Spasm of the bronchi: what contributes to the development of the disease? How to independently help with bronchospasm in adults and children


The bronchi are central to the fact that a person can breathe, transport air to the lungs and back.

In addition, it is our health guards, because they protect the peripheral parts from dust and gases.

Given their functionality, it is not at all surprising that the bronchi can have diseases of different nature - from viral to autoimmune.

But the most common disease is spasm of the bronchi.

As a result of their development, a narrowing of the lumen occurs. The tissue receives little oxygen, the body is supersaturated with carbonic acid. It is difficult for the patient to breathe, shortness of breath occurs.

But what contributes to the emergence of such a state?

Spasm of the bronchi - causes

In medicine, there is still no exact answer as to why a bronchospasm occurs. You can only select a number of symptoms, as a result of which the disease develops:

1. Bronchial asthma. Difficulty in breathing is the main sign that the disease develops further. To relieve the spasm that occurs in asthma, you can only drugs. There comes a time when a person simply cannot live without them, so he is forced to carry it everywhere. The treatment can last for many years. But there is no guarantee that it will be effective.

2. Chronic bronchitis. The disease is the advanced stage of bronchitis, which at one time did not receive the required treatment. The disease can be an occupational disease, those people whose activity is associated with heavy production. After bronchitis becomes chronic, it is unlikely to be cured.

3. Infectious diseases. In this case, bronchospasm is a temporary phenomenon that will disappear after recovery.

4. Allergic reaction. A feeling of discomfort in the bronchial area may be a consequence of taking medications that have a strong side effect. If a person has its manifestation, it is necessary to take a drug that will block the allergen.

Feeling unpleasant symptoms may be due to other reasons that can be set at the doctor, individually.

The increased risk of bronchospasm is associated with the following reasons:

• hereditary predisposition of the patient;

• tendency to frequent allergies;

• abuse of bad habits, in particular, this concerns smokers;

• hyperactivity of the bronchi.

The feeling of any discomfort, even insignificant - is good reason to visit a doctor. Indeed, in most cases, it is possible to prevent the development of serious diseases when treatment is started in time.

Spasm of the bronchi - diagnosis of possible diseases

Quite often, a bronchial spasm arises that indicates to you that a serious disease develops in the body that requires immediate treatment. Here are some possible diseases.

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease. Asthma attacks are of a different nature, it all depends on what stage it is - from mild to severe. At a certain stage there is a bronchospasm. Asthma is a disease that will constantly progress, which means attacks every time will be stronger.


Pneumonia is always inflammatory. The disease is characterized by fever, cough, heavy breathing, the sudden appearance of fear. There are several reasons that affect the development of the disease:

1. Complications after other diseases.

2. Trauma.

3. Infection.

4. Chemical damage to the respiratory tract.

If bronchitis could be characterized by narrowing of the bronchi, then emphysema on the contrary leads to their expansion. With emphysema, the patient can breathe fully, loses weight, the skin becomes red.

Bronchial fungal disease

If the immune system in the body is weakened, then such a fungal disease can develop - like bronchial candidiasis. The causes of the development of the disease are as follows:

• taking antibiotics for a long time. Immunity is destroyed as a result;

• a recent course of radiation or chemotherapy;

• lack of vitamins in the body;

• taking corticosteroids for a long time;

That is why candidiasis is just a side disease that is directly related to the suppression of the immune system. The development of purulent cavities can cause necrosis of the walls of the bronchi.

The main symptoms of candidiasis:

• shortness of breath;

• tachycardia;

• cough with or without sputum;

• sputum with blood.

In order to diagnose this disease, carry out such a procedure as bronchoscopy. An analysis of sputum, blood and urine is taken for the presence of a fungal infection in it.

Spasm of the bronchi - treatment

Treatment of bronchial spasm is not only physiotherapy and medication. A set of special measures is being developed that allow to stop the disease, as well as eliminate the factors of its development. Treatment of spasm begins with the examination of the patient, to fully identify the clinical picture.

For this you need:

1. Carefully study the patient's history.

2. Find out if there are associated diseases.

3. Find out in which climatic background the patient lives.

4. Clarify whether the patient tried to cure the disease on his own. If so, what measures were used.

Bronchial Asthma Trigger - These are the factors that cause seizures. The nature of the proposed treatment will determine the following factors:

• allergens;

• emotional state of the patient;

• heredity;

• physical exercise;

• features of physiological development.

In the presence of spasm of the bronchi, the patient easily inhales fresh air, but in order to exhale it, you need to make an effort. Due to inflammation of the respiratory organs, swelling occurs as well as mucus enveloping and blockage. Otherwise, this condition is called bronchodilator obstruction. If the use of bronchodilators does not bring absolutely no relief, then the experts will make a diagnosis: irreversible bronchial obstruction. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is forbidden to choose the means to relieve bronchospasm. This can be done only by an experienced specialist.

There is also a hidden spasm of the bronchi - it doesn’t manifest itself until provoking factors appear. It can only be detected if an allergic reaction or ARVI occurs. Parents usually cannot understand where this condition originated from. Their child begins to hoarse, difficulty in breathing.

Detect availability hidden bronchospasm possible with the following pathologies and diseases:

1. Laryngitis.

2. Rhinitis.

3. Bronchitis.

4. Adenoids.

To date, it is possible to reveal a hidden spasm of the bronchi during the bronchophoneography procedure.

Prevent severe bronchospasm need to pay special attention. It has the following symptoms:

1. Depressed state, insomnia.

2. The patient is in a state of fear, sits silently for a long time.

3. Under the eyes revealed blue, pale face.

4. Congestion in the chest is felt, occasionally picking up air.

5. When breathing there is a wheeze.

6. Strong cough.

The actions taken in time to help relieve the attacks of bronchospasm. Try to calm down, distract.

In the presence of bronchospasm in the child should take the following steps:

1. Wash face thoroughly, rinse throat, nose. Leave the place where the allergen may be located.

2. Take warm drinks as often as possible.

3. If within an hour the attack does not go away, be sure to call an ambulance.

Invalid actions for bronchospasm:

1. Take drugs capable of suppressing cough.

2. Antihistamines. They worsen the outflow of sputum.

3. Do not take sedatives.

4. Do not keep near odorous ointments and products - honey, herbs, turpentine. All this can provoke an allergic reaction.

Small bouts of spasm of the bronchi, can eliminate the following actions - eliminate all provoking agents, clear the respiratory tract.

Spasm of the bronchi - prevention

The first thing that needs to be done when a spasm of bronchus occurs is to call an ambulance. While the doctors are going, you need to take certain measures that will ease the symptoms of the disease. You do not need to have special medical knowledge, just follow the general rules:

1. Remove clothing from the patient that may prevent him from breathing.

2. If there is a smell of irritating substances in the room, remove the patient from there.

3. Provide fresh air.

4. If a person has asthma, he probably has an inhaler. Use this medicine if you have shortness of breath.

5. You can try to relieve bronchospasm with abundant warm drink. To do this, you can warm the milk and add soda to it.

6. You can give medicines. But only those that are able to expand the lumen in the bronchi.

7. In addition to the inhaler, you can use a drip. If there is such an opportunity, be sure to use it before the arrival of specialists. For this, prednisone, previously diluted in 200 ml of saline, is quite suitable.

8. To treat a severe attack can only be in the hospital. For its effectiveness, of course, you need to identify the cause of this state.

That in no case can not be done

Not everyone has to face the phenomenon of bronchospasm. Therefore, a first-time attack can cause a strong panic in a person. If you are close to such a patient, you should understand that at this moment he really needs your help.

In order not to harm, you need to know that not all things can be done at this moment.

Do not give the patient drugs that can suppress cough, as well as antihistamines. All of these drugs will slow down the process of phlegm.

The use of traditional medicine in this case is prohibited. All sedatives are contraindicated.

As already written above, be sure to call an ambulance. It is this condition that is mainly in the treatment of bronchospasm.

In order to prevent the occurrence of spasm in advance, it is necessary to direct all treatment to the underlying disease. If you smoke, be sure to refuse it. Spend more time outdoors.

If an attack of bronchospasm occurs in you or your child, then consult a pulmonologist. The cause of its occurrence was an allergy - to an allergist.

Spasm of the bronchi is quite a serious disease, it is impossible to delay its treatment. When the first of his precursors appear, be sure to go for a consultation in a medical institution. The sooner you start the treatment, the better for you.


Watch the video: Which nerve causes spasm of the bronchial airways? (June 2024).