled pork or another dish that can be served cold. It must be remembered that the tubular bones and pigskin contain collagen, the substance from which gelatin is obtained. This property can be useful in the preparation of cold appetizers of pork, baked in the oven.

If the ham in the oven is prepared in portions, pre-boiled or stewed, the foil is sometimes replaced with dough, which is covered with ceramic pots or other forms for baking, which gives the dish an interesting originality.

A variety of ingredients used to decorate the taste of ham in the oven in foil helps to avoid repetition of taste. Combinations of pork with fruits and dried fruits, vegetables, other meats, cereals. To prepare the pork dish in the oven, honey, mustard, tomato, wine or wine vinegar sauces, citrus juices, and beer are used. Spices and herbs are a wide range for the preparation of pork ham.

Meat preparation for baking, it can also include various methods of mechanical processing: cutting, preparation of lined semi-finished products, stuffing, beating.

Roasting time depends on the size of the prepared piece, the technical capabilities of the oven and the pre-treatment of meat. Fresh ham, weighing 1-1.5 kg, baked for at least an hour at 180-200ºС.

Large pieces of ham for baking are previously kept in brine or marinade from 24 to 72 hours, reducing the exposure time for smaller pieces, according to their size.

Recipe 1. Ham in the oven in foil: boiled pork on the bone


The back (or shin, pork), on the bone 3.5-4 kg

Water (must cover meat)

Salt (for aqueous solution, 15%)

A mixture of black pepper, ground 100-120 g

Ground coriander 50 g

Dried garlic 70 g

Sodium Nitrite 80g


A whole piece of pork ham, with skin we check and clean the surface of the skin, carefully scraping the impurities with a knife.

The meat, along with skin and bone, is soaked in ice water until the blood is completely removed: the pork should have a delicate pink color. The water must be changed in the soaking process 2-3 times.

Dry the prepared meat before marinating.

Take a large pot to fit the whole ham with saline. Measure out the right amount of water to cover the meat by 3-5 cm.

Prepare a small amount of salt solution, preheating the water and dissolving the salt in it. The amount of salt - 150 g / 1l.

Pour the prepared solution into the pan with meat and water, then move it to a cool place for 48-72 hours.

Dry the salted meat, squeezing out slightly the remaining water.

Make a cut from one side to the bone. Expand the layer of meat, skin down, not completely removing the bone. From ground spices and sodium nitrite (it will help preserve the natural pink color of the meat), prepare the mixture and rub the flesh from the inside. Wrap the bone again with the pulp, aligning the incision line and securing it with clips.

Wrap the whole ham with foil, shiny side inward. Foil seam should be located at the top so that the juice does not leak, and to be able to verify the readiness of the baked ham. If the foil is thin, roll it in two layers.

Place the bag of meat on a baking sheet and send in a cold oven. It is necessary to bake meat at 180ºС, not less than four hours.

Recipe. Ham in the oven with Georgian spices

Product Set:

Honey 150g

Ham, pork (back part without bone, with skin) 2 kg

Adjika (spicy and very salty) 200 g

Mustard (dry powder) 3 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

Soak the leg in water for at least two hours, then wipe dry with paper towels.

Liberally grease with adzhika, if the adjika is not hot enough and does not have a steep salting, then add half a tablespoon of salt and red pepper (this is necessary for the marinade).

Oiled ham, not very tight, wrapped in foil and sent to the refrigerator for five hours.

After the time, put the pickled ham to be baked for 120 minutes in the oven, at a temperature of 200 °.

Remove the ready ham from the foil and coat with honey mixed with mustard powder. Reduce the degree of the oven by 170 - 180 ° вып, baking until golden brown, slightly drying the juicy ham.

Recipe 3. Ham in the oven in foil with chanterelles


Pork pulp (back) 3 kg

Brisket 500g

Salt, pepper mix

Onions, sweet 0.5 kg

Flour 70-100 g (for sauteing)

Chanterelles, fresh (or frozen) 1.5 kg

White mushrooms, dried

Cream (10-15%) 1.0 l

Dill, chopped 120 g

Garlic 50g

Sour cream 20% 250 g


The washed and soaked back of the pork fillet cut into cubes or large cubes, 3x3 cm.

Chop the loin into thin strips, white or shallot - into medium cubes.

Rinse the boiled chanterelles and fold them away, removing the water.

In a deep, refractory form (preferably ceramic or transparent, which can be served on the table), place the meat, between it pieces of loin, onion and garlic.

Season with spices, salt.

Cover the form with foil and set to bake until half cooked, placing the dish on the middle shelf or setting the bottom of the pan with salt.

After 40 minutes, remove the meat and put the mushrooms on top. Cover the form again and continue baking for another 15 minutes.

Prepare a creamy mixture of cream, dried mushrooms, chopped dill, golden wheat flour and sour cream and sour cream by combining all the products in a blender at low speed. Brew the mixture, until creamy thickness, with continuous stirring.

Pour meat and mushrooms with white sauce, but do not cover with foil anymore. Add the temperature at 20-25 ° C and bake the dish until golden brown.

Serve on boiled potatoes with minced dill, garlic and butter.

Recipe 4. Ham in the oven in foil, stuffed with liver

Grocery list:

Pork fillet (ham) 2 kg

Carrots 350g

Beef liver 800 g

Onions, browned 450 g

Oil (for passaging)

Cheese, hard, grated 500 g

Cream, drinking 300 ml

Garlic, salt, spices


Prepare the pork ham by stripping the fillets from the films and removing the fat. Rectangular fillet cut into thin layers (1.5 cm), zigzag; to unfold a layer of meat and discourage, paying special attention to the places of connection of the layers. It should be a rectangle, of equal thickness, plastic enough to wrap it in a roll.

Prepare the liver by removing the membrane and bile passages. Cut it into small pieces or thin slices, lightly roll in flour and simmer with grated carrots; Combine with browned onions and perebite ready liver with vegetables, using a blender, bringing to a puree state. Add garlic and cream. Pre-lay the meat on a silicone sheet.

Cover the prepared meat layer with liver pate, without reaching the edge by 5-6 cm. Fold the roll and carefully transfer it onto the foil. Wrap the roll in foil: the seam of the roll should remain at the bottom, leaving the seam of foil - at the top. Place the roll on a baking sheet, bake about 50-70 minutes. Remove the roll for a few minutes and unfold the foil, sprinkle with a layer of grated cheese and bake, placing the mold for another 5-10 minutes in the oven.

Stuffed roll served cold and hot, with garlic-peanut sauce and vegetable garnish.

Recipe 5. Ham in the oven in foil with prunes

Product Set:

Salt and pepper to taste

Ham (fillet) 1 kg

Spicy mustard 3 tbsp. l

Marinated rings, single large bulb onions

Sour cream 500 ml

Honey (liquid, buckwheat) 100 ml

Garlic 30-50 g

Prunes 300 g


Chop the garlic and half of the prunes into a mush and mix with sour cream and mustard.

Salt and pepper leg, make the necessary number of transverse cuts, a small groove.

Season with spices and place whole prunes in the notched grooves.

Having laid on the foil, pour the sour cream sauce.

Wrapped tightly in foil, leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 120 minutes.

After baking until cooked at a temperature of 180 - 200 °.

10 - 15 minutes before the end of roasting, remove the ham from the oven. Having freed the ham from the foil, we smear it with honey, distribute the pickled onion rings, sprinkling it with the rest of the marinade, bake until golden and crisp.

Recipe 6. Smoked ham in the oven in a foil with apples

List of ingredients:

Carbonate, pork (smoked) 1.5 kg

Star anise (or anise), ground

White wine (dry) 300 ml

Pepper Mix

Apples, sweet and sour 0.5 kg (net)

Honey or molasses (for glazing)


Smoked pork chop cut into slices.

Cover the form with foil and lay the meat pieces in a single layer.

Pour meat over wine and add ground spices.

Close the form tightly and leave it in the fridge for 3-4 hours.

After infusion, place the slices of apples on top of the meat, along with the skin and pour over the sweet honey syrup.

Bake for ten minutes, then remove the foil and brown the surface of the dish.

Transfer to a dish, decorated with greens, to give a complete look.

Recipe 7. Ham in the oven in foil with cheese and pineapple

Product Set:

Rear 3 kg

Pineapple, canned 1 can

Adjika, hot 200 g

Herb Blend


Lemon juice 50 ml

Cheese, hard 200 g

Cooking method:

Mix adjika with herbs and lemon juice, brush ham, wrap in foil and leave for an hour.

Pineapples, chop the cheese into cubes and wrap the roll in marinated ham, tightly tied with a thick cotton thread.

Wrap the roll in foil and bake at a temperature of 160 - 180 ° until cooked.

When the roll is ready, smear with honey and bake without foil for 10 - 15 minutes.

Foil Ham - Good Tips and Tricks

  • Squeezing the meat with a whole piece, after turning off the oven, do not immediately reach it to give it a "rest".

  • If you do not know which spices are suitable for meat, use the classic options: pepper, garlic and bay leaf. The main thing - respect for the sense of proportion, so as not to muffle the aroma of the main product. To improve the taste and juiciness, add sugar or honey.

  • For roasting meat is convenient to use a thermometer. It will always help to determine the temperature inside the piece, if it is necessary to keep it whole, without cuts, before serving.

  • Defrost pork in the refrigerator, in a sealed container or film. Rapid defrost degrades meat quality.


Watch the video: BROWN SUGAR & HONEY GLAZED BAKED HAM - How to BAKE A GLAZED HAM Recipe (June 2024).