Can I breastfeed ice cream? How to make a treat: homemade wholesome ice cream recipes for a nursing woman


Pregnant women during the gestation of a child allow themselves much to eat.

One of the most popular “pregnant” foods is ice cream.

But how to refuse this treat for breastfeeding? And is it worth giving up at all?

Is it possible for nursing ice cream: when to start and how to enter the diet?

Like any other product, ice cream should be included very carefully in the diet of a nursing mother. It is better to start doing this no earlier than a month after birth. The first month it is advisable to adhere to a strict diet.

For the first time it is better to start trying milk or cream ice cream. In extreme cases - ice cream. You should not immediately throw on a whole briquette, at first a very small amount will be enough. Next, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby. Colic occurs after a few hours. In the case of allergies, this time increases to three days. This means that during this time it is better not to eat new products (especially ice cream), so as not to confuse the cause of the reaction.

Can nursing ice cream with additives? You do not need to start adding ice cream to the diet, for example, with berries or chocolate. In the event of an allergy, it will not be clear what it is: chocolate or milk protein?

Can lactating ice cream: what are its disadvantages?

The main danger to the baby is the composition of the ice cream. It’s not a secret to anyone that to improve taste, as well as for longer storage, various substances are added to it.

In addition to the protein, which is found in ice cream and often causes intestinal upsets or an allergic reaction, thickeners, preservatives and stabilizers can negatively affect a child. All this not only worsens the condition of the child at the moment, but can serve as an impetus for the development of more serious diseases.

In order to understand whether it is possible to breastfeed ice cream, it is enough to know that for its preparation at the manufacturing plants, animal fat is often replaced with synthetic vegetable fat. How could this threaten? Such fat tends to be deposited in the body and subsequently give impetus to the development of diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis or oncology. And since all the substances entering the mother’s body with breast milk are also transmitted to the baby, ice cream becomes dangerous not only for mom, but also for her child.

Another undesirable property of delicacies for a nursing mother is an increase in the fat content of milk. Its composition and nutritional value for each woman is individual. It may happen that after eating ice cream, the fat content of milk will increase significantly. This will lead to a child’s digestive upset, loose stools with undigested protein and colic.

Is it possible for nursing ice cream and how to cook a treat at home

Do not think that the composition of ice cream tabs all the time breastfeeding. Can I breastfeed ice cream? Yes! But only natural, without chemical impurities and additives. Where to get it? Cook yourself!

Homemade ice cream will not only cheer up mom, but also saturate the baby with vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and healthy fats.

To prepare this delicacy, you can now buy a special device - an ice cream maker. She herself will do everything for you. However, it is quite possible to do without it. In this case, the resulting mass is placed in a container in the freezer for 12 hours. But every 3 hours you need to get the mixture and mix well.

Goat Milk Ice Cream

Goat milk is much healthier than cow milk. Previously, when there were no all kinds of mixtures, and my mother lost milk, the children were fed goat food. There is no allergic reaction to it.

You will need:

● 1 liter of goat milk;

● 3 egg yolks;

● 150 g of sugar;

● 1.5 tbsp wheat flour.


Separated from proteins, the yolks are ground with sugar.

Then the flour is gradually added to the mixture and everything is well mixed.

The homogeneous mass is diluted with a small amount of goat milk.

The rest of the milk is heated, then the resulting mass is added to it.

All this is cooked until it begins to thicken.

It is very important to constantly stir the mixture and make sure that it does not “run away”.

You need to cook on the lowest heat.

After thickening, the mixture is removed from the heat and left to cool completely.

After that, it is placed in the ice cream maker. The rest is her job.

Banana ice cream

Banana is a hypoallergenic product. This is one of the first exotic fruits that you can try for a nursing mother. And ice cream with it turns out to be very tasty and fragrant.

You will need:

● 375 g of milk;

● 375 g cream;

● 100 g of sugar;

● 3 ripe bananas.


Bananas are mashed with a blender to a homogeneous state of gruel.

All other ingredients are added to the mass in turn.

Everything is well stirred and sent to the quietest fire.

The mass is cooked until thickened, while it must be constantly stirred.

It is also important to ensure that the mass does not boil.

After the banana mass begins to thicken, it is removed from the fire.

After cooling, they are sent to the freezer for 3 hours.


The familiar taste from childhood is easy to repeat at home.

You will need:

● 1 chicken egg;

● 40 g of powdered sugar;

● 250 ml of milk;

● 0.5 tsp vanillin.


Vanillin is mixed with powdered sugar.

The egg is beaten into a thick foam with a blender, while powdered sugar is gradually poured.

Then milk is poured and the mass is sent to a quiet fire.

It must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.

When the mass begins to become viscous, it is removed from the fire and poured into a container.

The cooled is sent to the freezer for 3 hours.

Every hour, you need to get the ice cream and mix it well, then leave it for another 7 hours.

If suddenly you tried ice cream and the baby had a reaction to it, do not be discouraged. The children's gastrointestinal tract matures literally every week. It is enough to tolerate a little and try the ice cream again in a week or two. Perhaps the reaction will be gone and you can safely enjoy your favorite treat.


Watch the video: 5 Breastfeeding Tips That Made Life Easier For Me (July 2024).