George Clooney - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


The most recognizable man in the world, a successful actor, screenwriter, director and producer George Clooney Born May 6, 1961 in an Irish Catholic family. His father - Nick Clooney was a television journalist and worked as a TV presenter, and his mother - Nina was a housewife (in the past she wore the title of Queen of Beauty). George is the youngest son in the family, he has an older sister Adeline.

From early childhood, George was surrounded by stellar personalities, since he spent a lot of time with his father on television, in addition, his favorite aunt is the famous jazz singer Rosemary Clooney. At the age of 5, he began to take part in television shows. George Clooney grew up a sociable and a bit jaunty boy, but study was easy for him. When Clooney went to high school, he had a disaster, he showed a genetic disease that passed from his father - Bell's paralysis, as a result of which part of his face was paralyzed in George.

This was the worst time for Clooney, because, in addition to a terrible disease, he had to endure the bullying of his peers, who christened George - "Frankenstein." Because of this, Clooney's parents decided to move to another city - Augusta. After a year, Clooney's health was restored and he fully continued his studies, and also quite seriously took up basketball and baseball.

In 1997, George began to try himself in professional baseball, but did not qualify for the Cincinnati Reds team. Then Clooney thought about a legal career. He studied at two universities: Nortucky and Cincinnati, but not one of them graduated. George Clooney abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a lawyer and decided to pursue an acting career. His success as an actor of his senior cousin Miguel Ferrer pushed him to a greater extent.

Clooney's parents were quite categorically inclined to have their son become an actor, but George was not convinced, as a result of which his relationship with his parents deteriorated, who refused to support him, both morally and financially. To go to conquer Hollywood, George Clooney first had to work in three jobs, and when the necessary amount for the trip was collected, he went to Los Angeles.

George Clooney - the beginning of a stellar career

Despite all the ambitiousness, talent and attractiveness of the young Clooney, numerous attempts to pass the test turned out to be nothing for him. To a greater extent this was the reason for his exhausting part-time jobs in the port at night, after which he came to the castings exhausted. And in order to somehow interrupt, he took on any small roles. Once he managed to dream in the title role with Charlie Sheen, but the film never came out.

But George Clooney is fortunate in life and his career took off in an instant. In 1994, Clooney was approved for the role of Dr. Doug Ross in the series Ambulance. This series became the most popular in the United States, and for the brilliant game of the risky and temperamental handsome doctor George Clooney was nominated for America's highest television awards. It was after this work that Clooney was talked about as the best young actor. In the series "Ambulance" George Clooney starred for 5 years.

George Clooney - gaining popularity

A real breakthrough to the starry peak of George Clooney was the work in the movie hit "From Dusk Till Dawn." Famous director Robert Rodriguez “hit 10” when he took on the lead role of the unprincipled, but very charming villain of the young actor George Clooney. The brilliant game of the already rising star Clooney raised him to the pinnacle of popularity, he immediately fascinated the youth of the 90s and became the most recognizable Hollywood star.

After such a resounding success, Clooney did not go to auditions anymore, but chose scripts from a heap of offers that covered his star personality. George Clooney showed himself as a multi-faceted actor perfectly coping with any characteristic role. All his subsequent films relate to successful work in the cinema and brought Clooney recognition of the audience and many significant awards.

George Clooney was among the most handsome men in the world and his fees have always been above $ 10 million.

George Clooney - The Most Important Roles

During his successful acting career, George Clooney starred in more than 50 films and all of his work was successful. Among the most significant works of George Clooney are such paintings as - "Ambulance" (1994-2000)
- “From Dusk Till Dawn” (1996)
- “One Beautiful Day” (1996)
- The Peacemaker (1997)
- “Out of sight” (1998)
- “Thin Red Line” (1998)
- “Three Kings” (1999)
- The Explosion (2000)
- “Children of Spies” (2001-2003)
- “Eleven Friends of Ocean” (2001-2007)
- “Solaris” (2002)
- “Love is out of the rules” (2008)
- “Peerless Mr. Fox” (2009)
- “American” (2010)
- “Descendants” (2011)
- “Gravity” (2012).

George Clooney - personal life

The "sex symbol" of America, a chic brunette actor with an expressive look, actor George Clooney from his first appearance on the big screen won the love of viewers around the world and especially the female. Due to the great stardom of Clooney, he was always chased by the paparazzi. The personal life of George Clooney is a constant holiday, he is known as a lover of noisy parties, stormy drinking parties, and, of course, Clooney is the owner of one of the largest collection of novels with the most beautiful women. Among his passions were: Michelle Pfeiffer, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Kelly Preston (the actor’s greatest love), Celine Belitran and many others.

George Clooney was married to actress Talia Balsam, but their marriage lasted only three years and in 1992 they divorced. The actor has two daughters: Martina and Joyce. After a not very successful marriage, Clooney gave the vow to take the "dignity" of a life-long bachelor. Today, rumors of his novels are constantly popping up, although he is in a relationship with the magnificent Italian beauty Vijay of the Italian channel - Elizabeth Canalis.

George Clooney is a close friend of the star family of Brad Peet and Jolie, but does not understand their addiction to large families. On Clooney, the famous Hollywood divas made a bet on $ 15 thousand for the fact that he would marry before 40 years, but lost and concluded the second, where he indicated 50 years of marriage, but again lost. But who knows, there may still be a woman in the world who will force the heart of George Clooney to abandon his vow - the eternal bachelor.

George Clooney - Interesting Facts

  • George Clooney had a pet - Max Hog, who weighed 126 kg. Clooney loved to take him to all parties, but the actor’s favorite died at the age of 18 in 2006.
  • For more than 10 years, George Clooney has been the face of the Omega watch brand.
  • Clooney's hobby is collecting exclusive motorcycles. It is also interesting that George Clooney vowed to remain a bachelor, not because he did not want to limit his freedom, but because he believed that by virtue of his character he could not become a good husband and a good father.
  • In addition to acting, George Clooney is a fairly successful producer and director.
  • By nature, Clooney is fun and joker, and even in order to have fun with friends more often, he acquired a luxurious 8-bedroom villa.

George Clooney - Today

Today, the most popular actor in the world, George Clooney, is preparing to direct a large-budget film project based on the story of the return of the artistic values ​​that were stolen by the Nazis during the Second World War. Also, although sat, but still incredibly attractive, Clooney remains the same smoothie.


Gala 08/26/2016
How many education classes does the author (or the devotee) have in this article. I am ashamed of many grammatical errors


Watch the video: The Real Reason Why George Clooney Got Married To Amal. OSSA (July 2024).