How long can an adult and a child sit at a computer? How to reduce harm when you are sitting at a computer?


The life of a modern person is hard to imagine without a computer.

This is entertainment, and a means of communication, and business, and work.

It is somehow strange to see a threat in such familiar equipment, but there is one.

How much you can sit at a computer depends on age, the nature of work and knowledge of the basics of maintaining health.

How long can I sit at a computer and why is it dangerous?

If older people became friends with computers, what can we say about youth and adolescents? It is unlikely that they can imagine their existence without monitors, tablets and the virtual world. Moreover, if some people work with computers, then others spend free time in virtuality, playing or talking for hours. Both are at risk.

First of all, electromagnetic radiation is dangerous, which can cause chronic fatigue, headaches, increased nervousness, and a decrease in the body's immune defense. A constantly irradiated person is at risk for cancer. The radiation operates in a rather large radius of one and a half meters from the monitor, so that harm is done to the user himself and to people around him.

Of course, manufacturers are seriously engaged in protecting screens to reduce the radiation power from the monitor. But what to do with other parts of the monitor, as well as the system unit? All of them are also sources of radiation.

Do not rely on the safety of laptops: they emit, and how! Moreover, the laptops are closest to the human body, which clearly does not lower the degree of danger.

Radiation affects children more than adults. The bones of the skull are thinner, and the medulla has more conductivity. Hence the harm that a computer (or rather, radiation) is capable of causing at the stage of embryonic development, from miscarriage to fetal pathology. How long can a pregnant woman sit at a computer? Is there any need to explain ...

The increased eye strain is the second serious problem with computers. Yes, there is no obvious harmful flicker that the first monitors sinned today, and the eye strain is akin to that of a regular TV. But an uncontrolled time stay behind the monitor is fraught with overstrain of the optic nerve, decreased vision, the development of myopia - myopia.

A computer is especially dangerous for children who already have a decrease in vision. It is the eyes that suffer in the first place, if a person does not observe the elementary mode of operation with the monitor.

The question of how much you can sit at a computer is directly related to the development of varicose veins, scoliosis and osteochondrosis. If an adult or child is sitting in front of the monitor for hours, blood circulation in the pelvic organs will be impaired. The habit of snacking without leaving your workplace or playing field leads to obesity, which is potentially dangerous in terms of developing problems with the heart, blood vessels, and hormonal system.

If a child begins to curvature the spinal column, it is impossible to cope with the problem on his own. Scoliosis must be treated comprehensively: daily gymnastics, massage, constant monitoring of posture, swimming.

Do not neglect such an important moment as the development of computer addiction, similar to alcohol and drugs. It can also appear in an adult, but most often children suffer. Closure, lack of interests and friends in the real world, sociopathy, a shaky nervous system - such is the reckoning for the time spent at the monitor. In adults, against the background of complete immersion in the virtual world, insomnia often develops, which interferes with proper work and rest.

How long can I sit at a computer: instructions for adults and children

It is easy to understand that the question asks how much you can sit at a computer, and the answer suggests itself: the less, the better. However, there are specific medical recommendations according to which you should plan your work and leisure.

Adult users should be guided by the following rules:

• work behind the monitor for no more than two hours in a row;

• do visual gymnastics every half hour;

• after two hours of operation, be sure to interrupt at least twenty minutes. To break means to get up, walk, do exercises to disperse blood in the legs and pelvic region;

• only a day for an adult can spend at the computer no more than six hours. Exceeding this norm is fraught with serious health problems.

Standards behind children’s monitor are even stricter. How much you can sit at a computer depends primarily on the age of the child. Until he was five years old, you can not let him go over the monitor. In the future, you should adhere to the following recommendations of ophthalmologists:

• Children of preschool and primary school age up to ten years can spend at the computer no more than half an hour a day, while one session should not exceed ten minutes;

• Children from ten to 14 years old can work for about an hour, making a mandatory break every twenty minutes;

• From 15 years old to adulthood, the total time can be increased by another half hour per day.

If the computer clearly has a detrimental effect on the health of the child, you need to exclude it from the life of the student.

How much can you sit at a computer and how to reduce harm

Adults often ignore the recommendation about active rest from working at the computer, but in vain. Just distracting from the monitor is not enough: to minimize harm to your health, you just need to walk, ideally take a short walk on foot in the fresh air.

Visual gymnastics also a very important component of maintaining health. What can be done:

• close your eyes and sit like this for a few minutes;

• make rotational movements with eyeballs in different directions, then up and down;

• looking out the window, look first at the point in it, and then, without changing the position of the head, look further beyond the glass at an object in the long run. Work with focus close-far several times.

How much you can sit at a computer also depends on how well the workplace is organized. It is necessary to adjust the height of the chair and table, the position of the monitor, be sure to ensure good, even lighting, and the source should not be next to the monitor. Every two hours you need to ventilate the room. By observing all these rules, you can really reduce the harm from working with computer equipment.


Watch the video: 9 Tips for a Healthy Ergonomic Workstation - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).