How to remove oily stains at home: advice from experienced housewives. Secrets to remove oily stains at home


To cope with the problem of greasy marks on things, household items and interior, it is not necessary to run to dry cleaning.

To remove traces of oil and fat is quite affordable for an ordinary housewife.

You only need to know what and how to apply to pollution.

How to remove oily stains at home: popular remedies and methods

While the stain is fresh, it is quite simple to remove from the fabric. Today there are so many detergents and delicate whitening agents that removing greasy stains at home is very simple. True, if they are fresh. The thing needs to be soaked for half an hour in a proven household chemical product, and then thoroughly washed in any way.

Among the most popular remedies that help remove oily stains at home are:

• salt;

• ammonia, it is ammonia;

• laundry soap;

• talcum powder or baby powder;

• mustard;

• bread crumb;

• potato starch.

All of them cope perfectly with fresh traces of fat, and there is nothing complicated in processing the tissue. Many of these home assistants act on the principle of adsorption: they absorb fat, after which the stain is washed off very easily, leaving no trace.

How to remove oily stains at home using such tools?

Salt, starch or baby powder you need to rub the stain, then shake off the powder and wash the thing. Salt is also good because it calmly copes with old greasy stains, as well as traces of coffee, juice, wine, sweat, blood.

• Penny ammonia able to help the hostess out in different situations, including solving the problem of greasy marks on the fabric. A teaspoon of ammonia must be diluted in half a glass of water, using a cotton pad or piece of cloth to apply to the stain, rub it hard and leave for five to six hours. It remains to wash the product in delicate mode or manually. If the stain is not too large and just planted, you can try to get rid of it immediately after processing. Lay the treated area on both sides with a cotton cloth and iron.

• Normal laundry soap, an invaluable legacy of Soviet times, is able to completely remove the fabric from the stain. The cloth should be well moistened, properly soaped and left for twelve hours (overnight). It remains to wash the thing, and then rinse thoroughly. Another way: lather the dirty area, then sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and wipe with a brush. Leave for about fifteen minutes, and then wash.

Mustard It helps to remove greasy stains at home. Mustard powder is diluted with water to a creamy state, applied to the contaminated surface in a dense layer. After half an hour, the stain can be successfully removed.

• If trouble occurs at the table, quickly absorb fat a piece of bread will help. The crumb needs to be rolled on the spot, and after that wash. This method works very well on velvet.

How to remove oily stains at home: unusual ways

To wash oily stains at home, you can use unusual means, which are also always at hand.

For example, dishwashing liquid has fat-soluble properties. They can be used to combat traces of fat and oil. Everything is simple: apply the amount of product needed to treat the stain onto the fabric, wait twenty minutes, rinse with boiling water and wash. A coarse cloth can be rubbed with a brush after application.

Shaving foam - also a great way to wipe off a greasy stain. It is necessary to squeeze a ball of foam, rub it into a dirty area on clothes. The exposure time is about ten minutes. After the foamy bath, the product will only have to be washed with ordinary powder

The answer to the question of how to remove oily stains at home is capable of and shampoo for oily hair. The method of processing the fabric is the same as for the utensil. The fat-soluble components of the product have a strong effect on the stain, helping to easily and simply clean it.

Stroking a fresh oily stain through tracing paper is one of the easiest ways to handle this kind of contamination. The iron should not be too hot. The optimum temperature is one hundred degrees. Simply place the blotting paper in four to five layers under the stain and lay the same layer on top of the dirt. Iron until the grease has completely absorbed into the paper.

How to remove oily stains at home: a large area of ​​pollution

Separate spots on your favorite shirt or curtain are a nuisance. Numerous greasy marks on kitchen towels, tablecloths, garden household textiles are force majeure. In the period of autumn preparations, when oil is pouring in liters in the kitchen, not a single hostess can escape numerous traces of fat.

To easily and quickly wipe and bleach affected tissue will help proven recipe from soviet times. In the classic version, it requires the following components:

• ten liters of water;

• faceted glass of washing powder;

• two tablespoons of salt;

• the same amount of vegetable oil.

The water must be brought to a boil, add all components to it, turn off the gas and immerse the contaminated products in a miraculous solution. Leave to cool completely, hours at twelve to fourteen. Then stain particularly stubborn stains in the same solution, squeeze and wash in the usual way.

Today, instead of the Soviet "Lotus", you can take any modern powder or bleach. Instead of ten liters, take one, three, five - depending on the number of items handled. Reduce the proportions of the components accordingly. Removing oily stains at home with this method is a pleasure. The oil is easily washed, the fabric is bleached. However, this method can only be used on dense natural tissues.

How to remove oily stains at home: delicate fabrics

Not only kitchen towels suffer from greasy stains. You can put a disgusting spot on a silk blouse, and on your favorite sweater, and on a light cashmere coat.

It is very easy to completely ruin an already tainted thing by an inept, improper exposure.

The first rule: no bleach bleach. For delicate silk, wool, acrylic, angora, it's just death.

How to remove oily stains at home on delicate fabrics?

If the oven is about silk, then you can try the following methods.

• Salt plus ammonia. The composition in approximately equal proportions should be carefully applied to the stain, wait about fifteen minutes, and then wash it with warm water, preferably by hand.

• Ammonium chloride, glycerin and water. Mix in equal amounts. Moisten a stain with plenty of the composition, after five minutes wash it by hand and rinse in warm water.

Silk and fine wool respond equally well to baby powder or talcum powder. These tools help to clean and easily remove oily stains at home. If the stain is fresh, you just need to fill it with powder and leave it alone for a day. Important: you need to process the greasy trace from the edges to the center, so as not to spread out. After 24 hours, shake off the talcum powder and iron the stain through a kitchen towel.

Powder from ordinary chalk works well on silk. If the product is light in color (this is a prerequisite, it is difficult to remove chalk from dark fibers), simply fill the spot with dry powder, and after two hours remove it with a damp cloth. Wash, rinse and dry the product. Chalk can be used on light linen or cotton.

Moody wool tolerates gasoline processing well. What can be done:

• soak a greasy stain with gasoline;

• leave for five minutes;

• lay from below and from above with folded tracing paper or dry kitchen towels;

• iron the stain on both sides with a heated iron;

• if necessary, change the paper and repeat the procedure again.

The "gasoline method" will save and cashmere coat. The method of processing the product is the same.

By the way, shampoo for oily hair works fine on the delicate fibers of chiffon, silk, and wool. To wash oily stains at home or, for example, in a hotel, a bottle of such a tool will help very well.

How to remove oily stains at home: old stains

Fighting old spots is difficult, but possible. How to remove oily stains at home, if they are planted for a long time?

1. Using salt. It is necessary to make a saturated saline solution, pouring a basin of hot water into a half-glass of coarse salt. Soak the product with an old stain for an hour and a half, and then wash it in the machine.

2. Using pure gasoline. The stain should be soaked with a substance, left for several minutes to dissolve the fat, and then thoroughly washed. Wash separately from other things.

3. Dissolving an old speck of fat will help mixture of turpentine and ammoniataken in equal amounts. The composition is applied to the spot for two or three hours. Normal washing (also separate from other things) completes the process.

4. Using glycerin. You can buy this tool at the pharmacy. Apply a small amount of glycerin for half an hour to the contaminated fat area. After the set time, rinse the mixture with water using a swab and wash the product in the usual way.

5. Using potato starch. If dry powder is used on a fresh stain, then a hot composition should be prepared for old starch stains. Dilute a small amount of powder with hot water until gruel forms, rub it with a stain and leave for ten minutes. To clean dried starch, to wash the product. If traces of fat remain, the procedure can be repeated.

6. Using soda and washing powder. If you mix them in equal proportions, dilute them a little with water and apply to pollution, you get a pretty effective remedy for old spots of fat. You need to keep the composition for about fifteen minutes, then wash the whole thing. Dishwashing detergent can replace detergent.

7. Using vinegar. Combining it with water in equal amounts, soak a piece of contaminated tissue for fifteen minutes, and then wash.

There is a lot of information on how to remove oily stains at home. Experienced housewives use several methods, focusing on the presence in the house of a particular remedy, the "age" of the stain and the type of fabric.


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