Compiled a rating of the most hated stars of Hollywood


The tabloid Star decided to find out the opinion of its readers about Hollywood celebrities. The survey allowed the editorial staff of the magazine to make a rating of the most hated stars. The first place went to 40-year-old Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow. It turned out that the cute Oscar-winning star irritates Americans with its "correctness."

Second place in the twenty unloved celebrities went to the star of the "vampire saga" Kristen Stewart. The Americans did not forgive the girl an affair with the director Rupert Sanders. Quite unexpectedly, Jennifer Lopez was in third position in the anti-rating. It turned out that the burning beauty, in the opinion of the Americans, was too concerned about her appearance and ostentatious pride. In fourth place, the pretty singer John Mayer settled down, who is known for his boorish attitude towards the journalist fraternity, which the public does not like.

Too frank confessions played a cruel joke with Katherine Heigl. It was thanks to them that the actress got into the fifth position of anti-rating. Sixth place readers Star gave journalist Matt Lauer. Behind him comes the pop diva Madonna. The American public considered that the 54-year-old singer wasn’t young enough, in her years she should behave more restrained and modest. Young talent Justin Bieber already tired of all his boorish antics, for which he was in eighth place. The ninth line is absolutely “mediocre”, as the respondents said, actress Anne Hathaway. And the rating of hated celebrities is completed by Kim Kardashian - the star of a reality show that too often flashes in the media.


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