How to treat nail fungus on the legs


Fungal infection in the legs is a fairly common disease. It is easy enough to get infected, but the treatment is a difficult and long process. Therefore, the question arises: what medicine to choose?

The best effect is given by the complex treatment, which consists in the combination of medicinal preparations and treatment by folk remedies at home.

As soon as you notice a change in the color of the nail or feel an unpleasant smell of the feet, act without delay!

This is what a fungal disease looks like.

initial stage

The first symptoms of having a fungal disease:

  • The nail changes its natural color and luster, becomes dull-white or yellowish-brown.
  • Loses its shape and thickens, splits or breaks.
  • Horny nail mass appears under the plate.
  • The inflamed hole.
  • There is an unpleasant smell.

The initial stage of the disease begins, as a rule, with one thumb. If a problem is detected in time, it may be an inexpensive and uncomplicated treatment. When running stage should consult a specialist.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment

To date, there are several ways to treat fungal disease in the legs:

  • Laser
  • Medications
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Iodine

The fastest and most effective way of treatment - by laser. Just a couple of days you will forget about such a problem as a fungus.Pharmaceutical drugs - a long way to recovery, but also effective. Folk remedies such as hydrogen peroxideThe most benign and costly way to cure a fungus. This medicine has proven itself as an excellent antibacterial and prophylactic agent that has no contraindications.

Use peroxide for the treatment of fungus should be the following way: steam your feet in soda solution (for 1 liter of water, 1 tsp. Of soda). When your legs are steaming, take a cotton pad and cut a piece of it. Soak it with peroxide and apply to the nail, hold for 40-60 minutes. For the best effect during the day, drip a few drops of liquid into the nail cavity (2-3 times).

Nail fungus on the hands can also be treated using traditional methods, for example, to make lotions from peroxide. Hold for 10-15 minutes. To prevent the peroxide from evaporating quickly, wrap the affected fingers in plastic or wear a fingertip.

Alternative compresses can be baths. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of 3% peroxide in a liter of warm water and hold hands in it for 20-30 minutes, several times a day. The result will not be long in coming, after 3-4 days you will see an improvement.

Running form of nail fungus (home treatment)

Fungal diseases spread very quickly and if the treatment is not started on time, it becomes neglected, which is much more difficult to treat. Running fungus appears in several cases:

  • Ineffective effects of drugs.
  • Yeast-like fungi, which do not appear for a long time and subsequently lead to serious diseases.

The effect of treatment will be only after complex treatment. It is very important to undergo a medical course on recovery.

What to do if the nail is embedded in the finger?

Another symptom that says you have a fungus is an ingrown nail. The disease is very painful, although it all starts with mild discomfort. The reason may be the wrong manicure and poorly processed tools, a genetic problem, wearing narrow shoes, burrs. All this can lead to complications if you do not react in time and do not cure the disease in its early stages.

You can cope with fungal diseases on your own, for example, treatment of an ingrown toenail at home is possible in several ways: saline baths, soapy water, applying ice, careful treatment of the manicure set before use.

Salt baths done as follows: 2-3 tablespoons of salt diluted in hot water. Soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Salt will soften the skin and reduce inflammation. After such a bath you can use the ice packHold it on your finger until it is numb, then cut off and repeat the manipulations with ice. At the end, place a swab with a solution on the affected finger, such as peroxide. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Inexpensive but effective drugs (reviews)

Low prices for pills, drops or ointments do not characterize their quality. For example, read the reviews of people who have already used inexpensive drugs and were quite pleased.

Antifungal agent Terbinafin-Teva - inexpensive means of fungus.

“... A good combination of“ price-quality ”helps, but it negatively affects the liver, but this applies to all drugs of similar effect. Bottom line: the third month is coming to an end. The nail has grown almost half healthy, pink. But it is necessary to drink and drugs from the liver, otherwise the problems will begin with it ... "

Lamisil Cream 1% - an antifungal drug with a broad spectrum of antifungal activity.

"... I easily brought them a fungus on my legs (the soles and between the fingers - there was horror), which tormented me for 20 years. Good luck ..."

Terbinafin -Antifungal drug for local use, with a wide range of antifungal activity.

“... There is a good Nogtivit remedy, it removes nails painlessly, and then I smeared with terbifin, this ointment is cheaper than lamisil, the same in composition, and also drank Exifin tablets. And the fungus was about 20 years ... "

Fucaceptol - combined preparation for topical use. It has antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

"... A friend advised a great remedy Fukaseptol) The fungus went pretty quickly)) I advise everyone ..."

Treatment of toenail fungus folk remedies

Fungal diseases and their treatment is always an unpleasant and often painful process. In the early stages of the disease, this ailment can be treated independently with folk remedies, which, as it turned out, are many.

Here are the most effective recipes for how to get rid of the fungus:

  • Every day, treat the affected finger with a 20% alcohol solution of propolis.
  • Prepare the onion gruel and apply to the affected area.
  • Lubricate the painful nail with celandine juice several times a day.
  • 5% solution of iodine drip on the sore nail.


Watch the video: Fungus Amongus! Rolo Triple Nail Chop & Pull Fun! (June 2024).