Adnexitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Adnexitis - This is inflammation of the uterus, in particular the fallopian tubes, ligaments, ovaries. There are two types of adnexitis: chronic and acute. The acute form of adnexitis can be complicated by the formation of adhesions. Adhesions form in the pelvis between the uterus, tube, ovary, bladder, intestinal loops, and omentum. The penetration of infection into the ovary causes the formation of purulent cavities. Chronic adnexitis sometimes leads to an ectopic pregnancy, as well as infertility. Systematic exacerbations of the chronic form of adnexitis lead to sexual disorders, such as soreness of sexual contacts, as well as a decrease in libido.

Adnexitis - reasons

The main cause of this disease is an infection caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia, enterococcus, etc. Infection, as a rule, enters the ovaries and fallopian tubes from the uterus, vagina, or inflamed abdominal organs, for example, with appendicitis. Also, the infection can enter through the blood. When infection penetrates the lumen of the fallopian tube, inflammation (salpingitis) occurs, and in half the cases, the ovary, the ligamentous apparatus of the fallopian tube, is also infected.

Adnexitis - symptoms and diagnosis

The first symptoms of adnexitis are pain in the lower abdomen and fever up to the level of 38-40 degrees, nausea, chills, purulent discharge of the genital tract, dysuria (violation of urination). Sometimes the symptoms of the acute form of adnexitis are mild, it all depends on the immune system and the pathogen. Symptoms of chronic adnexitis can be characterized as aching, dull pain in the lower abdomen.

The pain intensifies after hypothermia, during menstruation, stress. There is a violation of the menstrual cycle, manifested by the occurrence of prolonged bleeding (menometrorrhagia). The lengthening of the menstrual cycle up to 40 days may occur. The chronic form of adnexitis is characterized by a protracted course, with manifestations of exacerbations caused by re-infection, weakening of the immune system.

The disease is diagnosed by examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound examination of the uterus, blood and urine tests, a smear of the cervical canal and vagina. The most informative form of diagnosis can be considered laparoscopy and puncture of the uterus. It is worth noting the complexity of the diagnosis of chronic adnexitis, due to the fact that a periodic increase in pain in the pelvic region is also found in several other diseases.

Adnexitis - treatment and prevention

As indications for acute adnexitis, it is worth noting the pastel regime. With severe symptoms, painkillers, antimicrobials of the fluoroquinol group, broadly acting antibiotics, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. When the acute inflammatory manifestations of the disease were eliminated, biostimulants, physiotherapy, in particular: ultrasound, vibration massage, electrophoresis, are prescribed.

In chronic adnexitis, physiotherapy is also used, plus, balneological treatment - ozokerite, mud applications, gynecological massage, vaginal baths. If the exacerbation is repeated, it is necessary to identify the pathogen and determine the sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Depending on the dominant manifestations of the chronic form of adnexitis, desensitizing, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

As prevention of adnexitis, you need to change underwear made of natural fabrics daily. Do not allow soap solution to enter the vagina during water procedures. Overcooling and overwork should be avoided.


Watch the video: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (July 2024).