Original earrings with your own hands. Detailed instructions with photos of how to make beautiful earrings with your own hands


Popular wisdom says that a real woman can make a salad, a scandal and a hat from practically nothing.

And we will try to make original earrings from improvised materials with our own hands.

Many housewives will find at home wire, beads and beads, scraps of ribbon or braid, multi-colored threads of floss

It remains to purchase shvenza at any needlework store and get to work.

How to make do-it-yourself earrings using the ganutel technique

The ganutel technique owes its origin to the monks of the Order of Malta. To this day, in some monasteries of the Mediterranean, it is customary to decorate the altar with elegant flowers woven from the finest wire spirals using beads, pearls, silk threads. And in Russian there is the word “gimp”. It has several meanings that are close in meaning to the “ganutel” technique: copper winding on the strings of musical instruments, metal thread for embroidery and troublesome business.

We will need two wire spirals 4-5 cm long or about 50 cm thin wire. You can buy bead wire in the shop for needlewomen, especially since it can be multi-colored. For the base you will need a thick wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm, a length of about 20 cm. To decorate the product, we pick up small beads, beads, pendants, multi-colored threads - everything your imagination tells you. For biting the long ends of the wire, it is better to use a special tool - wire cutters, and for twisting the ends - pliers.

- If there is no ready-made spiral, then we will make it ourselves from the wire. To do this, tightly wrap the coils, for example, on a spoke with a diameter of 3-4 mm. The length of the spiral depends on the desired size of the earring.

- Carefully remove the spiral and stretch it slightly. The length of the workpiece should increase by about three times. We insert a thick wire into the spiral and form the basis for the earring. It can be an oval, square, triangle, heart or just a circle. All ends of the wire, both thick and thin, are tightly twisted into one spiral.

- Having fixed the tip in the upper part of the workpiece, we begin to wind the thread on it. This can be done horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The main thing is that the thread should go into each turn of the spiral. When wrapping, you can string beads, bugles, beads on a thread.

- Thoroughly fix the ends of the thread, cut the thick wire with wire cutters and wrap it thinly in a spiral. We select a large bead in color or, conversely, in contrast. We make a loop of thin wire and attach it to the schwenz. Our handmade ganutel earrings are ready. You can be sure that no one else has such exclusive jewelry.

What else can you make exclusive earrings with your own hands?

Do you have wire, beads and satin ribbon or bright braid? So you have new original earrings. To make earrings from the remnants of a satin ribbon, we need the ribbon itself, scissors, wire, beads and beads, nippers and pliers.

- Cut a small piece of wire about 10 cm long. The cut must be made oblique to make it easier to pierce the fabric.

- We burn the edges of the tape or braid with a candle or lighter so that they do not fray in the future. Gently string the satin ribbon onto the wire, making stitches no more than 2 mm. In this case, the decoration will look neat and elegant.

- On both sides of the ribbon we place beads or beads. They can be in the tone of the tape, contrasting or alternating, large or small. It all depends on your imagination.

- Having collected the required number of beads, carefully twist the wire using pliers. We get such a blank.

- Hide the twist inside a large bead, make a loop from the wire and fix the product on the fastener.

What if you don’t even have beads? Then we will use threads, narrow ribbons, braid, strips of leather and thin wire. Of the tools we need scissors, wire cutters and pliers. Threads and wire can be selected in the same color or different, and then the product will be bright and colorful.

- Cut the threads into equal lengths of 10 cm. In the center we make several turns with wire. The turns should lie down neatly, tightly and tightly. Using pliers, twist the ends of the wire, bite off the excess with nippers and hide the twist inside the product. Then we attach a ring made of the same wire or take the finished one.

- Fold the threads in half at the place of winding wire. And again, we make 5-6 turns with a wire around the bundle of threads. The turns should go down tightly and tightly. Gently twist the ends of the wire with pliers and hide the earrings inside, if necessary, trim the ends of the threads with scissors. If you still find a couple of identical beads, then under them you can hide the twisting of the upper ring. Our DIY handmade earrings are ready.

If desired, beads and beads can be placed on the ends of the threads or simply tied with knots.

Whatever source materials you use, whatever methods and methods you use, you can always be sure that hand-made earrings are an exclusive and unique decoration. They emphasize your personality and complement your wardrobe. DIY accessories are always fashionable and relevant.


Watch the video: How to Construct Rectangular Earrings with Rice Paper Beads (July 2024).