February 22: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays February 22.


Holidays February 22

Cat Day in Japan

February 22 Japanese celebrate Cat Day. Why exactly February 22? Yes, because the cat itself "chose" this date. It turns out that Japanese cats do not speak "meow-meow", like Russian, but "nyan-nyan", which in translation from Japanese means "two-two", otherwise twenty-two, February 22. In 1987, the state executive committee for the celebration of Cat Day was established. Activists urge all Japanese to acquire animals, to learn better about their behavior, preferences, and favorite delicacies.

Cats came to Japan from China in the sixth century AD. Then the cats sailed on ships carrying Buddhist manuscripts to Japan, and not just floated, but protected sacred books from mice. From 794 years on pictures and in books images fluffy purrs begin to appear. Getting off the ships on the Japanese coast, the four-legged creatures gladly settled throughout the country. As a result, the Japanese got their favorite pet and new breed, the Japanese bobtail, a cat with a short tail.

Victims of Crime Day

February 22 is the Day of Support for Victims of Crime around the world. The Charter of Victims of Crime (England) was published in 1990, and since then the civilized world has been trying to alleviate the suffering of the victims. More than 200 programs of support, rehabilitation and compensation for moral and also material damage have been developed. Such programs help to get out of stress, return to the world of people and continue an active life in society.

George Washington's Birthday

February 22, 2013 Americans celebrate the 280th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Americans value not only the political and military achievements of the president, but also his moral qualities. In the first place is the honesty and decency of Washington. As a child, he cut down his father's cherry tree. When he asked who did it, little George immediately admitted his guilt, although he was very afraid of punishment. In honor of that distant day on the table for the Americans on February 22 there will always be a place for a cake in the shape of a tree decorated with cherries.

Since the mid-1970s, at the proposal of the Congress, it was decided to celebrate on February 22 the day of commemoration of all US presidents.

Holy Martyr Pancras

On February 22, Christian believers venerate the martyr Pankratia. Pankraty left his home and retired to the Pontic Mountains to live in a cave, to pray and reflect on the essence of being. Holy Apostle Peter saw Pankratia and brought him to Cilicia, where the holy Apostle Paul lived at that time. The apostles Peter and Paul together ordained Pankratia into Bishop of Tauromenia. Prelate Pankraty educated the people and helped them take the path of Christianity. He built a temple and held services there. Soon all the inhabitants of Tauromenia adopted Christianity. Saint Pankratius ended his life as a martyr, he was stoned by pagans. The relics of the saint are located in Rome, in the temple of St. Pankratia.

Sun festival in egypt

February 22 in Egypt, the festival of the sun is celebrated. At the behest of Pharaoh Ramses II, two temples were created, both in the rock of Abu Simbel, on the banks of the Nile. One temple is dedicated to Pharaoh himself, and the other to his wife and goddess Hakhtor. Scientists believe that on February 22 was the coronation of Ramses, so the festival is celebrated on this day.

The location of the temples is such that on February 22 the first ray of the sun penetrates through the entrance niche of the temple, and then illuminates the long corridor of the temple of Ramses. Then the ray of the sun falls on the face of Pharaoh for 12 minutes. The sunbeam does not touch the statue of the god Ptah, but lingers on the statues of Amon and Ra for exactly six minutes. This happens once a year, October 22, just on the birthday of Ramses.

On the day of February 22, numerous tourists come to Egypt to see this sunny "performance".

February 22 in the national calendar

Pankratia Day

On February 22, the Orthodox honor the memory of Pankratia of Pechersk, who lived in a cave and led a solitary life.

On Pankratia peasants began to weave bast. On the day of February 22, it was supposed to inspect the entire farm, decide what exactly required repairs and set to work.

Watching the peasants and the weather. It was believed that in Pankratia, winter "runs away" to distant lands and gives frost and cold at parting. The colder were the days after Pankratia on February 22, the warmer the spring will be.

Historical events February 22

February 22, 1632 scientist Galileo Galilei presented Ferdinand II Medici his book on astronomy

In 1906, the famous astronomer Galileo Galilei made the first telescope and began to observe the stars. Research results showed that Copernicus was right when he proposed his world system. The theory of Copernicus was considered "ungodly", however, no one forbade analyzing it and reflecting on it. Therefore, Galileo wrote the work "The Dialogue on the Two Most Important Systems of the World" and dedicated it to the Duke of Tuscany. The book was presented on February 22, 1632. But was it possible to outwit the Inquisition? In August of the same year, the Galilee was summoned to the court of the Inquisition. A year later, under the threat of torture, Galileo abdicated his teachings in the Bible.

February 22, 1714 Botanical Garden opened in St. Petersburg

In 1714, on the orders of Peter I, on February 22 a botanical garden was opened. It was then called the Pharmaceutical garden. It was not the first such garden in Russia. For the needs of pharmacies under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich there were as many as three pharmaceutical gardens. The new garden Peter ordered to make on the island of Crow and rename it Aptekarsky. The main purpose of the garden was the cultivation and cultivation of medicinal herbs. From year to year the territory of the garden began to expand, and under Catherine its length was already 640 meters.

The garden was always under the constant supervision of botanist scientists. There were lectures, classes with students, guided tours. But the most important was the fact that new types of plants and herbs were constantly being brought into the garden.

In 1823, the Pharmaceutical Garden was renamed the Botanical Garden, and in 1934 it became the scientific department of the Komarov Institute. Today, the territory of the garden is 22.6 hectares of land and 16 hectares of arboretum. The collection of plants has more than 80 thousand copies. When the Botanical Garden constantly operates a museum.

February 22, 1921 creation plan

February 22, 1921 the State Planning Committee (GOSPLAN of the USSR) was established. This body planned and monitored the development of the national economy. The prototype of Gosplan was GOELRO. G. Krzhizhanovsky was appointed Chairman of the State Planning Board. It was necessary to develop a national plan, method and procedure for its implementation. The activity of the new committee was based on Leninist principles of socialist planning.

The main task of the State Planning Committee was planning the economic development of the USSR, and drawing up tasks for a certain period of time. Under the guidance of Gosplan, the most ambitious programs were implemented that could turn the country from agrarian into industrial. Only in the first five-year period were giant factories built: AZLK, GAZ, Magnitogorsk Metallurgical, Kharkov Tractor. During the war years, Gosplan ensured the evacuation of enterprises to the rear. 1991 was the last in the "life" of Gosplan.

February 22 born

Fedor Vasilyev (February 22, 1850 - October 6, 1873), artist

Fedor Vasiliev - a gifted landscape painter, a friend of I. Repin. Among his best paintings are "Thaw", "View of the Volga", "Winter Landscape", "Approaching Thunderstorm", "Wet Meadow". After the artist’s death, all his paintings were sold out, even unfinished ones.

Frederic Chopin (February 22, 1810 - October 17, 1849), pianist and composer, musical genius

A brilliant composer and pianist, who masterfully performed his works, Frederic Chopin was an unsurpassed maker of melodies. Mazurki, sonatas, ballads, waltzes - this is an incomplete list of his works, which made venerable even venerable performers and composers bow before him. Liszt, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz considered his talent as an unsurpassed gift. Chopin’s “Funeral March” entered the funeral ritual of all countries and peoples. The composer was buried in Per-Lyashes cemetery in France, and his heart was transported to Warsaw, where he was bricked up in the column of the Holy Cross church.

Name Day February 22

Gennady, Innokenty, Vasily, Ivan, Peter.


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