Pickled champignons at home - delicious mushrooms! How to pickle champignons at home: fast, tasty


Pickled champignons are a delicious appetizer, and also a wonderful ingredient for salads, an excellent filling for pies, pizza, pancakes.

And, in general, with them you can cook a lot.

But first of all, you need to pickle the mushrooms themselves.

But what is the best way to cook a delicious snack?

Pickled champignons at home - general principles of preparation

Champignons can be pickled for the winter or quick ways. In any case, vinegar is used to preserve and improve palatability. Sometimes it is replaced with citric acid or juice.

Also put in the marinade:

• salt, sugar;

• pepper;

• garlic, onions;

• bay leaf;

• butter;

• greenery.

Marinade is not always cooked on water. Sometimes mushrooms are simply lubricated with a fragrant mixture based on oil, vinegar, spices and herbs. Also, some juice can be used instead of water, most often it is tomato.

Recipe 1: Pickled Mushrooms at Home "Delicious"

A wonderful recipe for pickled champignons at home. From this marinade and ingredients comes a two-liter jar of mushrooms that do not darken after cooking and stand wonderfully in the refrigerator for several weeks.


• kilogram of champignons;

• 1 bay leaf;

• peas of pepper;

• 100 grams of apple cider vinegar;

• water liter;

• 1 table each. spoon of sugar and the same amount of salt.


1. We put a pan on the fire, in which we put all the spices and water.

2. Rinse the champignons, leave the small mushrooms intact. If large specimens come across, they can be cut in half or in four.

3. As soon as the marinade begins to boil, start the mushrooms. If the champignons are not very clean and bright (this happens with wild mushrooms), then you can first boil them for 10 minutes in one water, and then toss in the marinade.

4. After boiling the mushrooms, reduce the heat and boil the mushrooms for half an hour.

5. Cool in the same marinade, then transfer to a jar. You can use several small ones. Top up with broth, close with plastic lids.

6. Put in the refrigerator for a day and you can try!

Recipe 2: Pickled Mushrooms at Home "Fast"

To prepare such pickled champignons at home it will take no more than 15 minutes. And they will be ready the next day. It can be done at night and in the morning the snack will be ready.


• a pound of small champignons;

• 10 peas of pepper;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 20 gr. vinegar 9%;

• 10 gr. Sahara;

• 2 clove stars;

• 1 onion head;

• 0.5 tea tablespoons of salt;

• 1/3 cup oil rast.


1. We chop the peeled cloves of garlic in circles, we throw to the bottom of the saucepan.

2. There, we lay the onion head cut in half rings and the remaining spices.

3. Add 150 ml of water and vinegar with oil. It is better to take vegetable oil with a smell.

4. Lay the mushrooms and put on the stove. Be sure to cover the saucepan. There is not much liquid, but champignons will release a sufficient amount and will be prepared practically in their own juice. But do not let him boil off.

5. After boiling, boil the mushrooms for exactly 7 minutes and turn them off.

6. After cooling, remove the saucepan overnight or for a day in the refrigerator (you can keep it longer).

Recipe 3: Pickled Mushrooms at Home with Onions and Carrots

The recipe for bright and beautiful pickled champignons, which are also easy to prepare. We take any greens: basil, parsley, dill, cilantro.


• 300 grams of water;

• 100 grams of carrots;

• 500 grams of champignons;

• garlic 4 cloves;

• 100 grams of onions;

• 1 bunch of prefabricated greens;

• 1 tsp with a mountain of salt;

• laurel leaf;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 2.5 table. tablespoons 9% vinegar;

• 4 tablespoons of oil grows.


1. Boil water with salt and sugar, remove from heat.

2. We throw washed and dried mushrooms into the marinade, cover and leave on the table.

3. Shred the straws, chop the carrots, chop the greens. Throw to the mushrooms and cover again.

4. Peel the garlic, cut into pieces, throw the UK mushrooms.

5. Throw the rest of the spices, oil and vinegar. Stir.

6. Leave to cool completely under the lid.

7. We lay out in jars, clean in a cool place for a day.

Recipe 4: Pickled Korean Home-made Mushrooms

The unmatched aroma of this pickled champignon appetizer simply explodes the brain. However, like all other Korean salads and pickles.


• a pound of mushrooms;

• one carrot, onion and pepper;

• garlic 2 cloves;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 3 peas of pepper;

• 0.5 tsp mixed Korean seasonings;

• 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%;

• 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp (incomplete) salts;

• 1/2 lemon.


1. Wash the mushrooms and boil for 10 minutes with the addition of peppercorns, you can throw a bay leaf. Drain into a colander, let the water drain.

2. In the meantime, prepare the vegetables. We clean everything and shred with straws, but do not mix together.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat, fry the onions for a minute, throw the carrots, then pepper, fry them all together.

4. Add salt, sugar, Korean seasonings and chopped garlic to the pan, warm up for a minute.

5. Add 200 ml of water, put vinegar, soy sauce and let the marinade boil.

6. We put the champignons in a container, we throw the lemon cut into circles, and fill in with hot vegetable marinade.

7. Cover and hold until completely cooled. Before sending the mushrooms to the table, it is advisable to cool.

Recipe 5: Pickled Mushrooms at Home in Korean No. 2

Another option of champignons in Korean. In this recipe there are fewer vegetables and the main emphasis is on mushrooms.


• half a kilogram of mushrooms;

• 600 ml of water;

• 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 15 grams of sesame;

• 1 hot pepper;

• garlic 4 cloves;

• ground pepper;

• 20 grams of soy sauce;

• parsley (small bunch);

• 1/2 tablespoon of salt;

• a leaf of laurel.


1. Boil the washed champignons for 15 minutes in prescription water with salt and a bay leaf.

2. Chop greens and peeled cloves of garlic, drop into a bowl.

3. There we also add chopped hot pepper, throw ground peppers, put soy sauce and vinegar. Mix.

4. Heat the oil well, fry sesame seeds. We send rosy seeds to the rest of the spices with herbs.

5. At this time, the mushrooms should already be cooked. We pour them into a colander, and while they are hot, immediately throw them into a bowl with aromatic ingredients. You can not wait for all droplets of broth from mushrooms to drain.

6. Cover the bowl and shake vigorously several times.

7. Cool and refrigerate for 3 hours, but better all night.

Recipe 6: Pickled Mushrooms at Home with Tomato

Tomato sauce is one of the most delicious additions for pickled champignons. Ideally, it is better to use fresh juice, but you can take canned or diluted pasta. The recipe is universal, you can roll up a mushroom for the winter, spread out in sterile jars.


• 0.5 kg of champignons;

• 1 spoon of 9% vinegar;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 300 grams of tomato juice;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 4 peas of pepper;

• 0.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 20 grams of oil.


1. We washed the mushrooms in water for exactly 10 minutes. You do not need to salt and add spices. Drain the broth.

2. Pour tomato juice into a saucepan, put salt, add butter and vinegar with sugar. We throw peppercorns. Let the marinade boil.

3. Lay the mushrooms, boil for 3 minutes, throw the chopped garlic and turn it off. We insist under the lid until it cools down and the snack can be sent to the table!

4. If you need to roll mushrooms in jars, then with garlic they need to be boiled for 3 minutes, then put in sterile containers and tightly closed.

Recipe 7: Simple Pickled Mushrooms at Home for the Winter

A feature of this recipe for champignons for the winter is the lack of a large number of spices and all kinds of vegetables. These mushrooms can be opened and used for salads, pies, add tomato, onion and all kinds of seasonings to them, prepare various snacks based on them, including Korean ones.


• 1.5 kg of mushrooms;

• 250 grams of oil;

• 3 leaves of laurel;

• 1 tablespoon of salt;

• 150 grams of apple cider vinegar;

• 10 peas of pepper;

• 4 cloves of garlic.


1. Boil the champignons for 15 minutes and drain this water.

2. Pour a liter of clean water into the pan, put salt, peeled garlic cloves, which can not be cut, throw peppercorns and bring to a boil.

3. Pour the oil with vinegar, put the boiled mushrooms earlier and boil for 7 minutes.

4. Pour into sterile jars and twist the lids. Cool under a fur coat in an inverted form. Store in the basement.

Recipe 8: Pickled Mushrooms at Home with Citric Acid

Champignon recipe for those who do not like vinegar or have contraindications to its use. But the sweet pepper gives a special taste to the appetizer. The recipe is quick, mushrooms will be ready in a day.


• 0.6 kg of champignons;

• 2 grams of citric acid;

• 5 sprigs of parsley;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 sweet peppers.


1. Boil the mushrooms in boiling water for exactly 10 minutes, drain the water.

2. Shred the pepper with straws, the color of the pods does not matter.

3. Fry pepper in hot oil.

4. In 40 grams of water we dilute citric acid, you can use a mushroom broth. Put salt, chopped garlic, sugar and herbs. Mix intensively.

5. Combine the aromatic mixture with roasted pepper, and then with mushrooms.

6. Mix and place in a container, ram.

7. Cover and clean in a cool place. You can take a sample after 3 hours, but it’s tastier after a daily pickling.

Pickled champignons at home - useful tips and tricks

• Champignons are consumed even raw. Therefore, do not worry if you suddenly turned off the gas or electricity and the mushrooms did not have enough time. They will reach the marinade.

• Fragrant spices, herbs and garlic should be placed in the marinade only after boiling and removing the foam.

• It is advisable to boil the salt and sugar in the marinade after laying, as they often contain impurities that can shorten the shelf life of the workpiece.

• Field mushrooms are not as clean as greenhouses. And it is advisable for them to arrange preliminary boiling in clean water, which will save sand in the gills.

• Champignon hats are easier to digest than legs. Since they have much less fiber. And if there are problems with digestion, then the legs are best excluded.

• If the snack is prepared for long-term storage, it is important to strictly observe the amount of vinegar, as it acts as the main preservative. And especially pay attention to the cleanliness of dishes, ingredients, sterility of cans.


Watch the video: Pickled Mushrooms (June 2024).