Potato stew with pork. Recipes for pork and potatoes for a romantic dinner and hearty meal


What could be tastier and nourishing potatoes with pork?

Such an indispensable combination of two products is suitable for preparing dishes for meeting a dear guest, as well as for a daily menu.

The whole secret is in the variety of ways to stew potatoes with meat.

Pork Stew: General Cooking

The main ingredients are potatoes and pork pulp, preferably lean, or pork ribs.

The dish will turn out tastier if you first individually lightly fry these products, and then combine - stew.

Therefore, cut into pieces meat and large slices - potatoes. Fried in a pan with vegetable oil.

We prepare carrots and onions. They also passer in oil.

Then all the products are combined in a quenching container, poured with water and put on low heat.

At the end of the stew add spices, seasonings, salt.

Depending on the recipe and the cooking method, mushrooms, bell peppers, beans, lentils, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples can be added to stewed potatoes with pork. All according to your taste and desire.

The dish can be cooked in a brazier or cauldron for gas, stewed in an oven in a heat-resistant dish or pots.

Braised Potato with Pork Ribs


• One kilogram of potatoes;

• Half a kilogram of pork ribs;

• One onion;

• One can of canned beans;

• One carrot;

• Champignon;

• Two feathers of garlic;

• salt;

• pepper;

• Fresh greens;

• Seasoning.

Cooking method:

The pork meat is washed and left in cold water for 60 minutes. Then cut into pieces.

Heat oil in a pan and fry the ribs. Pressed garlic, seasoning, pepper and salt are added.

Carrots are crushed on a harvester or skipped on a grater and added to the meat. The onion is chopped, the potatoes are cut into four slices and added to the meat.

After all the ingredients are slightly fried, mushrooms are added. Pour water and stew. At the end of cooking, the brine is poured from the beans and added to the potatoes. Sprinkle with herbs.

Stewed Potato with Pork and Apples


• One kilogram of pork pulp;

• Three hundred grams of apples;

• One kilogram of potatoes.

For sour cream sauce:

• Half a kilogram of low-fat sour cream;

• salt;

• Paprika;

• Half a glass of water;

• Ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into small slices.

Apples are peeled and cut into large strips.

The potatoes are peeled, washed from starch in water and cut into circles. Pork is mixed with apples.

The oven mold is greased. Spread a layer of meat with apples.

Potatoes are spread on top.

Sour cream is poured into a cup, sprinkled with paprika, pepper and salt. Water is added and mixed until smooth.

Cooked sauce completely pour potatoes.

Put in the oven and simmer for about forty minutes.

When served, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Pork Stew


• One and a half kilograms of potatoes;

• One kilogram of pork or ribs;

• Two onions;

• One carrot;

• Three feathers of garlic;

• Ground pepper;

• Four tables. tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• One and a half tables. tablespoons of tomato paste;

• Three bay leaves;

• salt;

• Greenery.

Cooking method:

Pork is fried in a pan on both sides until golden. Transfer meat to the cauldron.

In the same pan sauté onions with grated carrots, add tomato paste, stew.

The potato is peeled, cut into four parts (two times in half) and added to the cauldron.

Put the fried onions and carrots. Cut another onion and add to the potatoes with meat. Water should cover only potatoes and meat. Stew on low gas for about forty minutes.

A few minutes before the end of the stew, put the garlic, salt, pepper, slowly mix. Add bay leaf. When serving in portioned plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Braised potatoes with pork and vegetables


• Seven hundred grams of potatoes;

• Half a kilogram of pork pulp (without fat);

• Two onions;

• Two carrots;

• Two fresh tomatoes;

• One bunch of dill and parsley;

• Basil;

• Lavrushka;

• Peppercorns and ground peas;

• salt;

• Seasoning for pork;

• Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

The potatoes are peeled and left in the water to leave starch. Then cut the potatoes into large slices and put in a stewing dish. Pour water so that it slightly covers the vegetables and put on low heat. Lay a parsley and peas of pepper.

In the meantime, the meat is washed, allowed to dry and cut into portions.

Then the pork is separately fried in a pan until golden brown.

Carrots and onions are peeled. Onion finely chopped, chopped carrots on a grater.

Add to the pan to the meat or fry until golden separately.

Tomatoes are peeled and crushed on a blender to a homogeneous consistency. This sauce is poured meat. Stew in a pan under the lid for about ten minutes.

Fried meat with vegetables and sauce is added to the potatoes, mix well and continue to stew.

At the end of the stew, sprinkle with herbs, ground pepper, salt. Allow to sweat on the stove under a closed lid.

Braised potatoes with pork and lentils


• Half a kilogram of pork without fat;

• Eight potatoes;

• Half a glass of red lentils;

• Allspice or ground pepper;

• Two onions;

• One carrot;

• One fresh tomato;

• Four tables. tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• Two leaves of parsley;

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Sliced ​​pork is placed in a cauldron or ducklifter with heated oil and lightly fried.

Part of the potato is cut into cubes, the rest - in large slices.

Onion finely chopped, sliced ​​carrots in circles.

Lentils are thoroughly washed under running water.

Prepared vegetables and cereals are simultaneously added to the meat. Pour boiled water to cover vegetables. After boiling, the gas is reduced and extinguished until tender.

Finely chopped tomato, lavrushka, pepper and salt are added at the end.

Braised potato with pork and pickles


• Seven hundred grams of pork or pork ribs;

• Two kilograms of potatoes;

• Onion;

• Carrot;

• Two tables. tablespoons of tomato paste;

• Four pickles;

• salt;

• pepper;

• Lavrushka.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat, cut into slices and fry the pan on both sides. Then salted and put in a pan for stewing (with thick walls).

Peel the skin from cucumbers and chop finely. Then they are allowed in a pan with oil, add tomato paste, a little water and stew.

Chop the onion and carrot, passer in another pan.

The potatoes are peeled and cut into small rectangles.

Sliced ​​potatoes are added to the finished meat. Continue to simmer.

Then put the fried cucumbers, onions and carrots. Stew all the ingredients until the dishes are ready.

At the end of cooking, put spices, lavrushka, pepper.

Braised potatoes with pork and bell pepper


• Half a kilogram of potatoes;

• Three hundred grams of lean pork pulp;

• Two bell peppers;

• Two feathers of garlic;

• Carrot;

• Chili pepper (ground);

• Onion;

• Lavrushka;

• Fifty grams of butter;

• Greenery;

• Ketchup or tomato paste.

Cooking method:

All vegetables are washed and dried.

Chop the garlic, it is better to cut into thin plates with a knife.

The bulb is peeled and finely chopped.

Carrots are also cut into thin circles.

Bell peppers are diced.

Pork is cut into several parts and boiled in salted water.

Peel and chop the potato into large slices. In another pan, boil potatoes with carrots.

Passion onions in a pan with butter. Add Bulgarian pepper and stew until golden onions. A little later, add three tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup, better than Georgian.

Then boiled meat is combined with potatoes, add dressing, salt, pepper, lavrushka. Continue to simmer until cooked. Served with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Braised potatoes with pork in pots


• Four hundred grams of potatoes;

• Three hundred grams of pork;

• Fifty grams of mint;

• Twenty grams of butter;

• One tables. a spoon of vegetable oil;

• Greens parsley and dill;

• Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into small pieces and fried in a pan. Peeled potatoes are cut into cubes, placed in a ceramic pot. Add meat, butter, finely chopped mint and greens. Salt and pepper. Cover the pot with a lid and place in an oven or microwave for thirty minutes. The dish is served hot, you can right in the pot.

Braised potatoes with pork in milk


• Half a kilogram of potatoes;

• Four hundred grams of carrots;

• Half a kilogram of pork pulp;

• Red pepper (ground);

• Half a liter of milk;

• Two tables. tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• cloves;

• Salt.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into small pieces and fried in a pan. Potatoes are cut into thin rings and fried in another skillet. In a greased form, spread the potato rings and fried meat, sprinkle with grated carrots, add spices and salt. Pour everything with warm milk and place in a preheated oven for twenty minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Braised potatoes with pork and bacon


• Half a kilogram of pork pulp with lard;

• Ten potatoes;

• One onion and carrot;

• Two bay leaves;

• Allspice;

• Parsley;

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Fat is cut from the meat, chopped into small, small pieces and put in a very hot roasting pan. Fry slices of fat "before the haze."

Meanwhile, the pork flesh is cut into equal squares and added to the fried pork fat.

Ten minutes later, sprinkle with chopped onions and grated carrots.

All ingredients are mixed, salted and fried for five minutes on low gas. Interfere.

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices or slices and add to the roasting pan.

One glass of boiled water is poured, the gas is removed, and continue to simmer with the lid closed.

At the end of cooking, put lavrushka, pepper, sprinkle with herbs, if necessary, add salt.

Pork Stew: Tips & Tricks

• Hold the peeled potatoes in a bowl of cold water for a while. So he will give starch and the dish will turn out tastier.

• To avoid cutting off excess potatoes, use a special knife for peeling vegetables, rather than a normal kitchen knife.

• Pour cooled boiled water into the meat, not from the tap.

• For stewing it is better to use young pork. So the dish will cook faster and more tender.


Watch the video: 5 Delicious Pork Recipes (July 2024).