Gestosis during pregnancy


Gestosis during pregnancy: what is it

Gestosis during pregnancy is usually detected at 25-28 weeks, sometimes a little earlier. The exact causes of its occurrence are not fully defined, there are several theories of its occurrence. With gestosis, the placenta begins to produce special substances that lead to the formation of micropores in the blood vessels of the pregnant woman. Through these pores, protein enters the soft tissue from the blood and fluid seeps, leading to edema. In the beginning, edema can be hidden, because first of all, organs inside the body swell, including the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. The appearance of edema can be suspected by the excess weight that a pregnant woman gained. Although for some time she can feel quite healthy: not feel discomfort, nausea, dizziness, although changes in the body have already begun to occur.

Micropores affect all the blood vessels of the pregnant woman, including those that are in the kidneys, so you can find protein in the urine. The more such holes, the more fluid and protein is lost, and gestosis during pregnancy takes a more severe form. This ailment is found only in pregnant women. We can say that gestosis without pregnancy does not exist. All symptoms disappear a few days after birth. This disease, to varying degrees of severity, occurs in about thirty percent of pregnant women. Do not take it lightly, because she is one of the first places among the causes of mortality in pregnant women.

In severe cases, gestosis during pregnancy is accompanied by convulsions, the so-called convulsive attack, which can cause the death of both a woman and an unborn child. During an attack, a stroke, heart attack, pulmonary edema, brain edema, retinal detachment, placenta, and liver or kidney failure may develop. Sometimes, an approaching convulsive attack (scientifically called eclampsia) may be indicated by certain precursor symptoms (preeclampsia): vomiting, headache, drowsiness, flickering of points in front of the eyes. Although not necessary, an attack can begin without them.

Gestosis during pregnancy: how to recognize it

Since this disease is quite insidious, it is necessary to recognize it as soon as possible. What signs and symptoms may indicate that gestosis has begun to develop during pregnancy? There are several characteristic changes that indicate that the body began to malfunction. A pregnant woman should be alerted that she:

- late toxicosis appeared: nausea, dizziness, vomiting. Moreover, vomiting disturbs not only in the mornings, but also in the afternoon, and is accompanied by profuse salivation;
- protein was found in the urine. Therefore, pregnant women often do a general urine test to notice this or that ailment as early as possible;
- swelling appeared. Swollen hands, feet, ankles, calves. With edema, the intake of salt and liquid is limited to one and a half, or even a liter per day (given the liquid and drinking water, and tea, and first courses, and juicy fruits);
- there is a sharp weight gain. The optimal weight gain in the third trimester should be 300-400g, maximum - 500g. During pregnancy, a woman should add no more than 10-12kg;
- increased blood pressure. Because fluid constantly leaks from the blood vessels, the blood coagulates and it becomes scarce. To move it through the vessels, the body has to increase pressure.

All the symptoms do not have to be present to understand that gestosis has begun during pregnancy, sometimes two or three are enough. If the pregnant woman has significantly gained weight, and there is no external edema, the doctor may recommend her to do an ICE test (Maklura-Aldricha) to make sure that there are no internal edema. This procedure is simple: a special solution is injected under the skin. At the injection site, a small swelling-nodule is formed. If it resolves in 35 minutes or faster, then there are latent edema in the body.

Gestosis during pregnancy: who is at risk

Especially you need to be attentive to your health in order to avoid gestosis during pregnancy for women who:

- crossed the age threshold of 35 years;
- expect a baby for the first time, i.e. primiparous;
- pregnant with twins or triplets;
- are carriers of sexually transmitted infections: ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis;
- have chronic diseases: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, vegetovascular dystonia, pyelonephritis.

If the doctor confirms gestosis during pregnancy, you should not refuse hospitalization in a hospital. Firstly, the woman will be under control, and, in emergency situations, she will always be provided with an ambulance on the spot. Secondly, a pregnant woman will be prescribed treatment that should ease her condition and bring her health back to normal. Namely, certain drugs are introduced (mainly droppers are made), which make up for the loss of protein, fluid in the blood vessels, and also remove excess fluid from the tissues. In severe gestosis, if, after three days of therapy, the treatment was ineffective, a cesarean section is performed to save the mother and child.

Gestosis during pregnancy: how to resist it

From the first months of pregnancy, you need to monitor nutrition and your weight. In order not to gain extra pounds, do not lean on sweets, pastries, flour. It should be remembered that the unborn child needs a protein, which is necessary for the formation of new organic cells. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that enough is received with food. Protein products such as cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat (beef, veal, chicken), fish should be present in the diet daily. You should not get carried away with pickles and herring, but fruits and vegetables should be eaten more. If a woman has a tendency to swelling, you can drink kidney teas, cranberry juice, decoctions of wild rose, bearberry, lingonberry leaves.

The doctor can additionally prescribe chimes, Magne B6, lipoic acid, vitamin E, which contribute to the prevention of gestosis. Drugs should only be taken with the approval of your doctor. An effective prevention of such an ailment as gestosis during pregnancy is moderate physical activity and an active lifestyle. If possible, you can visit the pool, yoga, Pilates, or take daily half-hour walks.


The article is full of useful information. I want to believe that they will not be useful and my long-awaited pregnancy will bring only positive emotions without worries.

Metelewa 03/28/2016
On Monday, I go to the maternity hospital in the pathology department. I had pre-gestosis. I’m very afraid. But under supervision, it’s definitely calmer. I believe, hope, pray ...

Vesna 03/28/2016
I had edema in the later stages. My doctor prescribed me the entire list of drugs indicated in the article. She said it was strictly necessary to drink. I had a wonderful baby! Follow the doctor's instructions!

Alenka 03/28/2016
If early toxicosis is the norm, then late, as a rule, signals problems. My girlfriend was put into a hospital due to toxicosis at the 7th month. Now under supervision.

Lika 03/28/2016
I did not know what gestosis was and did not even hear about it. Accidentally stumbled, and actually I'm at risk. I am already 38. I will be on the alert, although the term "old-born" is therefore alarming for all doctors.


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